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Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print


by Funasaka Yoshisuke, 1987

Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

IHL Cat. #1166

About This Print

Eight of Funasaka's signature brightly colored vertical forms float over a golden grid.  The background ink is laced with mica.  The print's photo, above, was taken with a flash to highlight how the mica reflects light.

Print Details
 IHL Catalog #1166
 Title or Description 920
stamped on verso
 Funasaka Yoshisuke (b. 1939)
 Y. Funasaka in pencil
 Seal none
 Publication Date 1987
 Edition 87 of 100
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printer unknown, but possibly self-printed or printed by A. Sakayori who Funasaka started working with during the early 1970s
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - minor printing creases and soiling in the margins
 Genre sosaku hanga; contemporary
 H x W Paper 12 13/16 x 12 3/16 in. (32.5 x 31 cm) 
 H x W Image
 10 3/16 x 9 13/16 in. (25.9 x 24.9 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference LiteratureÂ