The Song of the Salmon Heart
told by Louise Jackson
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Victor Golla
- dahungwho'-dung'
- A long time - ago
- ch'ina:n'
- they say it was
- ło:q'
- Salmon
- niyun'k'ixowił'a:tł'
- they cut him up
- ch'ixolchwe:-dung'
- (in) myth (time) - past
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- whe:
- me
- 'e:n'
- for my part
- xoh
- in vain
- je'whint'uts'-te:
- they cut me apart - (future)
- xoh
- in vain
- yo:t
- off away
- whikyun-sa'a:n
- my heart
- no:na'niłq'ahs-te:
- they throw it down - (future)
- xa:t'
- still
- k'iwiwh'ahł-te:
- I sing along - (future)
- whing
- song
- ho:-'en-no:-'ay-'o:n-no:-'en-na:
- [SONG]*
*The recording of the song is excluded from online presentation of the text.
- xa'a:ch'ilaw
- so he did it
- ło:q'
- a salmon
- ta:sint'uts'-de'
- you cut it up - when
- yo:t
- off away
- mikyun-sa'a:n
- its heart
- 'ungya'
- you see
- xa:t'
- still
- ya:k'idmił-te:
- it twitches - (future)