Hobo Temperature Data:

click for larger chart


Heat Loss Information:

Element U Btu/hr ft 2 F Area Ft2 Temp Diff. Heat Loss Btu/ h
Walls 0.488 418.5 48 Fo 9800
Ceiling 0.322 180 48 Fo 2780
Floor 0.833 180 48 Fo 7200
Glazing 1.11 58.5 48 Fo 3116
      Total Loss 22900 Btu/h

click here for full calculations


Surface Temperature Data:

Survey Results:

click for larger chart

On average, how many times do you use the forming room each week?

  • 2.5

About how much time does each session last?

  • 56 minutes average

Do you rate your comfort in the room during use?

  • 6.5 average (out of ten)

Does the room ever get stuffy?

  • 57% responded yes

Do you mainly use the forming room morning, afternoon, or evening?

  • 37% morning, 25% afternoon, 38% evening

Do you ever find the stakes or hammers warm when you begin to use them?


When using the room, do you ever open the windows?

  • 43% responded yes



Do you ever adjust the blinds?

  • 57% responded yes

Does temperature have an effect on how long or well you can work in the room?

  • 43% yes

Introduction Methodology Data
Analysis Conclusions References & Acknowledgements