Troubleshooting Ethernet Connections

Help! I can't connect to the UO Network via Ethernet!

There are several reasons a computer might not be able to connect to the UO network.

There's a loose network cable connection.

Check the Ethernet cable. Typically, cables are blue or grey and have a wide, flanged jack with eight colored wires. One end goes into the computer's Ethernet port (which has a double-arrowed icon like this: <---> ); the other end goes into a (typically) orange socket connected to a box.

The computer got confused (or more specifically, the networking software on the computer failed).

If the computer was talking to the network (for example, looking at web pages, sending e-mail) and then suddenly failed, the network drivers on the computer may be in an unknown state.

Windows: Go to Start > Control Panel > Networks and see if the local Ethernet icon is connected. If it is not, try to Release then Renew the connection.

Macintosh: Go to System Preferences > Network > and check the Ethernet. If it is not connected, click on the Advanced button and Renew DHCP Lease.

Both: try saving all documents, closing all programs, and rebooting the machine.

The UO Network is down.

Construction or some other physical problem may have affected network connectivity. Network stats are here:

Network Services turned of the Ethernet Port.

This usually happens when malware takes over a computer and starts scanning other network ports or starts sending spam. If the port has been turned off to contain malware, you'll be contacted by phone to address the problem. Once Network Services is satisfied that the network security threat has been contained, they will reactivate the Ethernet port.

Getting Further Help

If the Ethernet connection still won't function, I'm happy to help you out. It's useful for me to know the following:


John Burridge, Web Communications Technician ⚣ he/him/his
University of Oregon, Robert D. Clark Honors College
M-F: 8AM-Noon, 1PM-3PM