Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Browse Stem Index

Stems are the basic building blocks of most words in Hupa. They provide the core meaning of a word, which can be modified by adding prefixes and suffixes.

This list of verb stems is based loosely on the Element List in vol. 14 of the Collected Works of Edward Sapir.

Many stems have an index in parentheses at the end. Since many stems are homophonous and spelled the same way, the indices are used in the Element List to distinguish them from each other. For example, -'aw(1) 'to fool someone' and -'aw(2) 'to sing' are spelled the same way, but 'to fool someone' is listed first in the Element List, and 'to sing' is listed second.

However, the Element List has more kinds of stems (nouns, adverbs, etc.), which can also be homophonous with a verb stem. Since the list appearing below only includes verb stems, the numbers of the indices are occasionally discontinuous. For example, -ch'ich'(1) is a noun stem meaning 'elbow', but -ch'ich'(2) is a verb stem meaning 'to have a boil on the body'. Only -ch'ich'(2) appears in the list below because it is a verb; -ch'ich'(1) is not included because it is a noun.

-'a:(1)to extend (singular subject)

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-'a:(2)to be a long time

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-'a:(3)to have or carry a round object

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-'a:(4)to understand or know how to do something

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-'a:(5)to ask, order, command; to call an animal

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-'a:lto cut salmon up

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-'a:n(2)to be or to have a hole or cavity

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-'aw(1)to fool or decieve someone

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-'aw(2)to sing

[show entry]
-'awh(1)a state or activity involving a round object

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-'awh(2)to run or jump (plural subejct)

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-'awh(3)(animals) move or travel along

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-'e:n(1)to do something or treat something a certain way

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-'e:n(3)to see, look at, watch

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-'e:n(4)to treat as something, use something for

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-'e:tł'to extend (plural subject)

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-'ilto swim (plural subject)

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-'its(1)to shoot

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-'its(2)to run around

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-'its(3)to pull, tug something

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-'iwh(1)to be enough

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-'iwh(2)to see, notice

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-'iwh(3)to drip

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-'uch'to sneeze

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-'ul(1)to butcher, cut something up

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-'ul(2)to chew

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-'ul(3)to rest one's head

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-'ut(2)a state or activity involving a flat, cloth-like object

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-ch'a:nto shout, cry out

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-ch'a:t(1)to ache

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-ch'a:t(2)to wear a hat

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-ch'a:whto tie a knot

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-ch'e:(1)wind blows

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-ch'e:k'(2)to have a strong taste

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-ch'e:tto tell a lie

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-ch'ich'(2)to have a boil (on the body)

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-ch'it(2)to die

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-ch'iwh(2)to cover, to wear a coat

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-ch'uq'to hop like a frog

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-ch'o:nto make a plopping sound

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-ch'ut'(2)to peel

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-chwa:(1)to bury; to throw or handle dirt or a loose mass

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-chwe:(1)to make

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-chwe:(2)to grow

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-chwe:n(1)to grow

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-chwe:n(2)to be hungry

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-chwe:n(3)to smell

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-chwil(1)to be wet

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-chwil(2)to be dull, blunt

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-chwin(2)to stink

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-chwin'(3)to defecate

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-chwin'(4)to be bad, ugly

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-chwin'(5)to be selfish

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-chwiq'to string in a line

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-chwitto reach, extend the arm

[show entry]
-chwiw(1)to cry

[show entry]
-chwiw(2)to hire

[show entry]
-chwiwhto smell something

[show entry]
-chwo:kto sweep

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-chwo:nto be nice, pretty

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-chwun'(2)to clump, cluster, bunch together, squeeze

[show entry]
-da:(4)to stay, sit (singular subject)

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-da:(5)to hunt

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-da:(7)to menstruate for the first time; to be honored in the Flower Dance

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-da:lto run along

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-da:s(1)to be heavy

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-da:s(2)to singe

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-da:whto run

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-da:ye'to bloom, flower

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-da:y(3)to be thin, weak, poor

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-daw(2)to melt away, vanish

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-de:nto shine, to be oily

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-de:sto cut or singe hair

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-dik'to crack or peck something

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-dil(1)to go (plural subject)

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-dil(2)to throw several objects or a rope

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-dil(3)to eat berries

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-dil(4)to ring, make a clamorous noise

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-din(2)to be near

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-din(3)to love, like

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-din(4)to be without

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-din'(1)to depart (plural subject)

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-ditsto be wrinkled, twisted

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-ditł'to shake, tremble

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-diw(1)(acorns) fall

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-diw(2)to wash something

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-dolto make a loud, crashing sound

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-don'to be straight

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-dow(1)to draw back, dodge, evade

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-dow(2)to cut something, make a cut

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-dusto break

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-dzitto be short

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-ge:s(1)to scratch, scrape

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-ge'gto be small (plural subject)

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-gichto make a crackling sound

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-git(1)to be afraid

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-git(2)to be rotten

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-git(3)to belch

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-git(4)to run as a group

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-giye'to be small (singular subject)

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-gya:sto break off

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-je:nto shine, be bright

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-je:w(1)to be sticky

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-je:w(2)to crowd, flock together

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-je:w(3)to die (polite term)

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-je:ye'mind, breast

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-jicha state or activity involving a granular substance

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-jil(1)to slip

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-jil(2)to be crazy

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-jin(1)daytime, sunshine

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-jut'to make a wet, floppy sound

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-k'e:t'to make a creaking, squeaking sound

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-k'ilto tear, rip

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-ke:nto be stiff

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-kisto hit, strike

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-kit(1)(fog, smoke) moves

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-kit(2)to catch

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-ky'o:ts'(2)to stretch

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-ky'owto be jealous

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-kya'to wear a skirt or dress

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-kya:n(1)to be pregnant

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-kya:wto be big

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-kyo:sa state or activity involving a flat, cloth-like object

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-kyo:tto steal; to run away

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-kyow(1)to be big to a certain extent

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-la:(2)to hate

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-la:lto dream

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-la:n(1)to be born

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-la:n(2)to play (a physical game or sport)

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-la:n(3)to quit

[show entry]
-la:n(4)to scold

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-la:n(5)to disbelieve

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-la:tto float (singular subject)

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-la:whto clean

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-law(1)to gather, collect

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-le:(1)to move or carry several objects or a rope

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-le:(2)to pull, tug something

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-le:(3)to be satiated, full (of food)

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-le:(4)to be frozen

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-le:(5)to imitate

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-le:l(1)to bother

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-le:nto be plentiful

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-lichto leak; to urinate

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-likto tell

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-linto flow

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-litto burn

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-liw(1)to attack, kill

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-liw(2)to swim underwater

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-liw(4)to become

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-liwh(1)to taste like

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-liwh(2)to watch; to remember

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-liwh(3)a state or activity involving several objects or a rope

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-lo:sto drag

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-loy'to tie

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-lut'to make a ripping sound

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-ła:nto be many

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-ła:tto run or jump (singular subject)

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-łit(2)to make a sharp, sudden noise

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-łiw(1)a state or activity involving a soft, doughy, or floppy object

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-łiw(2)to make a mark, smear, paint

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-łiye'to be valuable

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-ło'(1)to laugh

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-ło:wto have sores, boils

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-łut'to make a slapping sound

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-ma:to be grey

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-ma'(1)to have a famine

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-ma:sto roll

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-ma:ts'to be round

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-me:(1)to swim, bathe

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-me:(2)to pick up, gather

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-me:chto boil something

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-me:n(1)to fill

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-me:n(2)to be sharp

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-michto break off

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-mil(1)to throw, scatter several things

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-min'to build

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-min(1)to be full

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-mitto tip, capsize

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-miwhto swim, bathe

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-mo:t'to bulge up

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-mo:whto have a blister

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-mowh(1)to snore

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-mowh(2)to swing, hang

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-muq'to pop

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-mutto boil

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-mut'(1)to flap, slap, burst

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-na:(6)to stir, cook

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-na:(7)to be safe

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-na:(8)to capture

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-na:n(1)to be steep, sloped

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-na:n(2)to drink

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-na:t(1)to lick, taste

[show entry]
-naw(1)to move

[show entry]
-naw(2)to touch

[show entry]
-ne:(2)to think (3rd person subject)

[show entry]
-ne:(1)to speak

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-ne:(3)to help

[show entry]
-ne:(4)to pick up, gather

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-ne'(2)to have a share

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-ne:ge'to feel sore, dull

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-ne:l(1)to play

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-ne:sto be long

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-nikto hug

[show entry]
-niw(2)to get an erection

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-niw(3)to choke

[show entry]
-niw(4)to forget

[show entry]
-niwh(1)to be awake, aware

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-niwh(2)to thunder

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-no:(3)to project upward

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-notto blaze

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-q'a:to grind, rub, file

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-q'a:n(1)to lean

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-q'a:n(2)to build a fire

[show entry]
-q'a:sto throw; to pound

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-q'a:wto be fat

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-q'ay'(1)to straddle

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-q'e:nto twist (a withe)

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-q'e:tto have intercourse

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-q'its'to crack, make a cracking sound

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-q'iw(2)to behave well

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-q'och'to be sour, salty

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-q'uts'to be cold

[show entry]
-qa:nto bark

[show entry]
-qa:q'to be clumped or clubbed

[show entry]
-qayto be white

[show entry]
-qe'to get up (sg.)

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-qe:ch'(2)to limp

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-qe:tto shove a long object (stick, canoe, etc.)

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-qich(1)to toss (as in stick game)

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-qich(2)to parch, roast over fire

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-qitto saw

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-qits'to twist

[show entry]
-qiwh(1)to be forked

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-qiwh(2)to twitch

[show entry]
-qo'to stoop

[show entry]
-qo:nto crackle (like a dry hide)

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-qoch'(3)to be hollow, gaping

[show entry]
-qolto crawl, creep

[show entry]
-qos(2)to be brittle, crunchy

[show entry]
-qot'(2)to bend

[show entry]
-qot'(3)to wriggle, flop, tumble

[show entry]
-qot(1)to poke

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-qowh(1)to throw a long object (stick, spear, etc.)

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-qowh(2)to trot, gallop, lope

[show entry]
-qowh(3)to tumble

[show entry]
-sa:lto yawn

[show entry]
-sa:tto be deep

[show entry]
-sa:y(2)to make a rattling, rustling sound

[show entry]
-se:ge'to be sick

[show entry]
-se:lto be hot

[show entry]
-sin(3)to be a certain way

[show entry]
-sin(4)to want to do something

[show entry]
-sin(5)to think (1st/2nd person subject)

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-sin(6)to keep a secret

[show entry]
-sitto wake up

[show entry]
-sits'to peel

[show entry]
-solto make a hollow sound

[show entry]
-sowto scratch, scrape

[show entry]
-sun'to beat up, abuse; to be weak

[show entry]
-t'aw(1)to float in the air

[show entry]
-t'aw(3)to believe

[show entry]
-t'e:(1)to be

[show entry]
-t'e:(2)to be cooked, ripe

[show entry]
-t'e:n(1)to do in a certain way

[show entry]
-t'e:n(2)to resemble

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-t'e:ts'to parch, roast

[show entry]
-t'ik'(1)to stretch in a line

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-t'ik'(2)to be thin, narrow

[show entry]
-t'ilto be proud

[show entry]
-t'iwhto chisel, split

[show entry]
-t'oq'to work flint

[show entry]
-t'otto suck

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-t'ow(1)to use a paddle

[show entry]
-t'ow(2)to slip on

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-t'ow(3)to sting

[show entry]
-t'un'(1)to have leaves

[show entry]
-t'un'(2)to be attached

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-t'un'(3)to flinch

[show entry]
-t'un'ye:to be thin (like a leaf)

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-t'usto cut

[show entry]
-ta:n(2)to be thick

[show entry]
-ta:n(3)to reach to a certain point

[show entry]
-ta:n(4)to be soft, damp

[show entry]
-ta:n(5)to eat alone

[show entry]
-taw(2)to spread, unfold

[show entry]
-te:(2)to look for

[show entry]
-te:(3)to feel stronger than

[show entry]
-te:(4)to carry a living being (non-directed motion)

[show entry]
-te'(1)to work

[show entry]
-te'(2)to be strong

[show entry]
-te:ch'to lie down (plural subject)

[show entry]
-te:l(1)to be wide

[show entry]
-tikto squeeze, pinch

[show entry]
-tin(4)to carry a long, stick-like object

[show entry]
-tin(5)to be frozen

[show entry]
-tis(1)to be over something

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-tits'to walk with a cane

[show entry]
-tiw(1)to measure

[show entry]
-tiw(2)to beg

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-tiw(3)to win a race

[show entry]
-tiwh(2)a state or activity involving a long, stick-like object

[show entry]
-tiwh(3)a state or activity involving a living being

[show entry]
-to:(1)(water) moves

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-ton'to jump

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-ts'a:(1)to see-saw

[show entry]
-ts'a'(1)to soak, leak

[show entry]
-ts'a'(2)to make a roaring sound

[show entry]
-tsa:t(1)to sit down (singular subject)

[show entry]
-ts'e:to live somewhere

[show entry]
-ts'e:k'to grab or scratch with a claw

[show entry]
-ts'e:nto be stiff

[show entry]
-ts'e:q'(1)to be gummy, sticky

[show entry]
-ts'isto shake

[show entry]
-ts'it(1)to know

[show entry]
-ts'it(2)to fall

[show entry]
-ts'iw(1)to squirm, wiggle

[show entry]
-ts'osto suck

[show entry]
-ts'un'to be audible

[show entry]
-ts'uq'to make a sucking sound

[show entry]
-tsa:s(1)to be large in diameter

[show entry]
-tsa:s(2)to whip, sling

[show entry]
-tsa:s(3)to be unenthusiastic, lazy

[show entry]
-tsa:y(1)to be dry

[show entry]
-tse:(3)to dance a war-dance

[show entry]
-tse:(4)to build a fence

[show entry]
-tse:(5)to open or shut a door

[show entry]
-tse:lto heat something up

[show entry]
-tse:tto break wind, fart

[show entry]
-tsil(1)to pound; to throw a stone

[show entry]
-tsil(2)to squat, crouch

[show entry]
-tsis(1)to see

[show entry]
-tsis(2)to hang

[show entry]
-tsis(3)to extinguish

[show entry]
-tsit(1)to pound, crush; to leach acorns

[show entry]
-tsit'to be knotted; to cut hair

[show entry]
-tson'(1)to have good weather

[show entry]
-tson'(2)to bang or flip something

[show entry]
-tsow(1)to be blue or green

[show entry]
-tsow(2)to bend or crush something springy

[show entry]
-tuch'to tattoo

[show entry]
-tulto step, kick, move the foot

[show entry]
-tun'(2)to hold

[show entry]
-tun'(3)to be used to something

[show entry]
-tuq'to count

[show entry]
-tł'e:t'to bulge, flop

[show entry]
-tł'its'to be hard, solid

[show entry]
-tł'o:to weave, tie

[show entry]
-wa:lto beat time (esp. for a Flower Dance)

[show entry]
-wa:n(2)to resemble

[show entry]
-wa:n(3)to kill, butcher, break up

[show entry]
-wa:n(4)to commit adultery

[show entry]
-wa:n(5)to growl

[show entry]
-wa:sto whittle

[show entry]
-wa:tto shake, sift

[show entry]
-wa:tł'(1)to lie (like a stick thrown down)

[show entry]
-wa:whto speak, converse, croak

[show entry]
-we'(1)to be greasy, oily, shining

[show entry]
-we:(3)to fight

[show entry]
-we:(4)to kill (one animal or person)

[show entry]
-we:(5)to pack something around

[show entry]
-we:l(2)to pack, store something

[show entry]
-we:n(3)to melt away

[show entry]
-wha:lto catch with a hook

[show entry]
-whe:(1)to dig

[show entry]
-whe:(2)to name

[show entry]
-whilto shout

[show entry]
-whin(1)to be black

[show entry]
-whiwto spit

[show entry]
-whiwhto suck

[show entry]
-who:nto be good

[show entry]
-whotto slide

[show entry]
-whot'(a wound) heals, scars

[show entry]
-whun'(sickness) doesn't occur

[show entry]
-wichto tip over

[show entry]
-wil(1)to become night

[show entry]
-wil(2)to doze

[show entry]
-wis(1)to dodge

[show entry]
-wis(2)to drill

[show entry]
-wiwh(1)to pack something around

[show entry]
-wol(1)to be round like a ball

[show entry]
-wol(3)to scrape

[show entry]
-wotł'to make a crunching sound

[show entry]
-wulto throw a stick, chop, beat

[show entry]
-wun(1)to sleep

[show entry]
-wun'(2)to be moldy

[show entry]
-xa:(3)to carry a filled container

[show entry]
-xa:(4)dawn arrives

[show entry]
-xa:chto break apart

[show entry]
-xa:l(1)to stretch a hide

[show entry]
-xawhto pay

[show entry]
-xa:wh(1)a state or activity involving a filled container

[show entry]
-xa:yto shoot

[show entry]
-xe:(2)to float around as a mass (plural subject); to haul something around (non-directed motion)

[show entry]
-xe:(3)to be loose-jointed

[show entry]
-xe:sto itch

[show entry]
-xe:tto buy

[show entry]
-xichto have spots, speckles

[show entry]
-xisto fall, to fly

[show entry]
-xit(1)to be slippery

[show entry]
-xit(2)to ask

[show entry]
-xit(3)to slide something

[show entry]
-xit(4)to swallow

[show entry]
-xit'(1)to touch

[show entry]
-xiw(2)to track something

[show entry]
-xiw(3)to finish; to overtake

[show entry]
-xiwhto float as a mass (plural subject); to haul

[show entry]
-xosto cough

[show entry]
-xoyto vomit

[show entry]
-xunto be sweet, delicious

[show entry]
-xutto drop

[show entry]
-xut'(1)(cloth) lies flat; to sew; to cover (with fabric)

[show entry]
-xutsto feel drunk or high

[show entry]
-xuts'to bite

[show entry]
-ya:(1)to go around (singular subject)

[show entry]
-ya:(4)to stand

[show entry]
-ya:(5)to wear a necklace

[show entry]
-ya:n(1)to be aware, to watch

[show entry]
-ya:n(2)to be wild, shy

[show entry]
-ya:n(3)to eat

[show entry]
-ya:tto be hurt, wounded

[show entry]
-ya:tsthere is light snow

[show entry]
-yawh(1)to eat; to graze (in a herd)

[show entry]
-ya:wh(2)to go (singular subject)

[show entry]
-ye:(1)to name

[show entry]
-ye:(2)to do a world renewal dance

[show entry]
-ye:(3)to eat

[show entry]
-ye:n(1)to stand (sg.)

[show entry]
-ye:n(2)to do a doctor dance

[show entry]
-ye:n(3)to move (change location)

[show entry]
-ye:ts'to tie a knot

[show entry]
-ye:wh(1)to talk

[show entry]
-ye:wh(2)to breathe

[show entry]
-ye:wh(3)to whistle

[show entry]
-ye:wh(4)to rest

[show entry]
-ye:wh(5)to rub, crush

[show entry]
-yiw(2)to gather food, graze

[show entry]
-yiw(3)to be bent, crippled

[show entry]
-yiw(5)to be old

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-yiw(6)to be fitting, suitable

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-yo'to love

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-yo:l(1)to blow

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-yo:sto pull, stretch

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-yo:tto chase; to tell to stop; to bark

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-yo:wh(1)to surge out; to break into pieces

[show entry]
-yolto swell

[show entry]

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