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  • Gavin, D.G., and L.B. Brubaker. 2015. Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environmental Change on the Olympic Peninsula. Ecological Studies Vol. 222. Springer. 144 p. [ISBN: 978-3-319-11013-4 (Print) 978-3-319-11014-1 (Online)]

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Baig, J., D.G. Gavin, I.R. Walker, and D. Porinchu. Accepted. Chironomid-inferred postglacial temperature reconstruction from Gold Lake, Oregon, USA. Quaternary Research.
  2. Saban, C., and D.G. Gavin. Accepted. Reconstruction of Holocene aridity, fire, and vegetation patterns using lake sediments from Dog Lake, Oregon. The Holocene.
  3. Gavin, D.G., W. Struble, and M. Fonstad. 2024. Holocene lake sediments reveal alluvial fan history with links to climate, wildfire, and earthquakes. JGR Earth Surface 129: e2024JF007778. doi:10.1029/2024JF007778
  4. Morey, A.E., M.D. Shapley, D.G. Gavin, A.R. Nelson, and C. Goldfinger. 2024. Sedimentary record of historic seismicity in a small, southern Oregon lake. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 24, 4523–4561.
  5. Oswald, W.W., L.E. Conkey, D.G. Gavin, C.L. Goodale, and J.O. Kaplan. 2024. Tree-ring analysis of red spruce timbers from the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, White Mountains, New Hampshire. Tree-Ring Research 80:32-41.
  6. McDonough, K.M. D.G. Gavin, R.L. Rosencrance, L.G. Davis, S.C. Kuehn, M.F. Smith, G. Snitker, C.V. Saban, and R. Szymanski. 2024. Multi-proxy paleoenvironmental data from Paulina Marsh inform human-environmental dynamics in the Northern Great Basin, U.S.A. Quaternary Science Advances 14:100184.
  7. Hendricks, L.B.†, G.Z. Anshari, and D.G. Gavin. 2024. Fire in the rainforest: A 3,200 year history of fire in a West Kalimantan, Indonesia tropical rainforests. Ecosphere 15:e4918.
  8. Ruwaimana, M.†, G.Z. Anshari, and D.G. Gavin. 2024. Interplay of climate, fires, floods, and anthropogenic impacts on the peat formation and carbon dynamic of coastal and inland tropical peatlands in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ecosystems 27:361-375.
  9. Gavin, D.G., P.J. Bartlein, and C.J. Mock. 2023. Historical archives reveal record rainfall and severe flooding in December 1867 resulting from an atmospheric river and snowmelt, Western Washington, USA. PLOS Climate 2(12): e0000324
  10. Saban, C., E.M. Herring, D.L. Jenkins, D.G Gavin. 2023. Late Glacial through Early Holocene environments inferred using pollen from coprolites and sediments recovered from Paisley Caves, Oregon. Quaternary Research in press. doi:10.1017/qua.2023.44
  11. Baig, J., and D.G. Gavin. 2023. Vegetation and fire history with high-resolution analysis of tephra impacts in the High Cascade Range, Oregon. Quaternary Science Reviews 303:107970.
  12. Silva, L.C.R., R.S. Corrêa, J.L. Wright, B. Bomfim, L.B. Hendricks, D.G. Gavin, A.W. Muniz, G.C. Martins, A.C.V. Motta, J.Z. Barbosa, V. de Freitas Melo, S.D. Young, M.R. Broadley, and R.V. Santos. 2022. Reply to: Evidence confirms an anthropic origin of Amazonian Dark Earths. Nature Communications 13:3446.
  13. Anshari, G.Z., E. Gusmayanti, E., M. Nuriman, M. Afifudin, M. Ruwaimana, L. Hendricks, and D.G. Gavin. 2021. Carbon loss from a deforested and drained tropical peatland over four years as assessed from peat stratigraphy. Catena 208:105719.
  14. Fernandez, M.C., F.S. Hu, D.G. Gavin, G. de Lafontaine, and K.D. Heath. 2021. A tale of two conifers: Migration across a dispersal barrier outpaced regional expansion from refugia. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2133-2143.
  15. Silva, L.C.R, R.S. Corrêa, J.L. Wright, B. Bomfim, L. Hendricks, D.G. Gavin, A.W. Muniz, G.C. Martins, A.C. Vargas Motta, J.Z. Barbosa, V. de Freitas Melo, S.D. Young, M.R. Broadley, R.V. Santos. 2021. A new hypothesis for the origin of Amazonian Dark Earths. Nature Communications 12, 127.
  16. Ruwaimana, M., G.Z. Anshari, L.C.R. Silva, and D.G. Gavin. 2020. The oldest extant tropical peatland in the world: a major carbon reservoir for at least 47,000 years. Environmental Research Letters. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abb853
  17. Streig, A.R., R.J. Weldon, G. Biasi, T.E. Dawson, D.G. Gavin, and T.P. Guilderson. 2020. New Insights into Paleoseismic Age Models on the Northern San Andreas Fault: Charcoal Inbuilt Ages and Updated Earthquake Correlations. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110:1077–1089.
  18. Ashworth, A.C., G.D. Thackray, and D.G. Gavin. 2020. The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum on the Olympic Peninsula based on insect paleoecology, palynology and glacial geology. in R.B. Waitt, G.D. Thackray, and A.R. Gillespie, editors. Untangling the Quaternary Period: A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter: Geological Society of America Special Paper 548. doi:10.1130/2020.2548(06)
  19. Gavin, D.G., A. White, P.T. Sanborn, and R.J. Hebda. 2020. Deglacial landforms and Holocene vegetation trajectories in the northern interior cedar-hemlock forests of British Columbia. in R.B. Waitt, G.D. Thackray, and A.R. Gillespie, editors. Untangling the Quaternary Period: A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter. Geological Society of America Special Paper 548. doi:10.1130/2020.2548(05)
  20. Johnson, G.M., J.J. Roering, D. Sutherland, and D.G. Gavin. 2019. Past estuarine dissolved oxygen records inferred from sedimentary trace metal and organic matter preservation in Coos Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 42:1211-1225.
  21. Schachtman, N.S., J.J. Roering, J.A. Marshall, D.G. Gavin, and D.E. Granger. 2019. The interplay between physical and chemical erosion over glacial-interglacial cycles. Geology 47:613-616.
  22. Buma, B., B.J. Harvey, D.G. Gavin, R. Kelly, T. Loboda, B.E. McNeil, J.R. Marlon, A.J.H. Meddens, J.L. Morris, K.F. Raffa, B. Shuman, E.A.H. Smithwick, and K.K. McLauchlan. 2019. The value of linking paleoecological and neoecological perspectives to understand spatially-explicit ecosystem resilience. Landscape Ecology 34:17-33.
  23. Colombaroli, D., D.G. Gavin, and A.E. Morey. 2018. Watershed erosion estimated from a high-resolution sediment core reveals a non-stationary frequency-magnitude relationship regulated by internal feedbacks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43: 2181-2192.
  24. Gavin, D.G., J.E. Kusler, and B.P. Finney. 2018. Millennial-scale decline in coho salmon abundance since the middle Holocene in a coastal Oregon watershed. Quaternary Research 89:432–445.
  25. Herring, E.M., D.G. Gavin, M. Fernandez, and F.S. Hu. 2018. Ecological history of a long-lived conifer in a disjunct population. Journal of Ecology 106: 319-332.
  26. Marshall, J. A., J.J. Roering, D.G. Gavin, and D.E. Granger. 2017. Late Quaternary climatic controls on erosion rates and geomorphic processes in western Oregon, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin: B31509.1.
  27. Dawson, M. N., J.C. Axmacher, C. Beierkuhnlein, J.L. Blois, B.A. Bradley, A.F. Cord, J. Dengler, K. S. He, L. R. Heaney, R. Jansson, M. D. Mahecha, C. Myers, D. Nogués-Bravo, A. Papadopoulou, B. Reu, F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, M. J. Steinbauer, A. Stigall, M.-N. Tuanmu, and D.G. Gavin. 2016. A second horizon scan of biogeography: Golden Ages, Midas touches, and the Red Queen. Frontiers of Biogeography 8.
  28. Schwörer, C., D.G. Gavin, I.R. Walker, and F.S. Hu. 2016. Holocene treeline changes in the Canadian Cordillera are controlled by climate and local topography. Journal of Biogeography 44:1148-1159.
  29. Hoffman, K.M., D.G. Gavin, and B.M. Starzomski. 2016. 700 years of human-driven and climate-influenced fire activity in a British Columbia coastal temperate rainforest. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160608.
  30. Schwörer, C., D.M. Fisher, D.G. Gavin, C.W. Temperli, P.J. Bartlein. 2016. Modeling postglacial vegetation dynamics of temperate maritime forests with special regard to snowpack. Climatic Change 137:379-394.
  31. Hoffman, K.M., D.G. Gavin, K.P. Lertzman, D.J. Smith and B.M. Starzomski. 2016. 13,000 years of fire history derived from soil charcoal in a British Columbia coastal temperate rainforest. Ecosphere 7(7):e01415.
  32. Retallack, G.J., D.G. Gavin, E.B. Davis, N.D. Sheldon, J.M. Erlandson, M.H. Reed, E.A. Bestland, J.J. Roering, R.J. Carson, and R.B. Mitchell. 2016. Oregon 2100: Projected Climatic and Ecological Changes. Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon: 26:1–21.
  33. Kranabetter, J. M., K. K. McLauchlan, S.K. Enders, J.M. Fraterrigo, P.E. Higuera, J.L. Morris, E.B. Rastetter, R. Barnes, B. Buma, D.G. Gavin, L.M. Gerhart, L. Gillson, P. Hietz, M.C. Mack, B. McNeil, and S. Perakis. 2016. A framework to assess biogeochemical response to ecosystem disturbance using nutrient partitioning ratios. Ecosystems 19:387-395.
  34. Marshall, J.A., Roering, J.J., Bartlein, P.J., Praskievicz, S., Gavin, D.G., Hales, T.C., and Granger, D.E. 2015. Seeing frost for the trees: Did climate increase erosion in unglaciated landscapes during the Late Pleistocene? Science Advances 1: e1500715.
  35. Gavin, D. G. 2015. Vegetation stability and the habitat associations of the endemic taxa of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. Frontiers of Biogeography 7: 38-51.
  36. Herring, E.M. and D.G. Gavin. 2015. Climate and vegetation since the last interglacial (MIS 5e) in a putative glacial refugium, northern Idaho, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 117:82-95.
  37. Dobrowski,S.Z., A. Swanson, A., J. Abatzoglou, Z. Holden, H. Safford, M. Schwartz, and D.G. Gavin. 2015. Forest structure and species traits mediate projected recruitment declines in western US tree species. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24:917-927.
  38. Walsh, M. K., J.R. Marlon, S.J. Goring, K.J. Brown, and D.G. Gavin. 2015. A regional perspective on Holocene fire–climate–human interactions in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105:1135-1157.
  39. Flower, A., D.G. Gavin, E.K. Heyerdahl, R.A. Parsons, and G.M. Cohn. 2014. Western spruce budworm outbreaks did not increase fire risk over the last three centuries: A dendrochronological analysis of inter-disturbance synergism. PLOS One, 9 (12), e114282.
  40. Gavin, D.G., M.C. Fitzpatrick, P.F. Gugger, K.D. Heath, F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, S.Z. Dobrowski, A. Hampe, F.S. Hu, M.B. Ashcroft, P.J. Bartlein, J.L. Blois, B. C. Carstens, E.B. Davis, G. de Lafontaine, M.E. Edwards, M. Fernandez, P.D. Henne, E.M. Herring, Z.A. Holden, W. Kong, J. Liu, D. Magri, N.J. Matzke, M.S. McGlone, F. Saltré, A.L. Stigall, Y.-H.E. Tsai, and J.W. Williams. 2014. Climate refugia: joint inference from fossil records, species distribution models and phylogeography. New Phytologist 204:37–54.
  41. Cohn, G.M., R.A. Parsons, E.K. Heyerdahl, D.G. Gavin, and A. Flower. 2014. Simulated western spruce budworm defoliation reduces torching and crowning potential: a sensitivity analysis using a physics-based fire model. International Journal of Wildland Fire 23:709–720.
  42. Flower, A., D.G. Gavin, E.K. Heyerdahl, R.A. Parsons, and G.M. Cohn. 2014. Drought-triggered western spruce budworm outbreaks in the interior Pacific Northwest: A multi-century dendrochronological record. Forest Ecology and Management 324:16-27.
  43. McLauchlan, K.K., P. E. Higuera, D.G. Gavin, S.S. Perakis, M.C. Mack, H. Alexander, J. Battles, F. Biondi, B. Buma, D. Colombaroli, S.K. Enders, D.R. Engstrom, F.S. Hu, J.R. Marlon, J. Marshall, M. McGlone, J.L. Morris, L.E. Nave, B. Shuman, E.A.H. Smithwick, D. H. Urrego, D. A. Wardle, C.J. Williams, and J.J. Williams. 2014. Reconstructing disturbances and their biogeochemical consequences over multiple timescales. BioScience 64:105–116.
  44. Morey, A.E., C. Goldfinger, C.E. Briles, D.G. Gavin, D. Colombaroli, D., and J.E. Kusler. 2013. Are great Cascadia earthquakes recorded in the sedimentary records from small forearc lakes? Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13: 2441-2463.
  45. Dawson, M.N., A.C. Algar, A. Antonelli, L.M. Davalos, E. Davis, R. Early, A. Guisan, R. Jansson, J.-P. Lessard, K.A. Marske, J.L. McGuire, A.L. Stigall, N.G. Swenson, N.E. Zimmermann, and D.G. Gavin. 2013. An horizon scan of biogeography. Frontiers of Biogeography 5:130-158.
  46. Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, and D.N. Greenwald. 2013. Postglacial climate and fire-mediated vegetation change on the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Ecological Monographs 83:471–489.
  47. Gavin, D.G., M. Anderson, and J.J. Roering. 2013. A potential late-Holocene disjunction of Sequoia sempervirens on the central Oregon coast. Northwest Science 87: 81–94.
  48. Power M.J., and 19 others. 2013. Climatic control of the biomass-burning decline in the Americas after AD 1500. The Holocene 23: 3–13.
  49. Daniau, A.-L. and 61 others. 2012. Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB4007, doi: 10.1029/2011GB004249.
  50. Oswald, W.W., D.G. Gavin, P.M. Anderson, L.B. Brubaker, and F.S. Hu. 2012. A 14,500-year record of landscape change from Okpilak Lake, northeastern Brooks Range, northern Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology. 48:101-113.
  51. Marlon, J.R., P.J. Bartlein, D.G. Gavin, C.J. Long, R.S. Anderson, C.E. Briles, K.J. Brown, D. Colombaroli, D.J. Hallett, M.J. Power, E.A. Scharf, and M.K. Walsh. 2012. Long-term perspective on wildfires in the western USA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109:E535–E543.
  52. Gavin, D.G., A.C.G. Henderson, K.S. Westover, S.C. Fritz, I.R. Walker, M. Leng and F.S.Hu. 2011. Abrupt Holocene climate change and potential response to solar forcing in western Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 30:1243-1255.
  53. Colombaroli, D. and D.G. Gavin. 2010. Highly episodic fire and erosion regime over the past 2000 years in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 18909-18914.
  54. Higuera, P.E., D.G. Gavin, P.J. Bartlein and D.J. Hallett. 2010. Peak detection in sediment-charcoal records: impacts of alternative analytical methods on fire-history interpretation. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19:996-1014.
  55. Gavin, D.G. 2009. The coastal-disjunct mesic flora in the inland Pacific Northwest of USA and Canada: refugia, dispersal, and disequilibrium. Diversity and Distributions 15:972-982.
  56. Gavin, D.G., F.S. Hu, I.R. Walker, and K.S. Westover. 2009. The northern inland temperate rainforest of British Columbia: Old forests with a young history? Northwest Science 83:70-78.
  57. Marlon, J.R., P.J. Bartlein, C. Carcaillet, D.G. Gavin, S.P. Harrison, P.E. Higuera, F. Joos, M.J. Power, and I.C. Prentice. 2008. Climate and human influences on global biomass burning over the past two millennia. Nature Geoscience 1:697-702.
  58. Gavin, D.G., B. Beckage, and B. Osborn. 2008. Forest dynamics and the growth decline of red spruce and sugar maple on Bolton Mountain, Vermont: a comparison of modeling methods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:2635-2649.
  59. Beckage B., B. Osborne, D.G. Gavin, C. Pucko, T. Siccama, and T. Perkins. 2008. A rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:4197-4202.
  60. Chase, M., C. Bleskie, I.R. Walker, D.G. Gavin, and F.S. Hu. 2008. Midge-inferred Holocene summer temperatures in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257: 244-259.
  61. Power, M. and 84 others. 2007. Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data. Climate Dynamics. DOI 10.1007/s00382-007-0334-x.
  62. Bigler, C., D.G. Gavin, C. Gunning, and T.T. Veblen. 2007. Drought induces lagged tree mortality in a subalpine forest in the Rocky Mountains. Oikos 116: 1983-1994.
  63. Gavin, D.G., D. Hallett, F.S. Hu, K. Lertzman, S.J. Prichard, K.J. Brown, J.A. Lynch, P. Bartlein, and D.L. Peterson. 2007. Forest fire and climate change: insights from sediment charcoal records. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 499-506.
  64. Higuera, P.E., M.E. Peters, L.B. Brubaker, and D.G. Gavin. 2007. Understanding the origin and analysis of sediment-charcoal records with a simulation model. Quaternary Science Reviews 26:1790-1809.
  65. Gavin, D.G., and F.S. Hu. 2006. Spatial variation of climatic and non-climatic controls on species distribution: the range limit of Tsuga heterophylla. Journal of Biogeography 33:1384-1396.
  66. Gavin, D.G., F.S. Hu, K. Lertzman, and P. Corbett. 2006. Weak climatic control of stand-scale fire history during the late Holocene. Ecology 87:1722-1732.
  67. Hu, F.S., L.B. Brubaker, D.G. Gavin, P.E. Higuera, J.A. Lynch, T.S. Rupp, and W. Tinner. 2006. How climate and vegetation influence the fire regime of the Alaskan boreal biome: the Holocene perspective. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11:829-846.
  68. Clegg, B.F., W. Tinner, D.G. Gavin, and F.S. Hu. 2005. Morphological differentiation of Betula (birch) pollen in northwest North America and its palaeoecological application. Holocene 15:229-237.
  69. Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, J.S. McLachlan, and W.W. Oswald. 2005. Correspondence of pollen assemblages with forest zones across steep environmental gradients, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. Holocene 15:648-662.
  70. Foit, F.F., D.G. Gavin, and F.S. Hu. 2004. The tephra stratigraphy of two lakes in south-central British Columbia, Canada and its implications for mid-late Holocene volcanic activity at Glacier Peak and Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41:1401-1410.
  71. Gavin, D.G. 2003. Forest soil disturbance intervals inferred from soil charcoal radiocarbon dates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:2514-2518.
  72. Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, and K.P. Lertzman. 2003. An 1800-year record of the spatial and temporal distribution of fire from the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:573-586.
  73. Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, and K.P. Lertzman. 2003. Holocene fire history of a coastal temperate rain forest based on soil charcoal radiocarbon dates. Ecology 84:186-201.
  74. Gavin, D.G., W.W. Oswald, E.R. Wahl, and J.W. Williams. 2003. A statistical approach to evaluating distance metrics and analog assignments for pollen records. Quaternary Research 60:356-367.
  75. Oswald, W.W., L.B. Brubaker, F.S. Hu, and D.G. Gavin. 2003. Pollen-vegetation calibration for tundra communities in the Arctic Foothills, northern Alaska. Journal of Ecology 91:1022-1033.
  76. Lertzman, K., D. Gavin, D. Hallett, L. Brubaker, D. Lepofsky, and R. Mathewes. 2002. Long-term fire regime estimated from soil charcoal in coastal temperate rainforests. Conservation Ecology 6(2): 5. [online]
  77. Gavin, D.G. 2001. Estimation of inbuilt age in radiocarbon ages of soil charcoal for fire history studies. Radiocarbon 43:27-44.
  78. Gavin, D.G., J.S. McLachlan, L.B. Brubaker, and K.A. Young. 2001. Postglacial history of subalpine forests, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. Holocene 11:177-188.
  79. Gavin, D.G., and L.B. Brubaker. 1999. A 6000 year soil pollen record of sub-alpine meadow vegetation in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, USA. Journal of Ecology 87:106-122.
  80. Gavin, D.G., and D.R. Peart. 1999. Vegetative life history of a dominant rain forest canopy tree. Biotropica 31:288-294.
  81. Gavin, D.G., and D.R. Peart. 1997. Spatial structure and regeneration of Tetramerista glabra in peat swamp rain forest in Indonesian Borneo. Plant Ecology 131:223-231.
  82. Gavin, D.G., D.R. Peart, and M. Leighton. 1996. Canopy gaps in peat swamp forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tropical Biodiversity 3:243-249.
  83. Gavin, D.G., and D.R. Peart. 1993. Effects of beech bark disease on the growth of American beech (Fagus grandifolia). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:1566-1575.

Articles in preparation or review

Non-Refereed Articles and Book Reviews

  1. Gavin, D.G., A. Flower, G.M. Cohn, R.A. Parsons, and E.K. Heyerdahl. 2017. Western Spruce Budworm and Wildfire: Is There a Connection? Fire Management Today 75:12-16.
  2. Gavin, D.G. and Hu, F.S. 2013. Paleobotany | Quaternary Pollen Records | Pollen Records, Postglacial | Northwestern North America. In Elias, S. editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
  3. Gavin, D.G., S.Z. Dobrowski, A. Hampe, F.S. Hu and F. Rodríguez-Sánchez. 2012. Climate Refugia: Joint Inference from Fossils, Genetics, and Models. PAGES News 20: 105.
  4. Hampe, A., F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, S. Dobrowski, F.S. Hu, and D.G. Gavin. 2012. Climate refugia: from the Last Glacial Maximum to the twenty-first century. New Phytologist 197:16-18.
  5. Gavin, D.G. 2012. Biogeography. In 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. Sage. Pp. 77-87.
  6. Gavin, D.G. 2011. Holocene book review: Climate Warming in Western North America: Evidence and Environmental Effects (ed Frederic H. Wagner) Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. The Holocene 21 (3), 513-514
  7. Mote, P.W., D. Gavin, and A. Huyer. 2010. Chapter 1 – Climate Change in Oregon’s Land and Marine Environments. in, Oregon Climate Assessment Report, K.D. Dello and P.W. Mote (eds). Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. [http://www.occri.net/ocar]
  8. Higuera, P.E., D.G. Gavin, P. Henne, and M.E. Peters. 2010. Recent advances in the analysis and interpretation of sediment-charcoal records. PAGES News 18:57-59.
  9. Gavin, D.G. 2010. Ecological complexity at the forest-grassland transition revealed by lake sediment records. Frontiers of Biogeography 2(1) [http://www.biogeography.org/html/fb/FBv2i1/FBv02i01p02_Gavin.pdf]