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Girls Playing Otedama

Wada Sanzō (1883-1967)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Girls Playing Otedama

by Wada Sanzō, c. 1950s

Wada Sanzō (1883-1967)

IHL Cat. #2071

About This Print

Wada captures four young girls, one caring for a sleeping baby brother in a onbuhimo おんぶひも, playing the children's game of otedama お手玉 in which bean bags are tossed accompanied by varied tasks. They appear to be playing in a room used for weaving. Coloring books lay scattered about.

The copy of the print in the fine art collection of St. Catherine University has the name of the publisher Kyoto hanga-in 京都版画院 in the lower right margin along with the name of the carver Fujikawa 藤川, printer 摺 Ohno 大野 and the characters 初版 indicating a "first edition". They date the print to ca. 1950.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #2071
 Title or Description Girls Playing Otedama (untitled)
 Wada Sanzō (1883-1967)
三造 Sanzō
 Seal of Artist
 三造 Sanzō (see above)
 Publication Date c. 1950s (print does not carry a date)
 Kyoto hanga-in  京都版画院
 Edition  not a first edition 
 Carver Fujikawa 藤川
 Printer possibly the printer whose name appears on the first edition Ohno 大野
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition good - light toning 
 Genre shin hanga
 Format dai ōban
 H x W Paper 11 3/16 x 14 13/16 in. (28.4 x 37.6 cm) 
 H x W Image 10 3/4 x 14 1/2 in. (27.3 x 36.8)
 Collections This Print Minneapolis Institute of Art 2019.78.483; St. Catherine University Fine Art Collection 2013.0.895
 Reference Literature 
last revision:
6/1/2021 created