Formula of Medicine for Childbirth
told by Mary Marshall
June, 1901
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 278
- ninis'a:n
- World
- ne:jit
- middle
- ch'iningyay
- he came.
- hayah
- There
- nahx
- two
- k'ehłtsa:n
- virgins
- siday
- lived
- ch'iltsa:n
- he saw.
He came to the middle of the world where two maidens were living.
- ye:w
- Way
- yitsin'
- west
- wing'a'
- the sun was
- mił
- then
- ch'e'iningde:tł'
- they came out.
- ya'xonehł'e'n
- They looked at him.
When the sun went down they came out to look at him.
- hayah-mił
- And
- yisxung-hit
- next day
- ya'k'iwilkya:n-e:-xola:n
- they found they were pregnant.
The next day they were pregnant.
- hayah-mił
- And
- xoxa:
- after him
- yehch'iwinde:tł'
- they went in.
- ta:kiwh
- Sweathouse
- ch'e'xoniłte:n
- they took him out
- ya'xosiłwe:
- they might kill him
- ming
- for.
- łah-xw
- Just
- mino:ya'k'ingt'a'ts'-te:-ne'en
- they were going to cut them open.
Their brothers went into the sweat-house after him. They were going to cut the girls open and then kill him.
- hayah-mił
- And
- yima:ntiw'winyay
- Yiimantuuwingyai
- 'a'de:ne'
- said,
- dongq'a'-tsit
- "Wait,
- k'ima:w
- medicine
- 'iwhchwe'
- let me make.
"Wait," said Yiimantuuwingyai, "I will make medicine.
- hayah-mił
- And
- 'a:xołch'ide:ne'
- they told him,
- xa:t'
- "Right
- hayah
- here
- 'iłchwe:
- make it."
"Make the medicine right here," they said.
- xa:t'
- there
- xontah-me'
- house in
- ch'ischwe'n
- he made it.
- xon'-din
- Of ashes
- ch'iswchwe'n
- he made it.
Right there in the house he made it of ashes.
- hayahujit-'ung'
- And then
- hay
- the
- tł'ohł
- straps*
- na:'is'e:tł'
- were hanging up.
Then he hung up the straps of the carrying baskets.
*The strap referred to is one of elk-hide used in carrying the burden-basket. It is used for the woman to pull upon while in labor. Compare Dr. Washington Matthews, Navaho Legends, p. 106.
- hayahujit
- And then
- sa[']wingxa:n
- he put it into her mouth;
- xołe:kin'
- her abdomen
- yima:n
- across
- ch'ite:łiw
- he rubbed it.
He put some of the medicine in the mouth of one of them and rubbed some of it across her abdomen.
- de:-xw
- This way
- na:'isdina'n
- he turned
- mił
- then
- ky'a:tehłchwiw
- cried
- mije'e:din
- a baby.
When he turned around he heard a baby cry.
- hayah-mił
- And
- yima:n
- across
- midiłwa:
- in turn
- xa'a[']xolaw
- he did the same thing.
- de:-xw
- This way
- xona:'isdinung'-hit
- when he turned around
- mije'e:din
- baby
- k'iye:
- again
- ky'a:tehłchwiw
- cried.
When he had done the same to the other he turned again and heard another baby cry.
- hayi-xw-xolun-tehł
- This way it will be
- hay
- to those
- dunt
- who
- whe:
- my
- whinist'e'
- body
- ch'o:nahłtsit-te:
- shall know.
"This way it will be with those who know my medicine."
*For another version of this incident, compare pp. 125-6.