Week 4: The Promises and Realities of National Socialism 

Image: Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank
Graph: Official Unemployment Statistics for Germany, 1928-1938
Graph: Gross National Product, National Income, and Industrial Production in Germany, 1928-1938
Graph: Wages, Earnings, and Cost of Living in Germany, 1929-1938


I. The Economic Recovery

A. The Great Justification

B. Nazi Economics
C. What Was the Nature of the Recovery?
D. Was There a Crisis of Labor Relations after 1936?

Excursus: National Socialist Welfare

Poster: Die NSDAP sichert die Volksgemeinschaft (ca. 1933)
Image: Robert Ley (1890-1945), Head of the Reich Labor Front
Poster: Your Vacation 1939
Image: Tickets to a Kraft durch Freude Concert (1942)
Image: Kraft durch Freude Ocean Resort at Prora (Rügen)
Image: Advertising for the KdF-Wagen
Image: Advertising for the KdF Wagen
Image: Roll-Out of the first KdF-Wagen (1938)

II. National Socialism and Youth
A. The Hitler Youth--Structure and Organization
B. Repression and Emancipation
C. Contradictions of Totalism
D. Youth, Swing, and Dissent

Image: Baldur von Schirach (1907-1974), in conversation with Hitler, Martin Bormann, and Hermann Göring (1936)
Text: The Hitler Youth Law, 1 December 1936
Graph: Membership in NSDAP Youth Organizations, 1932-1939

Poster: “Youth Serves the Führer
Poster: “All Ten-Year-Olds Come to Us” (Bund Deutscher Mädel)
Image: Cuffband of the HJ-Streifendienst
Image: “Edeweiss-Pirates” on an outing in Königswinter (1942)
Image: “Edelweiss-Pirates” in Longerich (1942)

Poster: Entartete Musik (“Degenerate Music”) (1938)
Poster: “Swing Dancing Forbidden”
Image: “Swing Youth” in Hamburg

Image right, top: This Strength-Through-Joy poster proclaims that by saving only 5 Marks each week, “you will drive in your own automobile!” The fine print reads: “KdF-Mobile: For information on purchase price and method of payment, see the service representatives and local offices of the NS-Association 'Strength Through Joy,' District Munich-Upper Bavaria.”

Image right, bottom: A poster for the Winter Relief Fund (Winterhilfswerk or WHW), with the slogan “A People Helps Itself!” (1933). Established in September 1933, the WHW collected donations for the homeless and unemployed. Source: Deutsches Historisches Museum.


Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank

National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation, or NSBO)
German Labor Front (DAF)
Reich Labor Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst, or RAD)

“Strength Through Joy”

Winter Relief Agency (Winterhilfswerk)

German Boys (Deutsches Jungvolk)
League of German Girls (Jungmädelbund

Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend, or HJ)
League of German Maidens (Bund Deutscher Mädel, or BDM) Baldur von Schirach

The 'Edeweiss Pirates'

Image right: An advertisement for Strength-Through-Joy Tours. Source: Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Dokumentation Obersalzberg/Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin