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  • “Autobiografia e secolarizzazione nel Rinascimento” AAIS Convention in Colorado Spring, Colorado College, Colorado Spring, CO, May 3-6 2007.

  • "Letteratura e trauma in Primo Levi," Trauma &Texte Colloque international organisé par le groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire KZ-memoria scripta de l’Université de Salzbourg et le centre LAPRIL de l’Université Bordeaux 3, 29 juin - 1er juillet 2006, Universität Salzburg, Salzburg.

  • "Poetica della memoria e romanzo in Vincenzo Consolo," AAIS/AATI Convention in Genova, Italy, May 25-28, 2006.
  • "L’antico mare perduto di Umberto Saba," Genoa, Columbus & the Mediterranean, 9th Annual International Congress of the Mediterranean Studies Association, Università di Genova, May 24-27, 2006.


The Petrarch Project
Reading Petrarch's Canzoniere in the digital era.

A Blog devoted to rethinking historical humanism, the idea of "humanism of the other man" and the "Posthuman condition."

Autobiography, Death and the Age of the Impersonal
A book project of the history of the inter-subjective dimension of autobiography.