"It Was Scratching": An Encounter with an Indian Devil
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla
- dahungwho'-dung'
- A long time ago
- hay
- the
- diywho'
- things,
- k'iwinya'n
- acorns,
- wun-na:ya'dił-ding
- going after them time
- minyay
- it came
- mił
- when,
- sahwinde'n
- a group went off.
- yo:w
- Off there
- me'ist-situng-xw
- at Me'ist-situng-xw
- xwe:ya:tehłwe:tł'
- they spent the night
- hayah
- there
- k'ila:dosch'e'
- bark
- xontah
- house
- me'
- in.
- haya:ł
- Then
- ky'a:da:ya'we:ne'
- they gathered acorns.
- haya:ł
- Then
- ła:n
- many
- ya:ya'wing'a:n
- they picked up.
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- they thought,
- hay
- that
- me:lah
- some (of the acorns)
- na:ya'k'itehswe:n
- (who) carried them home
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- thought,
- dungwho'
- "Someone
- naha:
- for us
- ch'e:na'k'ininging-te:
- he packs it back - (future)."
- haya:ł
- Then
- xutł'e'-e:-mił
- in the middle of the night
- 'ungya'
- she heard
- 'a:k'ide:n'
- making a noise
- ts'eh
- she heard,
- diywho'
- something
- ye:
- just
- łah-xw
- as if
- xontah
- house
- ch'iwinga:s
- it was scratching
- sile'n
- like.
- haya:ł
- Then
- xutł'e-dung'
- in the morning
- 'ina:'usdiqe'
- she got up,
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought,
- keh
- "Let me
- niwh'ing'
- look at
- diydi
- what thing
- gya'awh
- apparently
- 'ung'
- it was
- hay
- that
- 'a:t'in
- was doing something
- ts'iw
- I heard."
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'ung'
- it was
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- 'ina:'usdiqe'
- she got up,
- hay
- this
- heh
- in spite of
- ky'a:da'we:ne'
- to gather acorns
- k'iye:
- again
- ch'e'ningyay
- she went out.
- haya:ł
- Then
- na:'undiyay
- she returned
- wilwił-ding
- in the evening
- k'iye:
- again
- xwe:na:lwe:tł'
- she spent the night.
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought,
- nista:n
- "A log
- hayah
- there
- no:ne:tun-te:
- I put it - (future),
- me:k'e:łxut'-te:
- I cover it up - (future).
- haya:ł
- Then
- lah-xwi
- right
- mino:ng'ay-ding
- alongside it place
- ch'inehsday
- she sat down.
- haya:ł
- Then
- xutł'e'-e:-mił
- in the middle of the night
- 'ungya'
- she heard
- q'ut
- then
- 'a:k'ide:n'
- it made a noise
- ts'eh
- she felt,
- ch'iwinga:s
- someone scratching
- ye:
- like
- sile'n
- it was.
- haya:ł
- Then
- wut-ch'ixowilyung'
- she kept watch,
- mine:jixomił
- and as she did
- 'ungya'
- she saw
- yehk'ila:
- someone put his hand in.
- xa'a't'ing-xw
- As he did this,
- 'ułkyowe:
- so much of it
- yehk'ilay
- he put in
- xoky'a:ng'ay
- his arm
- nista:n
- log
- siłte:n
- lying there (like a person)
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- nawhxit
- "I'll touch it!"
- hay
- that which
- me:na:k'ingxut'
- was covered up.
- xola'-kin'
- his wrist
- ch'iłkit
- she caught,
- k'iwina:
- around, across something
- no'ninta:n
- she put it down,
- hijit
- and
- ch'isqit
- she sawed at it
- hay
- his
- xoky'a:ng'ay
- arm.
- haya:ł
- Then
- xoky'a:ng'ay
- his arm
- dahk'int'a:ts'
- she cut it off,
- yo:t
- off
- no'niłwa:tł'
- she threw it.
- haya:ł
- Then
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- 'ina:'usdiqe'
- she got up,
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought
- na:te:sdiya:-te:
- "I go back home - (future)!"
- da:chwingq'ay'
- Ferns
- łe'k'iwilah-wint'e:
- she gathered up - (continuous),
- hay
- that
- xoq'ay'timił
- her pack basket
- me'
- into
- no'niłtsow
- she stuffed them,
- hijit
- and
- xoky'a:ng'ay
- arm of his
- hayah
- there
- yehna'wiłwa:tł'
- she threw it in.
- ye:w
- Down there
- xonsah-ding
- Xonsahding
- yidahch'ing
- to it from uphill,
- diq'a:n
- ridge
- yidahch'ing
- down from it
- 'ungya'
- she heard
- yide'
- down-stream
- xona:q'ito:'
- their tears
- na:wehsle'n-e:
- flowed there
- ts'eh
- she heard.
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought
- hayah
- "There
- ts'eh
- I hear something,
- keh
- let me
- xoda:nawhdiya'
- let me go back down!"
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a'de:ne'
- she said,
- ch'ixo:diwiłxit
- asking someone
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- she said to him,
- xwe:da:ng'
- "What is it?
- xwe:da:ng'
- What is it
- 'a:k'idyah-xola:n
- has happened - apparently?"
- yo:w
- that one,"
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said,
- ch'ixo:ngwhe'-mił
- saying his name - with
- 'a'de:ne'
- he spoke
- hay
- the person,
- xoq'it
- "on him
- na:k'iwila:t-xw
- by a tree-limb falling!"
- tintaw
- in the woods."
- q'ay'timił
- pack basket
- no'ningxa:n
- she put down,
- me'-ch'ing'
- into it
- na:na'k'isle'
- she felt around,
- ch'e'ninta:n
- she took (the severed arm) out,
- xoq'it
- on him
- dahna'wiłwa:tł'
- she threw it on top,
- 'a:xwił-ch'ide:ne'
- she said to them,
- de:di
- "This
- q'ina'
- too!
- de:di
- This
- q'ing'
- too
- hay
- the one
- whiwun
- after me
- na'way
- (who) was going around,
- ch'iwhiqot
- to devil me
- ming
- for that reason
- whiwun
- after me
- na'way
- he was going around.
- q'ut
- Now
- xowhts'it
- I know him
- hay
- the one who
- ch'e'whinehłya:n
- 'ate me out' (= killed off my family)."
- haya:ł
- Then
- ła'a:y-xw
- suddenly
- 'aht'ing
- all
- minła:ne:
- the crowd
- ts'ima'-xowinse'n
- quiet - became