My research covers a spectrum of topics from mantle geochemistry to physical volcanology, with the central theme being the role of volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, Cl) in magmatic and volcanic processes. My students and I have been focusing on six main areas: (1) subduction recycling of sulfur and effects on the oxidation state of Earth’s upper mantle, (2) magma ascent rates and conduit processes during large, explosive, caldera-forming rhyolitic eruptions, (3) the magma plumbing system beneath Kilauea volcano, (4) volcanism, magma origins, and the use of petrologic tools for improving hazard assessment in the East African Rift, focusing on Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira Volcanoes, (5) SO2 emissions from moderate to large explosive volcanic eruptions and implications for pre-eruption gas pressure build-up and eruption triggering, and (6) Cu, S, and Fe speciation and oxidation state in silicate melts based on XANES spectroscopic data.
Melt inclusion preparation area
Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 670 FTIR
Petrographic microscope and polishing wheel
TheCAMCOR labs are on campus and have a number of analytical machines including a state-of-the-artmicroanalytical facility.