d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

2D Views into a Virtual 3D World

April 29, 1997

- To understand how CAD systems allow us to view, generate and edit 3D objects.
- To be able to use AutoCAD¼s coordinate systems, viewing controls, geometric transformations
- To understand the differences between surface and solid modeling

0. Special Guest: William Seider of WBGS Architecture and Planning PC.

I. Multiple Views: TV cameras aimed at a model

2 ways: Paperspace/Modelspace MVIEWs for plotting vs. Tiled VPORTS on monitor
- Multiple 2d views clarify depth relationships.

II. Digital 2D views of 3D space: Shifting the point of view

A. Parallel projections: Axonometric and orthogonal views
- View menu > VPOINT > Presets
- Defining the viewing vector with VPOINT (x,y,z) which defines the tail of the viewing vector pointed at (0,0,0)

B. Perspective projection: Interactive viewing with DVIEW

- Manipulating Camera and Target
- Creating perspectives (converging rays) with a finite DVIEW / Distance

C. Use VIEW (Save/Restore) and PAN for alignment

III. Grids in space

Construction planes and co-ordinate systems (x,y and z axes) give order.
A. World Co-ordinate System (WCS) based at 0,0,0 with standard x,y, z

B. Defining User Co-ordinate Systems (UCS): invisible drawing surfaces, references for editing functions.

- Settings menu > UCS > Presets OR type DDUCSP (sometimes buggy: watch RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE)
- PLAN orients the view to the current UCS

IV. Activity I: Viewing

  1. Open "site-3d.dwg" in the AutoCad folder > Sample folder (should be in Paperspace).
  2. Change to View menu > Model space. Tap on each image to activate it, then try out VPOINT (View menu > Viewpoint > Presets) See if you can spin the model, then try moving down to eye level.
  3. Get out of the plot layout mode (VIew > Tilemode > On) and try creating your own screen layout
    (View menu > Layout > Tiled Viewports)
  4. Experiment with DVIEW / Camera and DVIEW / Distance to create an eye-level perspective:
    A. View menu > DVIEW / Ca
    Select objects: [window two sections of the house for orientation & hit Return]
    Angles correspond to Vpoint Presets diagram (try 3 degrees to get a realistic eyepoint, then spin the model to -120 degrees from the x axis)
    Hit Return to exit.

    B. Type DVIEW

    Select objects: p (this recalls the previous selection set), hit Return
    Type DI to change the viewing distance to 150'.

V. Activity 2: UCS's and modeling

From the Course Disks folder > 3D ORTHOHSE folder > Open ORTH-UCS.DWG.
Change the UCS's to insert the elevation blocks correctly.

Answer the following questions:

How can we generate 3D forms from 2D?
What are different primitive elements and different types of 3d Modelling

VI. Drawing and editing in 3D space

A. 3D Surface entities: Creating planar skins

1. Sweeping profiles through space
Extrusion (Tabulated surface or TABSURF)
Surface of revolution (REVSURF)

2. Defining a three-dimensional element with boundaries:
- 4 corners (3D Face or 3DFACE)
- More than 4 corners (PFACE)
- End edges (Ruled Surface or RULESURF)
- All edges (Edge defined patch or EDGESURF)

3. Selecting predefined surface 3D Objects

B. 3D Solids from Model menu

(AME code: 00104-011103-0014-v)
-have volume, mass & density
- can be used with Boolean operations (union, subtraction, intersection)

Method 1: Building up primitives (Quick and Dirty)

Method 2: Building from a Glass Plane model of 2D drawings (Very accurate)

A. Set-up:

B. Building the wire-frame model from glass-plane views

C. Tips for constructing the model:

VI. Exercise on Boolean Operations with Solids (Thursday)

VII. Reading: "Frames in Space"

Katz, Genevieve, AutoCAD for the Mac Visual Guide , Ch. 18 + p. 300-301

Chapter 9 from Mitchell, William J. and M. McCullough, Digital Design Media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.

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