Verdena's Cat
told by Verdena Parker
November 11, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- q'osta:n
- hat
- ye:
- it's like
- na'ułch'a:t
- he's wearing it
- ch'inehwa:n
- he looks like
- haya:ł
- and then
- tse:-q'i-ya:ng'ay
- squirrel*
- ye:
- it's like
- dahya:ng'ay
- sitting up on
- -nehwa:n
- it looks like
*lit., "it sits up on a rock"
- haya:ł
- and also
- ch'e'iye'n
- he stands up
- miq'it-dahky'a:n-ding
- at the table
- xo'ji
- really
- xoning'
- his face
- dahde'e'a'
- it's poking over
- 'a:'ułkyo:w
- he's so big
- ła'a-din
- sometimes
- me'ch'e'na:wh
- bathroom
- me'
- in it
- yehch'e'ina:wh
- he goes in
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'e'ina:wh
- he goes potty
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:xwe'iłchwe'n
- it smells
- do: ch'e'ilyo'
- he doesn't like it
- dahch'ide'inła:t
- he takes off running from it
- hay
- that
- whe: me'ch'e'na:wh-ding
- my bathroom
- yehch'e'inła:t
- he runs in
- hayah
- there
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- ch'ide'iłma:s
- he always flushes it
- haya:ł
- and then
- yehye'iwhiwh-e:
- it always sucks it in (he sees)
- 'a:ch'o:'one'
- he thinks
- do:-xohsle'-te:
- it will disappear
- hay
- that
- 'a:xołchwin-ne'in
- smell that was there
- haya:ł
- and then
- me'-ch'ixine:wh
- telephone
- dahsa'a:n
- sitting up there
- me'
- in it
- ła'a-ding
- sometimes
- xoch'ing'
- to him
- xine'iwhye:wh
- I talk
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'ite'ilda:wh
- he comes running in
- hayah
- right there
- ch'ine'itsa:t
- he always sits down
- ch'ine:'ił'e'n
- he looks at it
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:ne'iwhda:wh
- I return home
- ch'iwhine:'ił'e'n ting
- he stares at me
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that (= the phone)
- q'in'
- also
- tin ch'ine:'ił'e'n
- he stares at it
- 'a:ch'o:'ine'
- he always thinks
- ch'e'ida'
- she is
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'e:na'ida:wh
- she gets out of it
- haya:ł
- and then
- na'ne'ida:wh
- she comes back home
- haya:ł
- and then
- mina:di*
- around
- [de:di]**
- [this]
- dahsehł'un-ne'in
- I used to have sitting up there
- na:ła'
- another thing
- yiwiding-hit
- after a time
- niwinchwe'n
- it got no good
*During transcription session, Verdena says she should have said {mino:ng'ay-ding} instead of {mina:di}
**This word is indistinct in the recording; during transcription session, Verdena suggests it may be {de:di}.
- hayah
- right there
- miq'it
- up on it
- no:de'itul
- he puts his paw
- haya:ł
- and then
- yixe'ine:wh
- it talks
- xoch'in'
- to him
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:łiwun
- unknown
- ch'ixe'ine:wh
- calls
- xwe:da'ay na:de'e'a'
- he listens to*
*lit., 'his head sticks up'
- haya:ł
- and so
- do: ch'ohłts'it
- he doesn't know
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- xwe:da'ay na:de'e'a'
- he listens to it
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay
- that
- whe:
- me
- xoch'in'
- to him
- xine'iwhye:wh-ding
- when I talk to him
- 'e'n
- at that time
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- right there
- ya'a'a'
- he sits
- ch'ine:'ił'e'n
- he looks at it
- ch'o:'ine'
- he thinks
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:ne'iwhda:wh
- I come home
- xonist'e' na:xwe'itiniwh
- he becomes happy
- haya:ł
- and then