The Origin of the Ch'idilye:
told by Minnie Reeves
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla
- ta'k'imił-ding
- at Ta’k’imiłding
- na'tehłdichwe:n
- he grew up,
- xontah-nikya:w
- House - Big
- me'
- in
- ts'isla:n
- he was born
- kile:xich
- a boy.
- haya:ł
- then
- 'ung'
- it was
- łah-xw
- only, nothing but
- na'k'iwing'ah
- he sang
- wehst'e'
- continually,
- na'k'e'a'aw
- he would keep singing.
- 'e'ilwil
- it would get dark
- na'ky'a'ah-xw
- as he sang*
- xontah-nikya:w
- House - Big
- me'
- in,
- ta'k'imił-ding
- at Ta’k’imiLding.
*That is, he sang all day. See also line 46 [using line numbering of original print version of story].
- mine:jixomił
- then one time
- hay
- the
- tsumehstł'o:n
- woman
- ch'e'ningyay
- went out,
- ta'na:n
- water
- ch'o:nichwit-ming
- to fetch - for.
- haya:ł
- then
- q'ut
- as soon as
- ta'na:n
- water
- ya'wingxa:n
- she dipped up,
- na:yiduq
- back uphill
- na'tehsdiyay
- she went back
- haya:ł
- then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought,
- ch'iwinye'n
- (as) she stood still,
- hay
- that
- ye:
- as if
- me'-ch'ing'
- inside it (the cloud)
- na'k'iwing'aw
- someone was singing
- sile'n
- it was,
- hay
- that which
- dahyiwiłkit-xola:n
- hovered in the air - it seemed.
- yiwiding-it
- after a while
- hay
- the
- ta'na:n
- water
- ch'iwixahł-ne'en
- (which) she was carrying along - (past)
- no'ningxa:n
- she put it down
- haya:ł
- then
- xwe:da'ay-na:diwing'a'
- her head - it extended to (= she heard something)
- me'-ch'ing'
- inside it
- 'ungya'
- she perceived
- na'ky'a'ah-ts'eh
- someone was singing - she heard,
- hay
- (in) that
- dahyiwiłkit
- hovering
- 'ah
- cloud
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ya:naywiłdikit
- it rose back up in the air,
- me'-ch'ing[']
- inside it
- na'k'iwing'aw-e:-ts'iw
- someone was singing - there - she heard.
- haya:ł
- then
- ch'e'iye'n*
- she kept standing still.
*Heard on tape as {ch'e:'e:ye'n}, with the vowel of the second syllable long. The verb is in the customary tense.
- yiwiding-it
- finally
- ye:w
- way off
- nahsdile'n-e:y
- it came to be - there
- yiwiding-it
- finally
- do:-xohsle'-e:y
- not - it was - there (= it disappeared),
- ye:w
- way off
- de:-nohq'it-ch'ing'
- here - above us (= Heaven) - towards
- xa:nayisdikit
- it rose back up.
- haya:ł
- then
- xa:na:'usdiyay
- she went back up
- yehna'widyay
- she went back in
- do:
- not
- ch'ixole:n-e:y
- he was - there.
- haya:ł
- then
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- she thought
- hay
- that
- me'
- in it
- ch'itehsyay
- he went off,
- hay
- that
- 'ah
- cloud
- dahyiwiłkit
- (which) had been hovering.
- haya:ł
- then
- hay
- her
- xoxun'
- husband
- k'iwunay'day
- (from) hunting
- na:'undiyay
- he returned,
- xoł-ch'ixowilik
- she told him about it,
- 'ahdiyaw
- it had happened
- ch'ide:ne:
- she said.
- haya:ł
- then
- xoq'eh
- after him
- do: ya'wiłde'n
- not - they were happy (= they missed him)
- xona:q'ito:'
- their tears
- na:ya:wehsle'n
- flowed down.
- haya:ł
- then
- q'ut
- now
- sa'a:
- for a long time
- nahsdile'n
- it still was
- do:
- not
- na:'undiyay
- he returned.
- mine:jixomił
- then one time,
- dunłungwho'-ding
- many - times
- me:nundiyay
- the seasons came,
- xwe'ehsday
- the man
- k'iwunay'ida'
- went out hunting.
- ch'inehsday
- he sat down
- k'inehst'a:n*
- a tan oak
- miyeh
- beneath,
- na'wilye:wh
- he rested,
- k'inehst'a:n
- the tan oak
- me'niwehs'a'
- he leaned against it.
*On the tape Minnie says (mistakenly) {k'iyehst'a:n}, but corrects herself in the next line to {k'inehst'a:n}.
- miq'it-dahch'iwinge:n*
- on it - he put fire on (= He lit a pipe, smoked).
*The stem is {-we:n} (from {-wiwh}/{-we:n} 'to carry a pack, to handle fire'). The loss of {w} after {ng} is a common change.
- haya:ł
- then
- 'ungya'
- he was aware
- xwe'ehsday...
- the man (was)...
- q'un-ch'iwilchwil
- a young man
- xoch'ing'
- towards him
- ch'e'ningya:
- coming out (of the trees)
- ch'e'ningyay
- he came out
- ch'ixohłtsa:n
- he saw him.
- ch'ixone:ł'e'n
- he looked at him,
- de:di
- here
- 'ungya'
- obviously was
- hay
- his
- xowhxiy'
- son,
- q'un-ch'iwilchwil
- a young man
- haya:ł
- then
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- (his son) said to him,
- do:
- not
- na:whdiyay
- I have come back
- nohoł-xowhlik-ming
- to tell you all - in order to
- hay
- the
- ch'idilye:-wint'e:-ding
- the religious dances - continually take place
- hayah
- there,
- 'e'ilwil
- evening always comes
- ch'idilye:-xw
- while they dance*
*That is, they dance all day long. The same idiom as in line 5 above [using line numbering of original print version of story].
- haya:ł
- then
- 'ung'
- it is
- na:whdiyay
- I have come back
- na:whiłtsa:n
- you have seen me again,
- nohoł-na:xowhlik-ming
- to tell you all again - in order to,
- ch'idilye:
- the dance
- hay
- that
- hay
- that
- hayah
- there
- hay
- that
- diwohłye'ił-te:
- you dance along (future).
- de:
- this (= Hoopa Valley)
- miq'eh
- along it
- yide'
- downstream,
- ye:w
- over there
- tł'ohwung'-q'it
- on Bald Hill
- hayah
- there
- ch'e:na:dinohłye'-te:
- you finish dancing - (future).*
*Literally, "you dance back out (of the valley, going downstream)".
- hay
- this
- ch'e:na:dinohłye'
- you finish dancing
- mił
- when,
- na:yisxa:n
- it has dawned again*
- mił
- when,
- ya:xo:'awh
- the jumping
- 'unt'e:
- kind (of dance)
- ch'idilye:
- dance,
*That is, after ten days more.
- hayah
- There - it is
- 'ung'
- it is
- mił
- from
- na:te:wh'ingił-te:
- I am continually looking on - (future).