Formula of the Jumping Dance
told by Senaxon
November, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 226
- q'ut
- Already
- hay
- that
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- Indian
- k'ixinay
- Kixunai
- sile'n
- was becoming.
- hay-'ung'
- Then
- hay
- that
- k'ise:qot
- kiseaqoot
- wun-na'iya'
- he worked on.
When that Indian was becoming a Kixunai he worked making kiseaqōt.
- de:xa:winde'n
- The time was near
- mił
- when
- k'ixinay
- Kiixunai
- ts'islin'-te
- he was to become.
- ła'
- One
- me'tehłxe'
- he finished
- ła'-je:s
- every day
- k'iwiyul
- food
- do:-k'iwidya'n
- without eating
- łah-xw
- so quickly
- ch'ite:te:chwit
- he completed the measure
- hay
- that
- k'ise:qot
- head-dress.
He finished one each day without eating, so quickly he made them.
- łah-xw
- "Just
- na:xowhlik-ming
- to tell you
- hay-de:
- this
- na:whdiyay
- I came back.
- xa'a'ił'in-te
- That way he will do
- hay-yo:w
- there
- yinuqi-q'it-ch'ing'
- up-river on the bank.
"I just came back to tell you what it is they will do up the river on the bank.
- hay
- The
- sa'xa:wh sa:k'ixa:wh-ding
- soup-eating place
- hay-yo:t
- that
- sa'un-te:
- will be.
That will be the place for eating the acorn soup.
- hay
- That
- king'a:gya:n
- pipe
- hay
- that
- mich'ing'
- toward
- na:sa'un-te:
- will lie.
The pipe will lie buried there.
- hay-yo:t
- Over there
- k'ixinay-tah-ding
- Kiixunai world
- hay
- the
- 'a:'ił'e:n-q'i
- way they do it
- hay
- that
- ch'idilye:
- dance
- digyung
- here
- hayi-q'
- that way
- sa'un-te:
- it will be.
The way they do over in the Kixunai world; that way they will make the dance here.
- hay
- The
- k'ixinay-tah-ding
- Ki-xunai world
- hay
- that
- ch'idiwilye'-te:
- they will dance."
In the way of the Kixunai world they will dance."
- hay
- He
- do:-wung-xiniye:wh-heh-ne'
- must not talk about
- hay
- the one
- yinahch'ing
- from the south
- xoda:nch'e
- blows.
He, the priest, must not talk about the wind that blows from the south.
- hayi
- Those
- wung
- about
- xine:yehwh-ne'
- he must talk
- hay
- the
- minłung
- ten
- xoda:nch'e
- winds
- hay
- which
- yiduq
- down
- xoda:nch'e
- blow.
He must talk about the ten winds which blow down from the world above.
- hay
- That
- 'e:ng'
- it is
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n-tah-ch'ing'
- Indian world
- do: xoda:nch'e:
- never blows.
- hayi
- That
- xoda:na:we:sinch'e:-te:
- you will blow down.
Ye winds which never blow in the Indian world, blow down here.
- k'iwinya'nya:n
- The people
- te:diyun-te:
- will live to old age
- hay-de:
- this
- miq'it
- on them
- xoda:k'iwehsch'e:
- blows.
People will live to old age if they blow on them.
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- incense root
- ch'e'itsit
- he always pounds.
- hay
- That
- me:q'
- on
- ch'ite'imil
- he scatters.
He always pounds incense and scatters it there.