These questions all refer to your usage of the forming room specifically during the Fall, Winter, and Spring months when the sky is overcast.

On average, how many times do you use the forming room each week?

About how much time does each session last?

Do you rate your comfort in the room during use?

(awful) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (splendid)

Does the room ever get stuffy? Yes No

Do you mainly use the forming room morning, afternoon, or evening?

Do you ever find the stakes or hammers warm when you begin to use them?
Yes No

When using the room, do you ever open the windows? Yes No

Often? Yes No

Do you ever adjust the blinds? Yes No

Does temperature have an effect on how long or well you can work in the
room? Yes No

Introduction Methodology Data
Analysis Conclusions References & Acknowledgements