Recent Grants
2007 UO Summer Research Award. Complete monograph on human skeletal remains from Mesolithic Damdama. Tentatively entitled, “Holocene foragers of north India: The bioarchaeology of Damdama.” British Archaeological Reports - International Series.
2007 Wenner-Gren Foundation. “Developmental stress in juvenile apes and humans: Is the deciduous dental evidence consistent?”
Data: observe / score enamel hypoplasias; measure dental crown / inter-cuspal distance Royal Museum of Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium) - bonobo (Pan paniscus) sampleGadjah Mada University, Dental School (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) - modern human (Malay) dental sample
2007 L.S.B. Leakey Foundation. “Dental asymmetry, enamel hypoplasia and perinatal stress in sub-adult hominoids.”
Data: observe / score enamel hypoplasias in early hominid fossil species Australopithecus afarensis. National Museum of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa).