d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

CAD Choices, Project Strategies

April 8, 1997

I. AutoCad Buddy System

II. Discussion with Lee Kersh & Gary Hale

-------------------------Lab Session (B13 Klamath)-------------------------

III. Logistic Announcements

IV. Commonalities among CAD Systems

From Thomas Seebohm, Cad and the Baroque, ACADIA'90, p. 80:
  1. Creation of Entities
  2. Structuring of Entities
  3. Editing or manipulation
  4. Dimensional referencing
  5. Viewing
  6. Non-graphic attributes
  7. Obtaining hardcopy output

V. Assignment 3

VI. Project Planning

From Thomas Seebohm, Cad and the Baroque, ACADIA'90, p. 80:
  1. Gather background information including dimensioned drawings
  2. Dissect the basic components and the underlying grid
  3. Plan object hierarchies and naming conventions
  4. For Groups:
    - assign invidual tasks (parts to be drawn, master grid drawing)
    - plan schedule, decision making process, & subgroup coordination
    - agree on graphic conventions
  5. Each person locates instances of their component or system using the master grid drawing as a reference sheet.
  6. After completion of individual parts, the final composition must be adjusted for balance of graphic density, resolution of conflicting elements, & consistency of drawing conventions.

VII. Project Strategies

Both top-down and bottom-up techniques are predicated on a project being divisible into related subsyrmstems or parts.

A. Top-down (hierarchical tree)
- Start with the greatest level of abstraction and gradually flesh out the outline
- At any time in the project, there exists a representation of the WHOLE
B. Bottom-up
- "Grassroots" creation of library elements from which larger assemblies are created.
- Overall scheme can evolve from the nature of human-scaled parts rather than being known at the start.

VIII. Tutorial: Drawing Walls

Katz, p. 118

XI. Tutorial: Drawing Architectural Symbols

Katz, p. 145

XI. Printing & Plotting

Katz, p. 389
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