Hobo Temperature Analysis:

At 4:00pm on Thursday, 11/11/99, 4 HOBO's were launched and set to record temperature at 2 minute intervals. The HOBO's were placed in the south-west corner by the window and tool rack, along the south wall near windows and plywood panels, on the north wall near a major work area, and near the ceiling on the east side of the room by the machinery. After twenty-four hours the HOBO's were collected and the data was processed into an Excel spreadsheet and graph.



A survey was taken of students who use the forming room to see how the room performs in regard to their thermal comfort. A series of questions were asked mainly dealing with reaction to temperature within the room during use. With this information we hope to emphasize with qualitative data that the forming room is not adequate at providing thermal comfort.

Click to View Questionaire

Raytech LASER Gun:

By taking temperature readings from the surfaces of working spaces and equipment we hope to identify sources of heat gain for the room. Also, with this information we can tell if surfaces within the room become too cold or hot for the tactile comfort of users.

Heat Loss:

To determine how the limited insulation of the room holds on to heat we used the equation: Heat Loss = U (Area) (Temperature Diff) and U = 1/R. By using the R values of the materials identified within the walls, ceiling and floor of the room, an estimation of the heat loss can be made.


Introduction Methodology Data
Analysis Conclusions References & Acknowledgements