About us 关于我们
Chinese Philanthropic Leadership Association—UO (CPLA—UO)
Vision: CPLA believes that everyone can make their home country a better place by becoming better leaders of philanthropy, humanity and service learning.
Mission: As the 1st ever student group that focuses on philanthropic leadership, CPLA helps students who are interested in developing work in China to become future serving leaders by getting them started in real philanthropic projects.
远景: UO中国青年慈善领袖会相信公益慈善,合一以及服务性教育能够培育更尖端的青年领袖,富强国家。
宗旨: 作为在俄勒冈大学第一个关注公益慈善领导力培训的学生团体,CPLA会创立不同的公益项目,并且通过引荐对中国公益慈善事业发展有兴趣的同学到对口的公益项目进行实践来培养他们成为中国未来的青年慈善领袖。
Programs CPLA Does:
Transforming Waste into Empowerment (TWIE)
We are the first Chinese student group that aims to reduce educational resource waste in China by recycling printed education materials and equipments from Chinese urban schools. We willdonate all the recycled materials to under-resourced schools in rural areas in China, to promote the idea of sustainability among both urban students and rural students. We believe every student in China deserves a chance to learn, and therefore we hope to empower students by granting more resources for their school work. Currently, under-resourced schools in rural area can only access 10% or less of the resources available to schools in urban China.