Data Analysis

Our data that was gathered through the questionnaries and the clothing levels of those working in the office space of the EWEB building supports our the beginning of our hypothesis that states that it is warmer in the south side of the building than on the north side. But inorder to determine that is wasn't either a psychological reactant to the sight of the sun shinning into the workspace or failure in the heating and cooling systems in one part of the building we placed temperature gaging devices to test the raise in temperature in the window area compared to five feet away from the window. On the sunny monday when we starting collecting temperatures in infact shows that the temperature on the south side of the building was higher that the north side and that the temperature in the south side away from the window was relatively close to the temperatures of the north side. This shows that the window allowing for a great amount of sunlight is the cause of the increase of temperature. But on the next day when the sun was not out, and it was a rainy day the temperature differences between the window areas of the north and south side were almost exactly the same.

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