CPLA Executive Electioin 2011. 2011年进行新任工作人员的选举。
CPLA Executive Election 2011 was taking place during the weekly meeting on May 07 ! There were total 7 candidates and 5 positions. This is the final result of the election:
President: Isabell (20 votes)
VP (Promotion): Charlie (20 votes)
VP (Membership): Cindy
Director of Fundraising: Oscar (no candidate got 2/3 of total valid votes, so the decision was made by the current executives)
Webmaster: Yi Yang (22 votes)
We also created a new position. Neyney will be the events coordinator for fundraising group.
CPLA Executive Election 2011 started!!!
Charlie Campbell!!!
Cindy Cao!!!
Oscar Huang!!!
Xingwei Fu!!!
Neyney Shi!!!
Yi Yang!!!
Isabell Zhu!!!
Congratulations!!! Go CPLA!!! lol