d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

Boolean Operations: Eiffel Tower exercise

April 29, 1997

  1. Special menu > Import or DXF IN (pick Eiffel.dxf)

  2. Settings menu > UCS > Presets > Left (Absolute to WCS)

  3. ROTATE 2D
    Basepoint: (pick endpt of leg)
    <Rotation angle>/Reference: -90

  4. Model menu > Solidify (then pick both polylines)

  5. Model menu > Subtract (pick outside, then hole)

  6. Settings menu > UCS > Named > World > Current > ok (This gets you around a bug in using the Presets)

  7. Settings menu > UCS > Presets > Front (Abolute to WCS)

  8. Model menu > Extrude > Height: 1000

  9. Settings > UCS > Named > World > Current > ok

  10. COPY object from (0,0) to (0,0)

  11. ROTATE one copy 90 degrees

  12. REDRAW (Should look like eiffelmid.dwg)

  13. Model menu > Intersect (piok both objects)

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