Buzzard and Blowfly Make a Wager
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla
- dahungwho'-dung'
- A long time ago
- dongq'a'
- before
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- people
- na:na:nde:tł'
- came down to earth
- dung'
- at that time
- misah-niłchwin
- Buzzard
- mun'kyohłtsow
- Blowfly
- 'iłch'ing'
- with one another
- łiy
- a bet
- ya:'iłdichwe'n
- they made.
- mun'kyohłtsow
- Blowfly
- yehch'iwingyay
- went in
- hay
- that,
- ch'iłtsa:n
- he saw
- k'iłuxun
- a deer
- siłte:n
- lying dead,
- minchwiwh
- its nose
- q'eh
- along
- yehch'iwingyay
- he went in.
- haya:ł
- Then
- hayah
- there
- me'
- in
- ch'iwinda'
- he (had) stayed
- do:
- not
- sa'a:y
- long
- mił
- when
- 'un-gya'
- he saw
- na:'usxits'
- flying around,
- misah-niłchwin
- Buzzard
- nin-ch'ing'
- Towards the ground, down
- ch'ite:ng'e'n
- (Buzzard) looked
- 'a:ch'o:ndehsne'
- he thought,
- siłte:n
- lying dead
- e:y
- there
- keh
- I think I'll
- hayah
- there
- na:nawhdiya'
- I go down!
- dungwhe'eh
- Nobody
- do:
- not
- na'way
- goes around
- e:
- there."
- q'ut
- Now, as soon as
- ch'inehsday
- he sat down,
- k'iwinya'n
- he ate
- siłte:n
- lying dead,
- hay
- the one who
- ch'it
- dead
- xola:n
- was
- haya:ł
- Then
- sa'a:
- for a long time
- ya'wehs'a'
- he sat
- k'iwinya'n
- he ate
- mił
- after,
- 'un-gya'
- he saw
- mun'kyohłtsow
- Blowfly
- 'un-gya'
- he saw
- minchwiwh
- its nose
- q'eh
- along
- ch'e:na:'undiyay
- he came back out.
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a:xołch'ide:ne'
- (Buzzard) said to him,
- dahung'di-dung'
- "When did
- ninyay
- you arive?"
- haya:ł
- Then
- 'a:xołch'ide:ne'
- (Blowfly) said to him,
- whe:
- "I
- 'e:n'
- indeed
- q'ut
- now
- sa'a:
- a long time
- digyun
- here
- na:whwhay
- I've been around;
- q'ut
- now
- wha:wehsle'
- I am full, satisfied
- ts'eh
- I feel,
- q'ut
- now
- na:tehsdiya:-te:
- I go back home-(future)
- mił
- with, from
- 'aywin't'e:n'-ne'
- it happened,
- misah-niłchwin
- Buzzard
- ne'en
- (past)
- xowun
- from him
- na:niwehsdilay
- they were put back. (= he lost the bet)