Formula of Medicine for Making Baskets
told by Emma Dusky
October, 1902
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Pliny Earle Goddard
Source: Hupa Texts (UCPAAE vol. 1, no. 2), p. 324
- 'isdina:me'
- At Isdiname*
- 'a:na:ch'idyaw
- she did it
- k'ixinay
- Ki:xunai
- k'ehłtsa:n
- maiden.
A Ki:xunai maiden did this at Isdiname (the south head, at the entrance of Humboldt Bay).
*The south head at the entrance of Humboldt Bay.
- xutł'e'-dung'
- In the morning
- to:-ding
- to the water
- ch'e'ina:wh
- she always went down.
- yima:n
- Across
- dinung
- facing
- teh-
- in the water
- ch'ine'itsa:t
- she always sat.
- łah-xw
- Just
- xots'ine'
- her legs
- ne:jit
- the middle
- no:to:-xw
- water staid.
- mine:jixomił
- After a while
- mine:gits
- gently
- yida:ch'in
- from the north
- dahk'idiwehsch'e'
- the wind blew.
- hay
- She
- yima:n
- across
- dinung
- facing
- teh-
- in the water
- ch'ine'itsa:t
- always sat.
She used to go down to the water every morning and sit on the beach facing the west with her legs half under water. One time as she was sitting there making baskets the wind blew gently from the north.
- k'ite'itł'o:wh
- She always made baskets.
- k'ite'e'aw
- She always sang
- hay
- that
- k'ite'itł'o:wh
- one who always made baskets.
She always sang as she made baskets.
- un na a a un na a a un na na a
- na a a un na a a un na a a
- hay
- That
- dahk'ide'ich'e'
- blew
- mine:gits
- gently.
- yaywa'awhił-xw
- It increased in blowing.
- nikyah-xw
- Harder
- dahk'ide'ich'e'-e:
- it blew.
The wind, which blew gently at first, increased in violence until it blew very hard.
- mine:jixomił
- Finally
- ła'
- one (gust)
- k'iwich'e'il
- blew along.
- ła'ay-xw
- Suddenly
- xola'-tah-mił
- her hands from
- ch'e:k'iwehsch'e'
- it blew out.
Suddenly a gust came along and blew the basket from her hands.
- hayahujit
- And then
- miq'eh
- after it
- na'dehsdiqot'
- she crawled;
- miq'eh
- after
- xok'itł'oy'-ne'in
- her basket used to be.
She crawled along after it.
- hayahujit
- And then
- na:tehsdiayay
- she started back
- xontah-ch'in'
- toward the house.
- xontah-ding
- To the house
- xa:na:'usdiyay
- she came up.
Failing to get it, she went back to the house.
- yisxun-hit
- The next morning
- ch'e[']ningyay
- she went down
- to:-ding
- to the water.
- sa:k'iding 'ungya'
- She was surprised to see
- dahna:wilahł
- it was floating there
- xok'itł'oy'
- her basket.
The next morning when she went down to the beach she was surprised to see her basket floating there.
- hay
- Those
- miq'ik'itł'oy'
- hazel ribs
- q'it-xw
- all over
- łah-xw
- just
- yik'iwidts'osil
- were sucking
- hay
- the
- nahdiyaw
- dentalia.
The hazel ribs were covered all over with sucking dentalia.
- hay
- That
- na:tehłdichwe:n-e:-dung'
- she grew time
- xwe:n'
- for her
- na:tehłdichwe:n
- it grew
- hay
- the
- me'dil-ch
- small canoe.
This canoe had come into existence at the same time as herself.
- hayahujit
- And then
- k'iye:
- again
- to:-ch'in'
- to the water
- ch'e:na'indiya:-hit
- when she went down
- na'k'ite:tł'o:n
- she began to make baskets again.
- de:di-de:
- She found out
- ninis'a:n
- world
- me:q'
- over
- tehsla:t
- it had floated.
- hay
- The
- nahdiyaw-k'iłchwe:
- dentalia maker
- na:tehłdichwe:n
- it had grown
- tah
- places
- hay
- the
- k'itł'oy
- basket
- hayi-q'
- that way
- 'a:t'ing-wehst'e'
- had done.
When she went down to the beach again to work on her basket, she found it had floated around the world to every place where the dentalia-maker had grown.
- łah-xw
- Just
- xa'a[']t'in-wehst'e:
- the same thing it always did
- xok'itł'oy'
- her basket.
Her basket always did that way.
- hayahujit
- And then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought,
- whe:
- "I
- xowh-gya:ng'
- shouldn't wonder
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- Indians
- ma:
- for
- 'a:na:whdiyaw
- I did it.
Then she thought, "I shouldn't wonder if I did it for Indians.
- łah-xw gya'
- I wish
- ch'isdiya:n-e:-te:
- she may live to be old
- hayi-q'
- this way
- xola'
- her hands
- me:q'
- in
- tilts'it-xw
- it will always be.
I wish long life for the woman who always has a basket in her hands.
- hay
- That one
- whe:
- my
- whinist'e'
- body
- ch'oxondehsne'-te:
- she will think of,
- xokyung
- her mind
- me:wina:whił-te:
- will go against it."
That one will think about me. My experience will come to her mind.
- hayi-q'
- "This way
- wha:ne:
- only,"
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought,
- hayi-q'
- "this way
- 'a:winehł-te:
- she will do
- hay-de:t
- this
- whe:
- I
- 'awhdiyaw
- did.
She will do the way that I have done.
- hay-de:
- This
- 'awhdiyaw
- I did,
- hay
- the
- tsumehstł'o:n
- woman
- na'tehłdichwin-te:
- who will grow.
- hay
- The
- k'intis-e:-xw 'unt'e:
- smart one
- na'tehłdichwin-te:
- who will grow
- hay
- that
- wha:ne:
- only
- ma:
- for
- 'a:na:whdiyaw
- I did
- hay-de:t
- this.
I did it only for smart women who shall come into existence.
- xołiqay
- Dawn
- tehsyay
- comes
- mił
- then
- whinist'e'
- my body
- xokyung
- her mind
- me:wina:whił-te:
- will go against,"
- ch'ondehsne'
- she thought.
When the dawn comes my formula will come to her mind," she thought.
- ha: ha: ha: ha:
- Ha ha ha ha!
- ning
- You
- ye:-xowh
- I believe
- ch'in
- they say
- 'a:nundiyaw
- did this
- 'isdina:me'
- at Isdiname,
- k'ixinay
- Ki:xunai
- k'ehłtsa:n
- maiden.
You, I believe, I have heard, Ki:xunai maiden, did this at Isdiname.
- he+
- "Yes,"
- ch'ide:ne'
- she said,
- whe:
- "I
- hayi-q'
- that way
- 'a:whdiyaw
- I did."
"Yes," she said, "I am the one that did it."