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Cadet training
Students prepare to become officers and leaders

House of Records
A local shop offers a tactile experience in a digital age

Making a business of love
Wendy Strgar works to change society's view of intimacy

Slow and steady wins this race
Developmental delays are no match for Tegan Wright

Celebrating Spielberg
The English Department showcases the director's work

A celebration of culture
The Elmira Pow-Wow honors veterans, elders and diversity

A fresh approach to cocktails
It's the ingredients at Bel Ami Lounge

From Quito to Eugene
A student's journey from the Universidad to the University

Death Saddle
Three students try a new sound in a new band

Behind the scenes
What goes on to make the show go on at the EMU

Baseball is back
The sport returns to the university after 28 years

Thompson's Mills
The oldest water-powered grain mill in the state

A chance to shine
Intramural basketball provides an equal opportunity

Lessons in teamwork
YMCA youth basketball molds future athletes

Making the right call
Students find that officiating isn't as easy as it looks

A soccer tradition
Local players get together to keep the game alive

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A Chance to Shine

Intramural basketball provides students with an equal opportunity

The original members of Off in the Woods, along with their new additions, play in their fourth year, which incidentally is their first undefeated season.


Three members of the Off in the Woods basketball team make the short walk from their house to Gerlinger Annex on the University of Oregon campus. The site plays host to the intramural basketball league at the university, and the gym is already filled with the smell of sweat and competition. As they walk in, a fourth member of their household joins them, having just finished classes for the day. Games are already in progress, and the four watch a game come to an end as they await their court assignment. Several teammates filter in before 7 p.m., and the friends mingle and discuss the coming game. Once the earlier games are over, the nine college students begin the process of checking in with the referees and getting their jerseys. They shoot around for a few minutes, gearing up for what they hope will be an evenly matched game.

The intramural sports system in place at the University of Oregon provides a rare opportunity for both athletic and non-athletic students. For the large percentage of students not participating in Division I athletics, there are few opportunities for team sports. However, the intramural system allows students of all athletic abilities, body types and ages to participate in team sports. With a large number of leagues, the system caters to less competitive teams as well as those filled with former high school players.

Most of the players for Off in the Woods have been playing together the last three years. In their fourth year, they finally are undefeated halfway through the intramural season. Wade Tucker, Brian Thompson, Brandon O'Rourke and Greg Sjostrand are roommates, and have been from the time they met in the dorms their freshman year. They have also been playing intramural basketball together since then. Through the years they have added teammates, and each year they have strengthened their bond. Tucker and Sjostrand played high school varsity basketball, and continue to take basketball classes at the university. Their two roommates, however, had little to no experience before joining the team three years ago. Tucker says, "It's fun that we can all play together as friends even though we're at very different skill levels."

The men take the court, hoping for a good game. Their undefeated streak has made them more excited, but every game threatens their record. As they get ready for tipoff, each member eyes his opponent. After a challenging 30 minutes, some men disperse to the water fountain and sidelines, while others stay on the court for a few minutes of extra practice. Thirty minutes later a whistle blows, signifying the third win for Off in the Woods. Although this is a major accomplishment for the team, the celebration doesn't last long, as the players gather their belongings and make way for the next set of games. All nine members walk out of the building together and say their goodbyes outside. Most move off in groups together, while others leave alone. No matter what their individual schedules bring, they will meet again in a week.