About This Print
source: The Japan Times https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/07/26/national/data-shows-kyushu-river-pump-systems-overwhelmed-2018-torrential-rains/
KYUSHU Data shows Kyushu river pump systems were overwhelmed by 2018 torrential rains
NISHINIPPON SHIMBUN SHARE Jul 26, 2019A year aftertorrential rains hit western Japan, newly disclosed data by the FukuokaPrefectural Government showed that massive inland flooding of the sixtributaries flowing into the Chikugo River in the prefecture occurred becausethe amount of rain that fell is estimated to be about three to 10 times thecapacity of the pumping systems.
Experts pointto the difficulty of building infrastructure that can completely preventdisasters triggered by climate change, saying that the most effective way toprotect one’s life is to evacuate at an early stage.
On July 6 and 7last year, as the Chikugo River and its tributaries began to swellsimultaneously, the tributaries’ floodgates were closed to prevent water fromflowing back from the main stream. But the tributaries’ pumping systems failedto discharge the rainwater, resulting in the streams breaching their banks andflowing into farmlands and residential areas in the city of Kurume andsurrounding areas.

Source: Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints - The Early Years, Helen Merritt, University of Hawaii Press, 1998, p. 274-276.
Artist | Set # | Set Title | Date Issued |
Ishii Hakutei (1882-1958) | 1 | 北陸之部 Hokuriku District | Jan. 8, 1917 |
Morita Tsunetomo (1881-1933 | 2 | 会津之部 Aizu District | Feb. 11, 1917 |
Hirafuku Hyakusui (1877-1933) | 3 | 東北之部 Tohoku District | Aug. 20, 1917 |
Ishii Hakutei (1882-1958) | 4 | 下総之部 Shimōsa Distict | Oct. 1917 |
Morita Tsunetomo (1881-1933) | 5 | 天草之部 Amakusa District | Dec. 25, 1917 |
Sakamoto Hanjirō (1882-1969) | 6 | 筑紫之部 Tsukushi District | May 18, 1918 |
Kosugi Misei (1881-1964) | 7 | 琉球之部 Ryūkyū District | Nov. 13, 1918 |
Ishii Hakutei (1882-1958) | 8 | 朝鮮之部 Chōsen (Korea) | Dec. 16, 1918 |
Ishii Tsuruzō (1887-1973)* | 9 | 東京近郊之部 Tokyo Suburbs | Dec. 16, 1919 |
Ishii Tsuruzō (1887-1973) | 10 | 日本アルプス之部 Japan Alps | Apr. 15, 1920 |
click on image to enlarge
Source: National Diet Library Digital Collections
http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/967524table of contents
click on image to enlargeSource: National Diet Library Digital Collections
Title | Subtitle | |
![]() | 榎寺神社 えのきでらじんじゃ Enokidera jinja Enoki Temple Shrine | 都府樓方面より望む とふろうほうめんよりのぞむ Tofurō hōmen yori nozomu |
![]() | 神の湊 かみのみなと Kami no minatoKami Harbor | 玄海灘を遠望 げんかいなだをえんぼう |
![]() | 水縄山 みのうさん Minō sanMt. Minō | 小森野より望む こもりのよりのぞむKomorino yori nozomu |
![]() | 筑後川 ちくごがわ Chikugo gawaChikugo River | 久留米附近 くるめふきんKurume fukin Near Kurume |
![]() | 火の海 ひのうみ Hi no umiSea of Fire | 沖の端より望む おきのはたよりのぞむ |
筑紫之部 Tsukushi District Set Number Six from the series Japan Scenery Prints, 1918 As originally issued by Nakajima Jūtarō | 筑紫五景 Five Scens of Tsukushi As published in 1970 by Katō Junji (aka Kata Junzō) of Nihon Hanga Kenkyūsho (Kenkyūjo) (Katō Print Institute) |
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #2068 |
Title | ![]() Title as given in table of contents for 1918 first edition: 筑後川 ちくごがわ [Chikugogawa - Chikugo River] Subtitle as given in table of contents for 1918 first edition: 久留米附近 くるめふきん [Kurume fukin - near Kurume] |
Series | Japan Scenery Prints, Set 6: Tsukushi District (日本風景版画 第六集 筑紫之部 Nihon fūkei hanga, dai-roku shū Tsukushi no bu) Note: Overall series title is also seen translated as Landscape Prints of Japan. |
Artist | Sakamoto Hanjirō (1882-1969) |
Signature | unsigned |
Seal | ![]() |
Publication Date | May 18, 1918 |
Edition | first |
Publisher | Nakajima Jūtarō 中島 重太郎 of the Japan Scenery Prints Association 日本風景版画会 [Marks: pub. ref. 368] |
Carver | Igami Bonkotsu 伊上凡骨 (1877-1933) |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | excellent - printers marks lower left margin and bottom margin |
Genre | sosaku hanga (creative print) |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | chūban |
H x W Paper | 7 1/2 x 9 9/16 in. (19.1 x 24.3 cm) |
H x W Image | 6 5/8 x 9 3/8 in. (16.8 x 23.8 cm) |
Collections This Print | Artizon Museum 24326 - Chuo City, Tokyo (image not shown); Cultural Heritage Database 178218 (image not shown); National Diet Library Call Number 422-30 |
Reference Literature | Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900-1975, Helen Merritt, University of Hawaii Press, 1992, p. 264-265; Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints - The Early Years, Helen Merritt, University of Hawaii Press, 1998, p. 275; Images of a Changing World: Japanese Prints of the Twentieth Century, Donald Jenkins, Portland Art Museum, 1983, p. 68. |