Journal 日志
Welcome to read our recently and have done events.
CPLA in the local newspaper - Emerland. 登上UO的校园报纸Emerland。
The CPLA June Newsletter is here. 六月时事通讯出炉。
CPLA attended IBEC Etiquette Dinner. 成员们参加了由IBEC举办的Etiquette Dinner。
CPLA held Flea Market on campus. CPLA在UO校园里举行了跳蚤市场。
Hunan Normal University will be the host for CPLA's ILS program in China.
Thank for sponsors and supporters! 感谢所有的赞助商及支持者们!
ILS - International Leadership Syndicate 国际学生领袖交流会。
CPLA Duck Store Tabling Was a Success.
CPLA Executive Electioin 2011. 2011年进行新任工作人员的选举。