About This Print
Theactor Ichikawa Sadanji (1842-1904) as the monk Raigō Ajari (1002-1084), grasping a sutra form which a string of rats emerge. Raigō's prayers have given Emperor Shirakawa (r. 1072-86) an heir. He asks in return for a raised platform, like the one in the temple of the yamabushi (warrior priests) who terrorized Kyoto, but it is denied. Raigō starves himself to death and his vengeful spirit (onryō, 怨霊) changes into a thousand rats which destroy the Emperor’s sacred library. This is followed by the death of the emperor's son.The Series Magic in the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac
This series of twelve prints depicts actors in roles associated with the twelve animal signs of the Zodiac. The Japanese Zodiac and calendar were introduced from China into Japan in the sixth century. Legend has it that the animals of the Zodiac (子 Rat, 丑 Ox, 寅 Tiger, 卯 Hare, 辰 Dragon, 巳 Snake, 午 Horse, 未 Goat, 申 Monkey, 酉 Rooster, 戌 Dog and 亥 Boar) were named by the Buddha as he lay dying.
The Lavenberg Collection contains five prints from the series: Sawamura Tosshō II as Tora Ōmaru; Ichikawa Sadanji as the monk Raigo Ajari; Bandō Hikosaburō as Unryū Kūrō; Onoe Kikugorō V as Mibu no Kozaru and Bandō Hikosaburō as Inugami Hyōbu. To see all twelve prints from the series go to Sawamura Tosshō II as Tora Ōmaru
While some sources attribute the images in the series to particular plays, my guess is that the scenes depicted are from the imagination of Kunichika, rather than from actual plays.
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #652 |
Title (Description) | Ichikawa Sadanji 市川 左団次 as Raigō Ajari 頼豪阿闍利 |
Series | Magic in the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac - Rat (奇術十二支之内 子 kijutsu jūnishi no uchi - nezumi) (as shown in main cartouche) |
Artist | Toyohara Kunichika (1835–1900) |
Signature | Toyohara Kunichika hitsu with toshidama seal |
Seal | toshidama seal |
Publication Date | date seal 明治十年二月一日 (February 1, 1877) |
Publisher | ![]() right rectangle: 画工荒川八十八 gakou (painter) Arakawa Yasohachi (Kunichika's mother's surname, Arakawa, and the artist's given name, Yasohachi, followed by the artist's address) |
Carver | ![]() |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | excellent |
Genre | ukiyo-e; yakusha-e; mitate |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | vertical oban |
H x W Paper | 14 x 9 1/2 in. (35.6 x 24.1 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | National Diet Library http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/9369988 |