d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

Introduction to FormZ Software

May 6, 1997

FormZ is a general purpose modeling and rendering software which excels in the creation of non-rectilinear forms. While developed by architects, it provides the fine tuned editing control necessary for non-architectural applications. Features include robust Boolean operations, automatic terrain model creation, form deformation & tweaking, and robust tweaking.

I. Approaching new software

A. Figure out what the different modules can do:

B. Find learning resources

C. Understand the components of the user interface

D. Simplify to the bare basics by stripping the interface temporarily:

Under the Options > Help > Modeling Tools, open the modeling tools pop-up window.Option + Double click to turn off rows of icons
TRY IT: At the same pop-up window:

II. Modeling Concepts

What you can do in a software is shaped by how the programmers crafted it. All CAD programs have graphic primitives that may be changed with editing transformations. The programs provides a way to see the elements via the viewing or navigational tools. The programs allow selection of what will be operated on through selection sets.

A. Viewing the modeling space

B. Creating Elements (basic shapes, objects or entities, aka graphic primitives)

modifier icons
1st row Modifiers determine what is created with shape or line tools.
TRY IT: Turn on the grid from the lower left "window tool palette".Draw a square five times with each of the 5 different aqua modifiers on.

If there is time:

C. Selecting Elements:

D. Transforming Elements

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edited May 6 by nywcheng