ILS - International Leadership Syndicate
International Leadership Syndicate (ILS) is multiday, community-centered, service and volunteer trips that take place during traditional Chinese schools summer break—July to August. ILS participants travel to different rural villages and communities in China to engage in active and meaningful services. Students have the opportunity to gain new perspectives on a wide range of social issues while meeting the needs of the local area and learning about the building upon community assets.
In collaboration with the Holden Leadership Center of the University of Oregon, fifteen Americans will be sent to China to work with fifteen Chinese university students. These two groups of people will work across language barriers and different cultural backgrounds to formulate plans to reduce poverty in rural China.
History & Information on Holden Leadership Center UO:
The Ambassador Glen and Gloria Holden Leadership Center (HLC) was established in May 2005. Originally titled the Leadership Resource Office, it was created in response to the growing need for organized leadership development at the University of Oregon. It represents the culmination of several years of dialogue and planning by various members of the University community.
The Holden Leadership Center strives to be an exemplar provider of leadership education and developmental experiences. We do this by empowering individuals to question critically, think logically, communicate clearly, act creatively, and live ethically while becoming active and engaged citizens of the world. (taken from
Also, we are glad to say that John W. Duncan Jr. Director of Holden Leadership Center will be joining us in China this year but the group of fifteen to twenty students will only be sent to China the following year.