Note: |
Most sites have complete data and metadata archived on the Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Star Meadows (Idaho): Pollen, sediment composition. |
Reference |
Herring, E.M. and D.G. Gavin. 2015. Climate and vegetation since the last interglacial (MIS 5e) in a putative glacial refugium, northern Idaho, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 117: 82-95 |
Files |
SMI_data.xlsx Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Yahoo Lake (Washington): Pollen, macrofossils, and charcoal. |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker and D.N. Greenwald. 2013. Postglacial climate and fire mediated vegetation change on the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Ecological Monographs: 83:471–489. |
Files |
yahoo_lake_data.xlsx Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Eleanor Lake (British Columbia, Canada): Biogenic silica, pollen, diatoms, and other data. |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., A.C.G. Henderson, K.S. Westover, S.C. Fritz, I.R. Walker, M.J.
Leng and F.S. Hu. 2011. Abrupt Holocene climate change and potential response to solar forcing in western Canada. Quaternary
Science Reviews 30:1243-1255. |
Files |
Gavin_QSR_2011.xlsx Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Upper Squaw Lake (Oregon, USA): Paleoecological records [charcoal, pollen, 14C dates, magnetic
susceptibility, more] |
Reference |
Colombaroli, D. and D.G. Gavin. 2010. Highly episodic fire and erosion regime over the past 2000 years in the Siskiyou
Mountains, Oregon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. |
Files |
colombaroli_USL.xls Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Redmountain Lake and Gerry Lake (British Columbia, Canada): Paleoecological records [pollen,
macrofossils, LOI, 14C dates]. |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., F.S. Hu, I.R. Walker, and K.S.
Westover. 2009. The northern inland temperate rainforest of British Columbia: Old
forests with a young history? Northwest Science 83:70-78. |
Files |
Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Bolton Mountain (Vermont, USA): Tree-ring
measurements and metadata |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., B. Beckage, and B. Osborne. 2008.
dynamics and the growth decline of red spruce and sugar maple on Bolton
Mountain, Vermont: a comparison of modeling methods. Canadian Journal
of Forest Research 38: 2635-2649. |
Files |
Map of tree locations: bolton.png
List of tree locations and attributes: bolton_fieldnotes.xls
Core attributes: see hemlock worksheet for column descriptions: Bolton_core_attributes.xls
Raw ring-width measurements (Tucson decadal format): [hemlock, 360 m] [maple, 550 m] [maple, 725 m] [spruce, 725 m] [spruce, 900 m] [fir, 900 m] |
Title |
Cooley Lake and Rockslide Lake (British Columbia, Canada): Paleoecological records
[charcoal, pollen, 14C dates , bathymetry maps, minerology, macrofossils, tree ages] |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., F.S. Hu, K.P. Lertzman and P. Corbett. 2006. Weak climatic control of forest fire history during the late
Holocene. Ecology 87:1722-1732. [PDF] |
Files |
See also: Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Olympic Peninsula (Washington, USA): Modern pollen assemblages |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., L.B.
Brubaker, J.S. McLachlan, and W.W. Oswald 2005.
Correspondence of pollen assemblages with forest zones across steep
environmental gradients, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. The
Holocene 15:648-662. |
Files |
Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Moose Lake and
Martins Lake, Olympic Peninsula, (Washington, USA): Paleoecological
records [pollen, charcoal, macrofossils, 14C dates] |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., J.S. McLachlan, L.B. Brubaker and K.A.
Young. 2001. Postglacial history of subalpine forests, Olympic
Peninsula, WA, USA. The Holocene: 11:177-188. |
Files |
Martins.xls Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |
Title |
Valley (British Columbia, Canada): Fire history [soil charcoal
radiocarbon dates] |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, and K.P. Lertzman 2003.
Holocene fire history of a coastal temperate rain forest based on soil
charcoal radiocarbon dates. Ecology 84:186-201. |
Link | |
Title |
Lake (British Columbia, Canada): Paleoecological records
[charcoal, macrofossils] |
Reference |
Gavin, D.G., L.B. Brubaker, and K.P. Lertzman
2003. An
1800-year record of the spatial and temporal distribution of fire from
the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research 33:573-586.
Gavin, D.G. 2000. Holocene fire history of a coastal temperate
rainforest, Vancouver Island, Canada. PhD dissertation. University of
Washington, Seattle, WA. |
Files |
CQ_core_data.xls Archived on Neotoma Paleoecology Database |