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Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print


by Funasaka Yoshisuke, 1990

Fujimori Shizuo (1891-1943)

IHL Cat. #986

About This Print

An appealing composition of Funasaka's that exemplifies the following commentary on the artist's work by Mary and Norman Tolman:

The appeal of his work lies not only in its crafted simplicity but also in its formal purity.  He manages to balance the shapes to carve out his own private space and to create tension with these elements.1

The prefix "M" used in the titles of many of Funasaka's works stands for 1,000, an indication that he has produced over one thousand works.2

1 Collecting Modern Japanese Prints, Then and Now, Mary and Norman Tolman, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1994, p. 83.
2 ibid, p. 85.

Print Details
 IHL Catalog #986
 Title or Description
 Funasaka Yoshisuke (b. 1939)
Y. Funasaka in pencil (lower right)
 Seal none
 Publication Date 1990
 Edition 31 of 40
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printer woodblock elements are self-printed; silkscreen by Y. Taira
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent
 Genre sosaku hanga; contemporary
 Miscellaneous "Y Funasaka" watermark is visible along left margin when print is held up to light.
 H x W Paper 25 x 18 in. (63.5 x 45.7 cm) 
 H x W Image
 25 x 18 in. (63.5 x 45.7 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference LiteratureÂ