2007 Turtle Monitoring Project




Baby Turtle

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Western pond turtle related websites

Oregon Wildlife Institute:
-The Oregon Wildlife Institute is working on the conservation of Western Pond Turtles in the Willamette Valley.  They are tracking turtle movements and locating nesting sites using techniques like radio telemetry and wildlife detector dogs.

Oregon Zoo “Head Start” Program:
In conjunction with Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, USFWS the Oregon Zoo is raising juvenile turtle’s captured in the wild and nurturing them in captivity until they are large enough to have a chance against aquatic predators such as bullfrogs and largemouth bass.

Turtles of the Willamette Valley:
- The website discusses the conservation of two species of turtles native to the Willamette Valley, the Western Pond Turtle and the Western Painted Turtle.

South Willamette Watershed (Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife):
-This Website contains info on the life history, population status, habitat assessment and habitat improvement for the western pond turtle.

Metro (Parks, trails and greenspaces):
-Metro (Parks, trails and greenspaces) has teamed up with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Zoo and Bureau of Environmental Services to protect native turtles in the Portland area.

Environmental Studies Service Learning Program (SLP):
- This website discusses the 2005 Environmental Studies SLP's strategies and techniques for gathering and monitoring native turtle’s data as part of a large scale project at the delta ponds in the Willamette Valley.


Links to more information on the Endangered Species Act:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: The Endangered Species Program

Backgrounder: Questions and Answers About the Oregon Threatened and
Endangered Species Act
