About This Print
This print is one of twelve prints issued as part of the comic series known as Twelve States of Mind Resulting from Drinking (Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi) by Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915). The Scroll Transcribed in Romaji
Source: website of Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften der Universität Wien
“Are Kashichi-san anmari desu nē/ soko jāo-hanashi ga anata no mimi made/ todokimasen yo. Motto kochira e oide na/sai toittara yō. Kitsui o-mikagiri/ desu nē. Nan desu e. O-kan no o-atsu/i no ohitotsu desu to e. Honma ni kikoe/mashita. Hitotsu de mo futatsu de mo watashaana/ta no sono o-kan no o-atsui no ga tanto/ itadakitai n desu yo hohohohoho.Konna ni/ yotte shimatte dō shitara yokarō/ kannin shite kudasai yo. Tsui newatashi wa hitotsu/ itadaku to mō kuchi ga karukunatte kite koma/ru n desu.Sore wa sō to dōzo Kashichi-san/ mata hitotsu o-sakazuki o itadakashitekudasaima/shi. Are mā nikurashii. Haisen nan/ zo de yusui jā iya dēsuto/ ittara watasha anata no agatta sono o/choko o sono mama itadakitai no gayamai/ nan desu yo. Ara motto kochira e o/yonnasai to ittara sa. Soshite/ nanzo o-sakana o agatte kudasai na. Are/ mā o-suimono mo futari no en o musubi/sakari de sa ureshī n desu yo.” to hitohashi hogoshite tabesaseyō to suru/ tokihashira-dokei no oto/ chin chin chin chin.
Honrai-dōjinclick on image to enlarge
The Series Twelve States of Mind Resulting from Drinking (Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi)
One of Kiyochika's many series of comic prints that entered his oeuvre, starting with the Kiyochika ponchi (Kiyochika Punch) series in 1881. This series portrays the variety of emotions that drink can produce.
The title of this series Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi only appears on what may be the first two prints in the series published in May 1885 and has been assigned to the remainder of the ten similar prints in design and content. Seven of the prints were issued in May and July of 1885 and the remaining five prints were issued in 1888. It is unknown why the series stopped and resumed when it did.
Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi
Tsure komaraseru sakeguse
礫川喜望 [著]
Koishikawa Kibō [written by]
1885, 5th month [Meiji 18]
Tokyo Metropolitan Library
Universität Wien
11030-01 酒機嫌十二相之内
Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi
Warukuchi o itte hito ni hara tatasaseru sakeguse
礫川喜望 [著]
Koishikawa Kibō [written by]
清親 [筆]
Kiyochika [painted by]
1885, 5th month [Meiji 18]
Waseda University Library
文庫10 08349 0001
Universität Wien
11030-02 理屈を並へる酒癖
Rikutsu o naraberu sakeguse奔雷空人 [著]Honrai-dōjin [written by]1885, 5th month [Meiji 18]
Tokyo Metropolitan Library
Universität Wien
奔雷空人 [著]Honrai-dōjin [written by]清親 [筆]
Kiyochika [painted by]1885, 5th month [Meiji 18]IHL Cat #993
Universität Wien
Hito ni ataru sakekuse奔雷空人 [著]Honrai-dōjin [written by]真生清親 [筆]
Shinsei Kiyochika [painted by]1885, 7th month [Meiji 18]Universität Wien
hitorigoto o iu sakekuse奔雷空人 [著]Honrai-dōjin [written by]清親 [画]
Kiyochika [drawn by]
1885, 7th month [Meiji 18]
Waseda University Library
文庫10 08349 0002
Universität Wien
Kage de hara o tatsu sakeguse
清親 [画]
Koishikawa Kibō [written by]
1885, 7th month [Meiji 18]
Universität Wien
11030-07 竹葉舎金升 [著]
Chikubasha Kinshō [written by]清親 [画]Kiyochika [drawn by]
1888, 7th month, 28th day [Meiji 21]
Hitori de kidoru sakekuse
礫川喜望 [著]
Koishikawa Kibō [written by]
清親 [画]
Kiyochika [drawn by]
1888, 7th month, 28th day [Meiji 21]
Waseda University LibraryUniversität Wien 機嫌の宜なる酒癖
Kigen no yokunaru sakekuse
竹葉舎金升 [著]
Chikubasha Kinshō [written by]清親 [画]Kiyochika [drawn by]
1888, 8th month, 1st day
[Meiji 21]
Waseda University Library
文庫10 08349 0005
Universität Wien
Ki no nagakunaru sakeguse
鴬亭金升 [著]
Ōtei Kinshō [written by]清親 [画]Kiyochika [drawn by]
1888, 7th month, 28th day [Meiji 21]
Universität Wien
11030-11 鴬亭金升 [著
Ōtei Kinshō [written by]清親 [画]Kiyochika [drawn by]1888, 12th month, 25th day [Meiji 21]
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #993 |
Title or Description | Irokezuku sakekuse (色?氣付く酒癖) Note: "sakekuse" is also seen written as "sakeguse" |
Series | Twelve States of Mind Resulting from Drinking (also translated as Twelve Moods of the Drunkards and 12 States of Mind Resulting from Drinking) [酒機嫌十二相之内 Sake kigen jūnisō no uchi (サケ キゲン ジュウニソウ ノ ウチ)] |
Artist | Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915) |
Signature | ![]() |
Seal | Shinkaku (see image above) |
Publication Date | May 1885 (Meiji 17) |
Publisher | Ogawa Takei 小川多計 [Marks: pub. ref. 403; seal not shown] |
Carver | ![]() |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | fair - wrinkling; overall soiling; not backed; repairs from verso along top of print including filling in of paper loss top right corner |
Genre | ukiyo-e, giga |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | vertical ōban |
H x W Paper | 14 x 9 5/8 in. (35.6 x 24.4 cm) |
H x W Image | 13 3/8 x 8 5/8 in. (34 x 21.9 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften der Universität Wien 11030-04 |