

Case study photos: Context
Photos from Maitreya Ecovillage and the cob cottage

Cob Mixing & Use
Photos from the 7th Annual Permaculture Gathering in Eugene, Oregon

Cob Cottage Company photos
Historic and contemporary cob buildings

Cob Information

History of Cob
Essay by Michael Smith

From the Ground Up
Feature article in Mother Earth News about cob building

Cob Information and Resources

The Hand-Sculpted House
Book by Ianto Evans. Chelsea Green, 2002.

The Cob Builder's Handbook
Book by Becky Bee. Chelsea Green, 1997 (text online)

Case Studies

Case Studies
Environmental Control Systems I Fall 2003, University of Oregon

Case Study Hall of Fame
From several years of Environmental Control System courses at University of Oregon

Vital Signs Case Studies

Agents of Change

University of Oregon

Ecological Design Center

Energy Studies in Buildings Lab

Eugene & Oregon

Rob Bolman
Natural builder, founder of Maitreya Ecovillage

Cob Cottage Company
Cob construction workshops. Based in Cottage Grove near Eugene.

Eugene Permaculture Guild
Permaculture training and events

Northwest Ecobuilding Guild - Eugene Chapter
Events related to sustainable and natural building techniques

Training in cob techniques, primarily aimed at women. Based in Murphy, Oregon

home | abstract | intro | hypothesis | methods | data
analysis | conclusions | appendix | acknowledgments

Cob Comfort - a study of heat transfer through cob walls
Kathy Bevers | Per Kielland-Lund | Arch 591 Fall 2003 | GTF: Sara Goenner