Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Verdena's Cat
told by Verdena Parker
November 11, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Verdena's Grandmother's Job as a Nanny
told by Verdena Parker
October 13, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

The First Ones
told by Verdena Parker
April 19, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Amy Campbell

Verdena's Life Story, Part 1
told by Verdena Parker
November 12, 2006
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Creation of Animals
told by Verdena Parker
March 8, 2009
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Learning to Ride a Motorcycle
told by Verdena Parker
November 11, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

told by Verdena Parker
December 5, 2010
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Pear Film
told by Verdena Parker
February 24, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Pear Film (Retelling)
told by Verdena Parker
February 24, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Rocks at the White Deerskin Dance Site
told by Verdena Parker
July 23, 2011
Xowung-q'it dance site, Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Fish Dam
told by Verdena Parker
July 23, 2011
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

The Abandoned Children
told by Verdena Parker
March 15, 2009
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Indian Devil Story
told by Verdena Parker
October 13, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Crow and Mallard
told by Verdena Parker
March 27, 2010
Roseburg, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Grey Willow
told by Verdena Parker
July 25, 2011
Near Tish-Tang Village (diysh-ta:ng'a:-ding), Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Justin Spence and Lindsey Newbold

Coyote and the Tree
told by Verdena Parker
November 11, 2006
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Coyote's Eyeball
told by Verdena Parker
September 7, 2009
Roseburg, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Frog and Moon
told by Verdena Parker
October 13, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Encounter with a Grizzly Bear
told by Verdena Parker
July 20, 2016
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Dog and Coyote
told by Verdena Parker
November 7, 2009
Roseburg, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold

Mourning Dove and His Grandmother
told by Verdena Parker
October 20, 2019
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Riverside Old Man
told by Verdena Parker
July 26, 2011
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Stick Game
told by Verdena Parker
March 30, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Lightning Story
told by Verdena Parker
December 21, 2011
Winston, OR
Transcribed by Justin Spence

An Attack at Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding
told by Verdena Parker
July 25, 2011
Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding, Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Justin Spence

Great-Grandmother's House
told by Verdena Parker
July 25, 2011
Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding, Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Ramón Escamilla

Graves at Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding
told by Verdena Parker
July 25, 2011
Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding, Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Ramón Escamilla

Getting a Driver's License
told by Verdena Parker
January 20, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence

A Spooky Tree at Campbell Field
told by Verdena Parker
July 14, 2015
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Tyler Lee-Wynant

How Verdena Met Otis
told by Verdena Parker
October 1, 2011
Winston, OR
Transcribed by Tyler Lee-Wynant

How Fred Brown Shot His Finger
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

A Hunting Story
told by Ned Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Fishing While Blind
told by Ned Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

"It Was Scratching": An Encounter with an Indian Devil
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Buzzard and Blowfly Make a Wager
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

The Origin of the Ch'idilye:
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Frog's Love Medicine
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

A Dream of Doctoring
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

A War Dance Song
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Grandfather's Ordeal
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

The Stolen Woman and Her Return
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Deer Medicine for Childbirth
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California

The Song of the Salmon Heart
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla

Yima:ntiw'winyay - Creator and Culture Hero
told by Emma Lewis
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 96

Xa:xowilwa:tł' (Dug-from-the-ground)
told by Oscar Brown and James Anderson
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 135

Xonchwiwh-dich'e:ch' (Rough-nose)
told by Mary Marshall
July, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 150

Yinuqi-ts'isday (He-Lives-South)
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 157

Nahx-k'iq'os-na:diwul (Two-neck)
told by Oscar Brown
June, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 162

Łich'iwh-ding Ya'dehłtse: (At Sand-place They Lived)
told by Oscar Brown
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 169

Xonsahding Q'un-ch'iwichwil (Xonsahding Young Man)
told by Mary Marshall
July, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 174

Dahchwin'-ding Xon'-na:'iswe' (Gooseberry-place Brush Dance)
told by Mary Marshall
July, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 179

Miyme'duq'it K'iwintsit (At Miyme'duq'it She Pounded Acorns)
told by Mary Marshall
July, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 185

To:-ding K'e'itł'o' (By the River She Made Baskets)
told by Mary Marshall
July, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 189

The Cause of the Lunar Eclipse
told by McCann
October, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 195

Origin of Fire
told by McCann
July, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 197

The Coming of White Men
told by McCann
July, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 198

The Coming of White Men
told by Nettie
July, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 200

The Young Man who Threw Himself with the Arrow
told by Senaxon
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 202

The Scabby Young Man
told by McCann
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 207

The Passing of the K'ixinay
told by Senaxon
December, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 215

The Spoiling of the World
told by McCann
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 220

Formula of the Jumping Dance
told by Senaxon
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 226

Daily Prayer of the Priest at the Jumping Dance
told by Senaxon
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 228

Origin of the Jumping Dance
told by McCann
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 229

Formula of the Acorn Feast
[Hoopa Valley, California]
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 233

Formula used at the Ch'ixolchwe: Rocks
told by Senaxon
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 233

Formula of the Spring Dance
told by Senaxon
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 234

Origin of the Kinahłdung Dance
told by Robinson Shoemaker
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 237

Directions and Formula for the Brush Dance
told by Wife of McCann
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 241

Formula for the Eel Medicine
told by William Lewis
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 252

Formula for the Salmon Medicine
told by Robinson Shoemaker
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 265

Formula of the Rain-rock Medicine
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 270

Formula of Medicine for Pregnant Women (Deer's Medicine)
told by Mary Marshall
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 275

Formula of Medicine for Pregnant Women (Bear's Medicine)
told by Mary Marshall
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 276

Formula of Medicine for Childbirth
told by Mary Marshall
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 278

Formula of Medicine for the Birth of the First Child
told by Emma Lewis
[November, 1901]
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 280

Formula of Medicine to Cause the Infant to Grow Fast
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 286

Formula of Medicine to Cause the Infant to Grow Strong
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 288

Formula of Medicine to Insure Long Life for an Infant
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 292

Formula of Medicine to Protect Children in Strange Places
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 299

Formula of Woman's Love Medicine
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 305

Formula of Medicine to Shorten Period of Exclusion after Menstruation
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 310

Formula of Medicine for Going in Dangerous Places with a Canoe
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 314

Formula of Medicine for Going Among Rattlesnakes
told by McCann
October, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 317

Formula of a Deer Medicine
told by Robinson Shoemaker
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 319

Formula of a Deer Medicine
told by Senaxon
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 321

Formula of Medicine for Making Baskets
told by Emma Dusky
October, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 324

Formula of Medicine for Wounds Made by Flint Arrowheads
told by James Marshall
July, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 328

The White Deerskin Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 35

The Jump Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 55

The Origin of the Jump Dance
told by Mary Marshall
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 72

The Origin of the Misq'it Jump Dance
told by Jake Hostler
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 76

The Acorn Feast
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 84

The First Salmon Ceremony
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 99

The Origin of the First Salmon Ceremony
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 103

Bathing the Rain Rock at Sugar Bowl
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 109

Formula for Bathing the Rain Rock
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 113

The Flower Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 118

The Origin of the Flower Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 135

The Brush Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 147

How to Treat Babies
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 159

Traditional Standards of Beauty
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 167

told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 170

Rules of Etiquette
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 175

How to Ensure a Long Life
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 179

Insults and Bad Behavior
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 181

A Jump Dance Sermon
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 185

When There is a Death
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 188

How to Gather and Prepare Acorns
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 194

How Basketry Roots are Gathered and Baskets Woven
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 208

How to Handle Firewood in the Old-Fashioned Way
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 217

How I Became a Doctor
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 223

Emma Frank's Method of Doctoring
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 230

How Silis Became a Doctor
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 238

Silis' Vision of Hell
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 251

Silis Loses and Finds her Pipe
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 257

The Kick Dance
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 260

How I Became Fond of Kick Dancing
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 268

k'iłwe: Sickness is Taken Out
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 274

Hunting Magic and Prayers for Deer
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 280

A Vision of Sam Brown's
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 283

Power over the Grizzly Bear
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 292

Training for Striking Fear into the Grizzly Bear
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 300

The Afterworld
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 303

Medicine Formula to Cure Vomit and Passing of Blood
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 307

Medicine Formula for Sickness
told by Jake Hostler
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 312

Medicine Formula for a Menstruating Woman to Shorten her Period
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 315

Medicine Formula Pronounced over a Child to Make Him Wealthy and Brave
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 320

Medicine Formula to Purify One Who Has Handled a Corpse
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 327

A Medicine Formula to Induce Forgiveness
told by Mary Marshall
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 342

A Medicine Formula for War
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 344

The Ugly Dog, a Medicine Formula for Love
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 349

A Woman's Love Medicine for Getting a Man
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 352

A Man's Love Medicine
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 356

Medicine Formula for a Man Who Desires Wealth and Sucess in Love
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 362

Medicine Formula for Wealth
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 366

The Dawn Maiden
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 371

Big Dentalia Comes to the Redwood People
told by Mary Marshall
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 374

Prayer for Good Luck
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 378

Prayer for the Sun
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 379

Prayer in Going Over the Trails in the Mountains
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 380

Prayer to the Acorn Feast Ground of Hostler Ranch
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 382

Prayer to Yimantiw'winyay's Resting Place
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 384

A Night Prayer
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 386

Salmon's Grandmother
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 387

Salmon's Grandmother and Timber Robin
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 394

Water Dog and Acorn Worm
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 397

Iris and Panther
told by Oscar Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 405

Coyote and Frog
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 408

Three Tales of Little Woodpecker
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 412

Salmon-Trout is Doctored by Bluejay and Hummingbird
told by Jake Hostler
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 430

A Story of the South Wind
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 433

The Lake Whale
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 437

The Rival Wives
told by Mary Marshall
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 438

The Two Brothers
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 446

The One Who Established a Medicine at Miyimida:q'it, and his Grandmother
told by Emma Frank
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 450

The Hated Suitor
told by Jake Hostler
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 468

How Ear Aches Started at Me'dilding
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 479

The Acorn Provider Saves Weitchpec
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 486

Two Young Men Do Indian Deviling
told by Jake Hostler
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 490

The Village that Blasphemed
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 497

How a Man Was Destroyed at New River
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 499

How a Tattooed-Face Stole a Woman
told by John Shoemaker
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 505

The Chimariko Attack a Hupa Village
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 509

A War Between the Hupa and Yurok
told by Sam Brown
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Edward Sapir
Source: The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, vol. 14, p. 515

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