
In the EWEB building we will measure the temperature of the window and the temperature of the workspace, 5 feet away from the window where the computer is located, on both the North and South sides of the building. We will place signs on the Hobo’s to let occupants understand what they are calculating, and insuring them that they are not a bomb.
Measurements will be taken by Hobo devices that are rented out from Student Services. The measurements will be taken for a 24 hour period in increments of one minute from 12 pm on Monday the15th of November to 12 pm on Tuesday the 16th of November.

Other methods of obtaining data include questionnaires and taking clothing levels on Monday the 15th of November. We will hand out four questionnaires to both the North and South sides of the buildings in the same cubical area which we place our Hobo’s. The clothing levels wil
l be taken of five people on both the North and South sides of the building in the same cubical area which we place our Hobo’s and to insure accuracy they will be taken by one individual.


Please circle your answers

1)Which side of the building is your office located
North South East West

2) Does your office have a window
Yes No

3) How do you rate the glare of the sun (1 is no glare, 10 is too much glare to work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4) In your office, are you usually
cold cool semi-cool neutral semi-warm warm hot

5) During everyday activities do you consider yourself
always cold usually cool mostly neutral usually warm always hot

6) Do you find yourself wearing sweaters, jackets, or any kind of layering of
clothing to keep you warm :
in the winter
Yes No
in the summer
Yes No

7) Do you find yourself dressing very lightly, with the least amount of clothing
possible to keep cool :
in the winter
Yes No
in the summer
Yes No

8) Any other observations or comments which you think may help are greatly appreciated.

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