Frequently Asked Questions
Math circles are regular gatherings of elementary, middle or high school
students who enjoy mathematics and are eager to learn topics beyond the regular
school curriculum. The students, guided by mathematicians and educators,
work on problems that often involve complex and advanced
topics. The goal is to get the students excited about
Please bring a pencil, pen, eraser and a graphing paper notebook to each EMC session.
Occasionally, it will be useful to have a straight edge and a compass. Calculators may be
used in the Intermediate and Advanced sessions. So, feel free to bring it but you don't have to.
There are water fountains in the
hallways, so you may also bring a water bottle with a lid.
- Can I join the math circle now if I've already missed
multiple sessions?
Definitely! You're welcome to join us at any time during
the year provided there is space. We love to meet new people interested in math! In general,
most sessions and topics are independent of each other.
- I didn't quite understand everything at the last session.
Should I keep coming anyway?
Absolutely! As many practicing research mathematicians will tell you,
it often takes several years to become an experienced problem solver.
It's completely fine (and expected) if you need to see a particular
topic or discuss a particular idea several times before it starts to
make sense. Keep in mind that the material discussed in EMC sessions is
advanced and non-traditional.
- How can parents help with the EMC?
Parents can help with various aspects of the circle, from being
a room parent, providing
refreshments during the circle breaks, to helping with the overall
organization or donating to the circle. We are open to new
ideas, and welcome any suggestions that you may have!