Unfinished work...

Some of our research has produced completed papers, several of which got as far as the revise-and-resubmit stage but fell by the wayside when they were overtaken by other projects with new Ph.D. students. We may yet update these papers and seek to publish them, but in the meantime, they may be interesting to others despite their grey-literature status. Most of these papers were in still the process of being edited or updated when work was suspended, so readers should expect to find some mark-up and line-edits in progress, and partial revisions. Where there are referee reports, with or without our draft responses, these are included. In some cases, we have left these projects long enough that more-recently developed econometric methods would now be more appropriate, so there will be more involved in updating the papers than just a little polishing or reframing (as well as the addition of new references as the relevant literature has developed).
