Programs CPLA Does:

Transforming Waste into Empowerment (TWIE)

We are the first Chinese student group that aims to reduce educational resource waste in China by recycling printed education materials and equipments from Chinese urban schools. We willdonate all the recycled materials to under-resourced schools in rural areas in China, to promote the idea of sustainability among both urban students and rural students. We believe every student in China deserves a chance to learn, and therefore we hope to empower students by granting more resources for their school work. Currently, under-resourced schools in rural area can only access 10% or less of the resources available to schools in urban China.

This year we will start in Hunan Province. Firstly, we will make a list of urban schools and under-resourced schools, and then have an urban school “adopt” one under-resourced school as a “sponsor”. As sponsors, these urban schools will recycle their printed education materials as well as equipments at the end of each school year, and then donate these materials to their “adopted” schools. For each urban school, we will hire 2 volunteers as school facilitators (a student and a teacher) and 1 college student as our liaison to increase our accountability. TWIE will provide necessary training, or funding if needed to maintain this annual recycling event for each school selected and be on site for delivery and evaluation.

International Leadership Summit (ILS) with UO Holden Leadership Center and Universities in China.

This summit aims to bring American college students and Chinese college students together for cross-cultural experiences, leadership enrichment and international humanitarian services. UO HLC recently started their 1st ever project site in India to provide UO students with more scopes on international leadership practices and we would like to make China the next available site for UO students to visit.

At ILS, UO students will mingle with Chinese college students and Chinese development professionals to work together on same philanthropic projects with international collaboration. Each student will get to take up roles ranging from counseling, teaching, training, planning to execution. More details about ILS will be updated as more conversations continue to unfold with HLC and universities in China.


俄勒冈大学中国青年慈善领袖会(CPLA-UO)是由美国俄勒冈大学的两名中国学 生创立的俄勒冈大学第一个关注公益慈善领导力培训的学生团体。其宗 旨是通过不同的公益项目,为对中国公益慈善事业发展有兴趣的同学提供实践机会,来培养他们成为中国未来的青年慈善领袖。CPLA-UO相信,公益慈善的合 一以及服务性教育能够培育更尖端的青年领袖,富强国家。

CPLA-UO通过学生申请、选拔,将对公益慈善感兴趣的俄勒冈大学的中国和美国大学生聚集在一起,将在美国学到 的丰富的公益知识和经验,结合中国 目前的国情,在中国发展以可持续发展和教育为主题的公益慈善项目。CPLA-UO希望通过中国和美国大学生的努力,帮助中国发现和解决一些不被大多数人重 视的社会问题,将可持续发展和教育资源平等化在中国城市和农村推广。

由于CPLA-UO将可持续发展和教育相结合的理念非常新颖,被由美国前总统克林顿开办的克林顿全球倡议会 (Clinton Global Initiative University) 的邀请,今年4月,CPLA-UO领导小组的4名学生以及2名成员都会参加了在美国加州大学圣迪亚哥分校举办的全球会议。会议期间,CPLA的项目受到了 来自其他大学的老师和学生的赞扬,也为CPLA的发展提供了宝贵的意见。克林顿总统也与领导小组的成员交谈,给予了鼓励与支持。

CPLA-UO是俄勒冈大学的第一个中国学生的慈善领袖会,因此得到了俄勒冈大学国际事务办公室的大力支持。其中 管理国际事务的副校长丹尼斯·西门 先生对此也非常的感兴趣。此外,CPLA-UO还得到了中国驻旧金山领事馆的教育参赞,邵巍先生的大力支持,并且给予各种不同的建议。

CPLA-UO的慈善理念不仅得到学校和领事馆的支持,也在中国和美国学生当中产生了很大的反响。CPLA-UO 在短短的一个多月里已有将近30名 志愿者,筹集到将近300美金的捐款。不仅如此,CPLA-UO还得到了俄勒冈大学中国学生学者会、中华学生会、香港学生会、以及国际贸易与经济社团的鼎 力相助。


TWIE的宗旨是将中国城市学校里每年浪费的书回收起来,然后捐给缺乏资源的乡村学校来减少资源浪费以及促进城乡 教育资源平等化。今年,TWIE定 点在湖南省,CPLA-UO的成员将会在湖南长沙的城市小学举行捐书活动,小学生讲有过的课本、辅导书、课外读物以及学习用品捐出来,再由CPLA-UO 联络当地媒体,与城市小学生一同前往山区小学,将筹集的书本和学习用品捐亲手交到山区学生手上。另外,CPLA-UO的成员也从多家湖南的出版社筹到一些 教辅书籍和课外读物,会一并送到山区学校。

ILS项目的宗旨是为中国和美国大学生提供一个广阔的平台,让他们跨文化交流,在国际人道主义领域进行学习和实 践,培养他们一同发现、研究和解决中 美社会中一些不被很多人重视的社会问题,例如:中国农村教育的发展,以及农业的可持续性发展等。今年ILS项目会举行一次试验活动,明年将会举行正式的交 流会,到时将会和俄勒冈大学霍顿领导中心以及湖南师范大学合作,将中国和美国学生带到中国农村,帮助农村教育的发展,以及为农村农业的可持续性发展提供可 行性建议。