Formula of the Rain-rock Medicine
told by Emma Lewis
December, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 270
- yinuq
- South
- ninis'a:n
- the world's
- hayah
- there
- ch'iwinda'
- he stayed,
- digyung
- here
- yinuq
- south
- ninis'a:n
- the world's
- no:ng'a:-ding
- end.
At the end of the world to the south he stayed.
- mine:jixomił
- after a time
- 'ungya'
- he perceived
- xoq'it
- on him
- yehk'iwehsch'e'
- the wind blew in.
After a time he felt the wind blow on him.
- yiwidin-e:-mił
- After a time
- hay-yo:w
- there
- łe:de'e:tł'-tah
- in a corner
- de:-q'
- this
- 'ułkyow
- big
- xa:te:ma:s
- rolled out of the ground
- tehsde:tł'
- frost.
Frost rolled out of the ground in big chunks.
- yiwiding-hit
- Finally
- xontah
- house
- me:q'
- inside
- duxwe:t-ang' 'a:diyaw
- "What is it going to do?"
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought.
"What is it going to do?" he thought.
- haya:ł-'ung'
- And
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- incense root
- 'a:de:'iłkit
- he took with himself.
- hayah-mił
- And
- ch'itehsyay
- he started
- yinahch'ing
- from the south.
He took some incense root with him and started back south.
- hayah-mił
- And
- xoh
- in vain
- ch'ite:te:'e'n
- he looked around.
- diywhe'eh
- Nothing
- do: ch'iłtsa:n
- he found.
He saw nothing.
- haya:ł-'ung'
- And
- ła'ay-xw
- really
- ch'itehsyay
- he started away.
- miyi-me'
- Miime
- yima:nch'ing'
- on the other side
- ch'e'ningyay
- he came out.
He went on and came down opposite Miime.
- sa:k'iding 'ungya'
- He saw with surprise
- hayah
- there
- łiwung
- one
- na:nehsda:-xolung
- sitting.
He was surprised to see some one sitting there.
- nit'a:
- back
- na:widyay
- he turned.
- ya:stsime'
- Yastsime
- dung'-xw
- once
- k'iye:
- again
- na:'ndiyay
- he came.
He turned about and went again to Yastsime.
- duxwe:t-ang'
- "What is the matter?"
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said
- łah-xw
- just
- hayah
- there.
"What is the matter here?" he asked.
- yo:w-xw-mił
- from some place
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he heard say to him,
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- "Indians
- na:na:nde:tł'-te:
- will become."
From some place he heard a voice say, "Indians will become."
- digyung
- Here
- yide'
- north
- ninis'a:n
- the world's
- k'ich'int
- sickness
- ya:ngxits'-e:
- flew up.
Here at the world's end toward the north sickness flew up.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- ch'itehsyay
- he started
- yinahch'ing
- down
- hay
- that
- łiwung
- one
- hay
- who
- yinuqi-ninis'a:n
- south the world's
- ts'isda:-ne'in
- used to stay.
Then that one, who used to stay at the world's end at the south, started down the river.
- xoxotinit
- Xooxootinit
- yinuqi-q'it-ch'ing'
- above the creek
- hayah
- there
- łe:na:nilay
- he built a fire.
When he came to the creek above Eslick's he built a fire.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- ch'itehsyay
- he started
- yide'
- down
- xahslinding
- Xaslinding
- yinahch'ing
- from the south
- ch'e'ningyay
- he came out.
Then he went on down, coming out on the river bank south of Xaslinding.
- xahslin-q'eh yiduq
- Above Xaslindin creek
- 'ungya'
- he saw
- łiwung
- one
- na:nehsda:-xolung
- sitting.
He saw someone sitting above Xaslinding.
- xahslinding
- Xaslinding
- yiduqi-ch'ing'
- up east
- t'un-chwing*
- pepper-wood tree
- k'isxa:n
- standing
- me:w
- under
- łe:na'nilay
- he built a fire.
He built a fire there where a pepper wood tree was standing.
*Umbellularia Californica.
- łah-xw
- Just
- xoning'
- his face
- da[']diwehs'a'-te:-nehwa:n
- he could hardly hold pointed to it
- xosq'uts'-mił
- on account of the cold.
The wind was so cold he could hardly face it.
- xayah-me'
- Xaiyame
- niłma'n
- each side
- no:na'ninde:tł'-xola:n
- they had sat down he saw.
He saw someone had taken up his abode each side of the fishing place at Sugar Bowl.
- yima:n-yide'
- Across and down
- na'ningyay
- he went
- niling-kin-ding
- from Nilingkinding.
Then crossing the river he went below Nilinkinding.
- hijit
- Then
- na:yinuq
- back south
- nit'a:
- back
- na'widyay
- he turned
- niling-kin-ding
- to Nilingkinding.
- hayahujit
- And then
- łe'na'nilay
- he built a fire.
He turned back to Nilinkinding and built a fire there.
- hijit
- Then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought,
- de:-q'
- "This way
- 'a:wine:lił-te:
- he will do
- hay
- who
- whe:
- my
- whinist'e'
- body
- ch'o:nahłts'it
- knows."
"Here he will do this who knows my body," he thought.
- hayahujit
- And then
- de[']diwing'a:n-e:
- he put in the fire
- hay
- that
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- incense root.
Then he put incense root into the fire.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- yide'
- north
- ch'itehsyay
- he started.
- yiduq-yide'
- Up the hill to the north
- me'isyay
- he went
- mił
- then
- 'uloh-ts'eh
- it was warm.
- hayi-q'
- "This way
- 'a:diyah-tehł
- it will be,"
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought,
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- "Indians
- na:na:nde'tł'-de'
- when they come to be."
He started down river climbing the mountain. When he got up the hill he was warm, "This way it will be," he thought, "when Indians come to be."
- yiduq-yide'
- up the hill north
- k'iye:
- again
- łe:na'nilay
- he built a fire
- hay
- the
- xa:'usya:-ding
- he got up place.
- yide'
- north
- dinun-xoyeh-ch'ing'
- down the hillside
- xoda'winyay
- he went.
He built a fire on top of the hill and then went down to the northern side.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- diyßta:ng'a:-ding
- Djictangading
- yima:nch'ing'
- across from
- hay
- the
- nilin
- creek
- yide'e-q'it-ch'in'-ch'ing'
- north a short way
- tin
- the road
- yiduq-e:n'-ch'ing'
- above,
- łe:na'nilay
- he built a fire.
On the north side of the creek opposite Djictanadin above the trail he built a fire.
- digyung
- "Here
- łe:na:nila:-te:
- they will build a fire,"
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought.
"Here they will build a fire," he thought.
- whe:
- "I
- na:tse:
- first
- 'o:whts'ilił-te:
- will know
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- Indians'
- mikyunsa'a:n
- hearts
- duxwe:t 'a:'int'e:
- whoever
- ch'itiwina:whił-de'
- will pass there."
"I first of all will know Indians' hearts when they pass."
- whe:
- "I
- whimił-na:ta'l
- my foot
- de:-xw
- this way
- wiwhq'unlił-te:
- will lean up.
I will lean my foot up this way.
- hayah-mił
- And
- xa:k'iwich'e:lił-te:
- from the ground the wind will blow out.
The wind will blow up from the ground.
- whe:
- Me
- na:tse:
- first
- ch'iwho:whe'ił-te:
- he will call.
- hayah-de'
- Then
- na:tse:
- first
- ch'o:whe'ił-te:
- they will call
- digyung
- here
- yinuq
- south
- ninis'a:n
- world's
- hay
- where
- siwhda:-ne'in-ding
- I used to live.
They will call me first at the end of the world toward the south where I used to live.
- hayah-de'-ch
- Then
- ch'iwho:ngwhe'-e:-te:
- he will call me
- digyung
- here
- yide'
- north
- ninis'a:n
- world's
- no:ng'a:-ch'ing'
- end."
Then they will call me here at the end of the world toward the north.
- haya:-ch'ing'
- There
- ch'iwinda'-e:
- he stayed
- na:tse:
- first
- ch'ohłtsilil
- knew it
- hay
- that one.
There he stays who first knew it."
- haya:ł
- And
- 'a'de:ne'
- he thought,
- hayi-q'
- "This way
- 'a:wine:lił-te:
- he will do it
- xoh
- if
- hayi-q'
- this way
- ningxowintin-te:
- frost is.
"This way they will do if frost comes," he thought.
- łah-xw gya'
- I wish,
- hayi-q'
- that way
- 'a:winehł-te:
- he will do
- hay
- who
- whinist'e'
- my body
- wa:nung'xiwine:whił-te:
- will talk about.
"Just this way it will happen to the one who talks about my body.
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n-tah-ding
- In the Indian world fashion
- na[']diwinchwit
- he let go
- hay
- that
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- incense.
In the fashion of the Indian world he will let go from his hand the incense.
- łah-xw
- Just
- xonse:l-its
- a little warm
- mił
- with
- dahna:k'idiwich'e'ił-te:
- the wind will blow gently
- hay-de:t
- this
- mixa:ch'e'-xole:n
- incense
- de[']diwi'awhił-de'
- if they put it in the fire.
The wind, just a little warm, will blow gently, if they put this incense in the fire.
- łah-xw
- Just
- ninis'a:n
- mountain
- ne:jit
- middle
- dahnaywiłkilił-te:
- fog will stay."
The fog will stay in the middle of the mountain."
- yitsin'
- "West
- tehna:ldidow-te:
- it will draw back,
- yide'
- north
- q'ing'
- too
- tehna:ldidow-te:
- it will draw back,
- yiduq
- east
- q'ing'
- too
- tehna:ldidow-te:
- it will draw back,
- yinuq
- south
- tehna:ldidow-te:
- it will draw back.
"West it will draw back, north too it will draw back, east too it will draw back, south it will draw back.
- na:ysxun-te:
- There will be sunshine.
There will be sunshine.
- na:niwingwhong'-te:
- It will be good weather
- ninis'a:n
- the world
- me:q'
- over.
It will be good weather in the world.
- na:xowiłtun-te:
- It will be wet.
It will be wet.
- na:wintaw
- It will settle down.
- ch'e:na:xonehłting
- I brought it down."
It will settle down, I brought it down."