CPLA Showcase!
Oct. 20th, CPLA hosted our 1st annual showcase. Our Faculty Advisors, Professor Ron Severson from the Business School, and Professor Kathie Carpenter from the International Studies Department joined us at the event. The Dean of Student Affairs, Mr. Paul Shang sent his representitive to the event, and had a few conversations with CPLA members. Also, former President of University of Oregon, Dave Frohnmayer, Ms Kathy Poole from the Study Abroad Program, and Mr. Magid Shirzadegan from the International Students & Scholars Services sent their messages to us. Even though they were not able to come last night, but they sent their best wishes to CPLA. At the event, the president of CSSA, CSA and other student groups came and showed their support for CPLA. The event was very successful. Our VP of Membership Menagement, Cindy Cao gave an opening remark, followed by a sumarry of TWIE project (Transforming Waste into Empowerment), given by Dian Du, the Co-founder of CPLA. The current President, another Co-founder, Isabell Zhu talked about the growth of CPLA, and Shirley Lian from ILS Planning group introduced the ILS (International Leadership Syndicate) project. Finally Fundraising Officer, Oscar Huang summarized fundraising events we hosted last year, and annouced upcoming fundraising events. We also played some of the videos made by our PR team, including TWIE video, Supporting videos, as well as the video made by Mr. Dave Frohnmayer. The event was ended at 7pm, and we have received nothing, but much possitive feedback from our professors and guests. Thank you all for coming last night, and please continue supporting us by providing your sugestions and comments to us! Best, Chinese Philanthropic Leadership Association University of Oregon