Formula for the Salmon Medicine
told by Robinson Shoemaker
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 265
- xahslinding
- Xaslinding
- 'e:na:ng'
- it was
- ya'tehłchwe:n
- they grew
- ta:q'in
- three of them.
Three immortals came into being at Xaslinding.
- me:ya'diwilwa:wh
- They began to talk about it.
- xwe:di-kya'awh
- "How
- 'a:'o:neh
- will it be,"
- ya:ch'ondehsne'
- they thought
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- "Indians
- na:nde'tł'-te:
- when come to be."
They began to talk about what would be when Indians should come into existence.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- yo:w-yiduqi
- Orleans
- ch'itehsyay
- he went.
One of them went away up the Klamath river.
- nahnin
- Two
- winda'
- stayed
- xona:
- for him
- ya:de:lts'e'
- waiting
- hay
- who
- yiduq
- east
- ch'itehsyay
- went.
The other two remained waiting for him.
- haya:ł
- And
- łiwung
- one
- 'a'de:ne'
- said,
- xut'-'ung'-xowh
- "I don't think
- xona:
- for him
- dehsdilts'e:-n(e)'
- we better wait."
"I don't think we better wait for him," said one of those who remained.
- haya:ł
- And
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought,
- tse:-xayts'a'
- "Stone cup
- to:lchwe'n
- let it grow."
"Let a stone cup become," he thought.
- hay
- He
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- thought,
- q'ut
- "Already
- 'ahdiyaw
- it has happened."
"Already it has happened," he thought.
- hayahujit
- And then
- ch'itehłme:n
- he made it swim
- de:t
- this
- hun'
- river
- yide'
- down.
- miq'eh-na:diwul-ding
- Mouth of the Klamath
- ch'e'niłme:n-e:y
- he made it swim out.
He made the salmon swim down the Trinity and Klamath rivers to the ocean.
- hayahujit
- And then
- tiwimah
- shore along
- na:-yinuq
- from there - south
- na'tehłme:n
- he made it swim.
Then he caused it to swim along the beach southward.
- ninis'a:n
- World
- mina: na:'isme:n-e:
- around - he made it swim.
- hayahujit
- And then
- de:t
- this
- hun'
- river
- yida:ch'in
- from the north
- yehna'wiłme:n
- he made it swim in.
Having gone entirely around the world, he came back with it from the north to the mouth of the Klamath again.
- xayah-me'
- To Xaiyame
- na:'iłdime:n-e:
- he made it swim back.
He made it swim back up the Klamath and Trinity rivers to the starting place.
- 'ahłch'ide:ne'
- He said,
- duxwe:t
- "What
- 'undiyah-te:
- will you do
- duxo:-'a:ch'int'e:
- bad person*
- nich'iwingyun'-de'
- if he eats you?"
"What will you do if a person with a bad body eats you?" he asked.
*"Bad persons" are those mourning recently dead relatives, women during menstruation, and after childbirth or miscarriage.
- haya:ł-'ung'
- And
- 'ah'ting-q'i-'unt'e:
- concerning every kind
- 'ahłch'ide:ne'
- he asked it.
He asked it about every kind person.
- tse'ehdziding-mił
- A little while
- da'ile:l
- it always swam.
After each question it swam for a short time in one place.
- haya:ł-'ung'
- And
- 'ahłch'ide:ne'
- he said,
- duxwe:t
- "What
- 'ungdiyah-te:
- will you do
- xokyun-k'iya:t
- woman who has suffered miscarriage
- nich'iwingyun'-de'
- if she eats you?"
Finally he asked, "What will you do if a woman who has miscarriage eats you?"
- chwola'-ding
- Five
- yisxa:n
- days
- siłting-xw
- it lay
- hay
- the
- no'niłtin-ding
- he put it place.
Then he took it and placed it on the shore where it lay for five days.
- haya:ł
- And
- yide'-yima:n
- down across
- na:'inde:tł'
- they went
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning.
After the five days, in the morning, the two brothers went down the river and crossed over to the place where it lay.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- hayah
- there
- ning'k'iwił'ahł
- he cut it.
- hayah
- There
- k'e:ya'wiłna'
- they cooked it.
The one who was officiating cut the salmon and cooked it there.
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- Incense root
- ma:
- for it
- de'diwilay
- he put on the fire.
- hijit-'ung'
- Then
- hay
- it
- mił
- with
- k'e:ya'wiłna'
- they cooked it.
He put incense root in the fire with which he cooked it.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- hayah
- there
- 'aht'ing
- all things
- 'a'k'ilaw
- they did.
- na'k'is'its
- They shot at mark.
When they were through they shot at a mark and had all kinds of games.
- de:-q'
- "This
- 'a'ił'in-te:
- they will do,"
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought,
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- "Indians
- na:na:nde'tł'-te:
- when they come."
"This is the way Indians will do when they come," he thought.
- haya:ł
- And
- łe:na'nilay
- he built fire.
- hayahujit
- And then
- ma:
- for it
- de'diwing'a:n
- he put in incense.
Having built a fire he put incense root in it and prayed.
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- He thought,
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- "Indians
- niwho:ng-xw
- well
- yiwingyung'ił-te:
- will eat,
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- Indians
- na:na:nde'tł'-te:
- when they come to be.
"Indians when they come into existance, will eat this happily," he thought.
- niwho:ng-xw
- Well
- yida:-wehsle'-te:
- will get enough
- k'iwiyul
- food
- tehłchwin-de'
- when it grows.
- do:-xoling
- Won't
- k'iya:wh
- birds
- chwing-yo:wile:l
- bother it.
- mine:gits
- Little
- yik'iwingya'n-e:-heh
- even if he eats
- niwho:ng-xw
- well
- yida:-wehsle'-te:
- he will have enough.
- do:-xoling
- They won't
- chwing-yo:wile:l
- bother it.
- niwho:ng
- Will be good
- diywho'
- whatever
- tehłchwin-de'
- grows.
"They will have plenty of food when the time comes for it to grow. The birds will not bother it. It will be good wherever it grows.
- diywho'
- Whatever
- digyung
- here
- 'a:diwinehł-de'
- anybody says
- ła'ay-xw
- really
- 'a:winehł-te:
- it will happen."
Whatever anyone says will happen."
- haya:ł-'ung'
- And
- yinuq
- south
- yima:nch'ing'
- across
- na:na'ninde:tł'
- they went over.
The two brothers went up the river and crossed over to their home.
- do: 'ung-gya'
- They did not see
- na'nida:wh-xolung
- had come back
- hay
- that one
- yo:w-yiduqi
- Orleans
- ch'itehsyay
- went.
They found the one who had gone up the Klamath was not yet come back.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- ta:kiwh
- sweathouse
- na:ya:'isxut'
- they tore down.
- xontah
- House
- na:ya:'isxut'
- they tore down.
- hijit-'ung'
- Then
- xayah-me'-ch'ing'
- Xaiyame to
- ch'e:na'ninde:tł'
- they went back.
Then they tore down the house and the sweat-house and went back to Xaiyame.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- hayah
- there
- 'iłma'n
- on each side
- no:na'ninde:tł'
- they sat down.
- wut-na:ya'xowilya:n
- They watched
- hay ya:-
- their
- xolo:q'e'
- salmon.
There, one on each side of the river, they took their stations to watch their salmon.
- hayahujit
- And then
- hay łiwung
- the one
- łe:na:lding
- Weitchpec
- ch'e:na[']indiyay
- came back to.
- sa:k'iding 'ungya'
- He was surprised to see
- ło:q'
- salmon
- mitł'e:de'
- scales
- yehnindiling-ye:
- had washed ashore
- na:tini-xw
- the Trinity
- yidahch'ing'-q'it
- up along.
When the one who had gone on the journey, came back to Weitchpec and started up the Trinity he was surprised to see salmon scales scattered about.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- na'tehsdiyay
- he came back.
- na:'ndiyay-e:
- He got back,
- sa:k'iding 'ungya'
- He saw with surprise
- xowung
- from him
- tahsyay-e:-xolung
- they had gone.
When he got back where they had lived he found they had departed.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- ya'xotehłxa'
- he tracked them.
- xayah-me'
- Xaiyame
- na:ya'xohłtsa:n
- he found them.
He tracked them to Xaiyame where he found them.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said,
- xa'
- "All right,
- whe:
- I
- tse:-yehk'ixa:whi-q'it
- (at the upper end of Hupa Valley)
- na:se:da:-te:
- will sit down.
"Well," he said, "I will take my place at the Tseyekyauwhwhikut.
- duxo:'-q' 'a:'unt'e:
- Bad person
- ch'iwingyun'-tehł-de'
- would eat
- whe:
- I
- tahna:whtiwhił-te:
- will take out.
The salmon which a bad person would eat, if it were caught, I will take out as it passes up.
- hayi-q'
- That way
- nohwung nunxinehwh-te:
- they will talk about us
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- Indians
- na:na:nde'tł'-te:
- when they come.
Indians when they come into existence will make mention of us.
- hayah
- 'There
- xa'a:na'idyaw
- that way he did,'
- ch'ide:n'-te:
- they will say."
'At that place he did that,' they will say."