The First Ones
told by Verdena Parker
April 19, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Amy Campbell
- dahungwho'-dun'-din do'n
- [a long time ago]
- ch'itindil
- [they were coming along]
- mine:jixomił
- [after a while]
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- [they said]
- k'ite:t'aw
- [Indian doctors]
- ya'ne:ł'e'n
- [they looked]
- 'a:ya'de:ne:
- [they said]
- yo:w
- [over there]
- yima:n
- [across]
- gya:n'
- [it is revealed]
- ninis'a:n
- [land]
- ye:
- [different]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ya'ne:'ił'e'n
- [they always saw it]
- 'a:ya:ch'o:'ine'
- [they always thought]
- teh'idwul
- [it disappeared under water]
- mine:jixomił
- [now and then]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a:ya'de:'ine'
- [they always said]
- mine:jixomił do'n
- [after a while]
- ya:na:'udwul
- [it rises back up]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ta'na:n
- [water]
- wa:nunde'ile'
- [it runs off of it]
- dungwho'owh
- [someone]
- xolisch
- [fast]
- dahch'idiwinłah-te:
- [he/she will run]
- yo:w
- [over there]
- yima:n
- [across]
- ch'ininła:d-e:-te:
- [he/she will run]
- ya:silay
- [lying there]
- dahwixil
- [it is floating]
- ya:ch'ondehsne'
- [they thought]
- me:ya'k'iwiłtiw
- they started measuring
- ya'ne:'ił'e'n
- they look at it
- ch'o:yahłts'it
- they learned it
- teh'idwul
- it goes into the water
- haya:ł
- and
- ya:na:'udwul
- it comes back up
- 'aht'in
- [all]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- [after a while]
- ya'tilte'
- [they are strong]
- ya'wilchwil
- [they are young]
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- [they said]
- ya:xo:tida'awh
- [we are running]
- q'ut
- [now]
- dahya:xo:diwid'un-te:
- [we are going to run]
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- [they said]
- ninis'a:n
- [land]
- ya:dwa'tł'-tehł
- [it is starting to rise]
- ya:dwa:tł'-mił
- [when it rose up]
- dahch'idiwidgit
- [they ran as a group]
- dunłungwho'n
- [several of them]
- dahdiwinła:t
- [they ran]
- ninis'a:n
- [land]
- na:ła'
- [another]
- dahwila:l
- [it was floating]
- hayah
- [there]
- xo:ning'a:n-e:
- [they came running]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayah
- [there]
- ya'de:lts'e'
- [they stayed]
- midiłwa:
- [different]
- ya'ne:ł'e'n
- [they watched it]
- k'iye:
- [again]
- ya:na:dwa'tł'-te:
- [it will rise back up]
- hay
- [that which]
- tehna:dwa:tł'
- [it went back in the water]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- dahxo:diwing'a:n
- [they ran across]
- k'iye:
- [again]
- ninis'a:n
- [land]
- dahwila:l
- [it was floating]
- hayah
- [there]
- me:ya:xo:ning'a:n
- [they ran to it]
- hayah
- [there]
- k'iye:
- [again]
- ya'de:lts'e'
- [they stayed]
- 'a:ya't'ing-xw
- [they kept doing]
- yiwiding-hit
- [finally]
- yima:n
- across there
- ya'un-ch'ing
- from across
- [na:ya'ninde:tł']
- [they went across]
- xo:ning'a:n-e:y
- [they ran there]
- hayah
- there
- 'ungya'
- they realized
- ninis'a:n
- land
- dahungwho'owh 'ułkyow
- the size of it was huge
- sa'ung
- sitting there
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayah
- there
- tsit
- for a while
- ya'de:lts'e'
- they stayed
- ya'te:ng'e'n
- they looked around
- diywho'
- [some]
- k'ikine'
- trees
- nikya:w
- big ones
- na:ya:di'e:tł'
- were standing
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- me'dil
- canoe
- do:ng'
- that
- yahsdilchwin'-te:
- we will make
- wun-na:ya:'usde:tł'
- they're working on it
- hayah
- there
- ya'de:lts'e'
- they stayed there
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- dahna:xo:diwing'a:n
- they ran back
- na:yima:n
- back across
- na:xondi'a:n-e:
- they came running back
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- ninis'a:n
- land
- tin
- really
- nikya:w
- big
- me'dil
- canoes
- 'a:ng'
- (emphasis)
- wun-na:ya'dil
- they're working on it
- haya:ł
- and then
- k'iye:
- again
- ya'wilchwil
- young people
- ła:n
- a lot of them
- ch'itehsyay
- they left
- midiłwa:
- [different one]
- dahxodiwing'a:n
- they took off running
- ya'ninde:tł'-e:y
- they arrived there
- k'iye:
- again
- ya'niwindilił-xw
- they go the same way
- yiwdin
- finally
- ya'un-ch'ing
- coming across
- ya'ninde:tł'
- they came
- ła:n
- lots of them
- ch'iningyay
- they came
- ya'wilchwil
- young people
- wun-na:ya:'usde:tł'
- they worked on it
- ya:'uschwin'-te:
- they're going to make
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- me'dil
- boat
- te:le'n
- it has became
- yiwiding-hit
- finally
- hayahujit
- [then]
- na:yima:n
- back across
- na:ya'tehłqe:t sile'n
- they started rowing
- ya:xołdiniwił'a'
- they have learned it
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- me:lah
- some (people)
- 'e:na:ng'
- [for sure]
- tin
- in a big way
- do: xokyun-ya:xole:n
- they don't have common sense
- do:-heh 'a:ya:ch'ondehsne'
- they never thought
- keh
- hey!
- na:yaydił
- let's go back
- na:yima:n
- back across there
- ya:xoxa:
- after them
- hay ya:xok'isdiya:n'-tah
- their elders
- da:ywho'owh
- somewhere
- xe'e:xo:te:'a:n-e:
- they took off in all directions
- do: 'o:na:lts'it
- it's not known
- hay
- that (person)
- xwa:-na:ya'way
- who is leading them
- łiwung
- one person
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- de:-nohq'it-ch'in'
- toward heaven
- ch'ixine:wh
- he talks
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- him
- 'a:ya:xołch'ine:
- he tells them
- hayah
- there
- haya:ł
- and then
- ninis'a:n
- land
- 'ung'
- there is
- hayah
- at that place
- naha:
- for you
- sa'a:n
- it is there
- nohninis'a:n'
- your land
- hay de:wohłts'e'-tehł-ding
- the place where you're going to live
- mije'e:din-tah
- children also
- hayahujit
- and then
- ya'un-ch'in
- across
- na:ya'xohsxe'
- they're transporting them
- sa'a:y-e:
- a long period of time
- ya'dehłts'e:-xw
- they were staying there
- hayah
- right there
- diywho'
- [some]
- ya'tehłme'n
- they built them
- łe:we:na:wh
- they lived there
- ya:xona:
- wating for them
- 'aht'in
- all of them
- ch'iningyay
- they came
- yiwiding-hit
- after a while
- ya'un-ch'in
- across
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- sahwinde'n
- they started travelling
- hay to:-me' yidah-ch'in
- along the shoreline south
- ch'itindil
- they were going
- dunłungwho'-di(n)
- many times
- me:nundiy
- [years] passed over
- ch'itindił-xw
- they travelled that way
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after some time
- na:ya'ulye:wh 'e'iliw
- they kind of rest
- ya'de'ilts'e'
- they lived there temporarily
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- k'iye:
- again
- na:xwe'ise:l-mił
- when it gets warm
- xay-hit
- wintertime
- ya'de'ilts'e'
- they lived there for a while
- jahda:
- too much
- diywho'
- other things
- xosq'uts'i
- cold
- ma:n
- for that reason
- haya:ł
- then
- ya'te'indil
- they go
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- de:-xw yidah-ch'ing
- from the north southward
- ya'widil
- they are travelling
- yiwidin
- finally
- dahwilahł-ding
- Eureka
- mino:ng'ay'-ding
- near it
- ya'ninde:tł'-e:y
- they came
- [q'ut]
- okay
- 'a:yaydiyah-te:
- we will do
- haya:ł
- and then
- me:lah
- some of them
- ya'te:diya'n sile'n
- they're getting kind of older
- xo'ji-xw
- [more and more]
- haya:ł
- and so
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- digyung
- right here
- ya:wehsdilyo'
- we like it
- digyung
- here
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-te:
- we're going to live
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya:xołch'ide:ne'
- he told them
- de:-nohq'it-mił
- from up in heaven
- do:-me'de:din
- he does not want
- digyung
- here
- de:sohłts'e:
- you live
- daw
- no
- me:ya:wditsa:s
- we're tired of this
- digyung
- right here
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-te:
- we will live
- k'iwiyul
- food
- xolin
- there's a lot
- hun'
- a river
- ch'e:wilin
- comes out
- diywho'
- [something]
- hayah
- there
- diywho'
- [things like]
- wun-na:ya:se'tł'-te:
- we'll be catching
- diywho'
- things like
- tł'iwhxa:n-tah
- eels also
- ya:k'iwidyun'-te:
- we will eat
- na:ya:dił
- they're walking around
- yiwiding-hit
- after a while
- xowun
- from them
- sahya:nde'n
- they travelled
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xwe:ył-q'it
- Redwood Creek
- ya'ninde:tł'-e:
- they arrived
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- digyun
- right here
- midiłwa:
- [instead]
- ya:de:widilts'e'-te:
- we will stay
- tsit
- for a while
- ya'de:lts'e'
- they lived
- hayah
- there
- diywho'
- some things
- ya'wingwa:n
- they killed
- diywho'
- [some]
- wun-na:ya:'usde:tł'
- they worked on it
- haya:ł
- [then]
- me:lah
- some of them
- 'a:ya:de:ne'
- [they said]
- daw
- no
- do: me:ya:de:diding
- we don't want
- ya:te:dil
- to leave
- digyung
- right here
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-wint'e:-te:
- we will always live
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he told them
- de:-nohq'it-mił
- from above in heaven
- digyun
- here
- de:sohłts'e:
- you live
- do:-xoling
- not
- xowa'ni
- part of it
- 'ohliw
- you're going to become
- digyung
- here
- de:sohłts'e:-wint'e:-te:
- you'll always live
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- de:sohłts'e:-wint'e:-te:
- you will always live
- nohnis'a:n'
- your land
- daw
- no
- ya'de:ne'
- they said
- digyung
- right here
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-te:
- we will live
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he told them
- do:-xoling
- it's not going to happen
- miwa'n
- part of it
- 'ohliw
- you become
- na:tini-xw
- Hoope Valley
- hay ch'itindil
- people that are going
- digyun
- here
- de:sohłts'e:-wint'e:-te:
- you'll always live
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho' ch'idilye:-tah
- could be religious dances
- do:-xoling
- no way!
- hayah
- there
- te:soh'e'n
- you watch
- sahwinde'n
- they left
- q'ut
- [now]
- hayah
- there
- łe:we:na:wh
- they lived
- ya:xoma:lyo'-ne'in-'e:ng'
- their relatives used-to-be
- 'iłma:lyo'
- related to each other
- 'a:ya:'unt'e:-xosing
- they are
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ninis'a:n
- the valley
- ya'ułtsa:n-e:
- they saw
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ch'in
- [they say]
- na:tini-xw
- [Hoopa Valley]
- xontah
- houses
- xwa:
- [for them]
- no:ya'te:lay
- they started putting them here and there
- hayah
- there
- łe:we:na:wh
- they started living
- me'dilding
- at Me'dilding
- łe:we:na:wh
- they started living
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- nohnis'a:n'
- your land
- hay dilxich-minin' ta:ng'a:-ding
- "fawn's face sticking out"
- ch'o:ya:ngwhe'
- they named it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a:na:wehsye'
- they named it
- haya:ł
- [then]
- diysh-ta:ng'a:-ding
- Diyshta:ng'a:ding
- 'o:na:wehsye'
- it became that name
- hayah
- there
- sa'a:
- for a long time
- łe:we:na:wh
- they lived
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- sahwinde'n
- they went along
- me:lah
- some people
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- digyung
- right here
- nehe:
- as for us
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-te:
- we will live
- hayah
- there
- me:lah
- some of them
- sahwinde'n
- they moved
- łe:we:na:wh
- they lived there
- haya:ł
- then
- yiwiding-hit
- finally
- ta'k'imiłding
- Ta'k'imiłding
- hayah
- there
- me:lah
- some of them
- ya'wehsyo'
- they liked it
- hayah
- there
- ya'de:lts'e'
- they lived
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ła'ay
- one
- 'a:ya:'unt'e:-ne'in
- they used to be
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- he said
- xwe:ył-q'it-xwe:
- Redwood Creek people
- do:-xoling yidilye:
- they can't dance
- de:-nohq'it-mił
- from heaven
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- do:-xoling
- can't
- xwe:yłq'it-xwe:
- Redwood Creek Indians
- hayah
- [there]
- ts'isye:n
- they are standing
- do:
- not
- ma:
- for them
- wilchwe:n
- it was made
- ninis'a:n chwin'-da:ya'wiłtin-te:
- they'll ruin the world
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- dahungwho'-dun'
- a long time ago
- xwe:yłq'it-xwe:
- Redwood Creek Indians
- yidilye:
- they dance
- hijit
- from that time
- ya'te:'e'in'-ne'in
- they used to watch
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:tini-xw
- in Hoopa
- na:'usde:tł'
- they went around (= started living)
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n
- people
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay nohnis'a:n' wilchwe:n
- that land which was given to us
- hayah
- there
- ya:dehsdilts'e:-te:-ne'in
- we were supposed to live
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- de:de:n'
- as for now
- nohq'it
- on top of us
- yehwinde:tł'
- they came in
- haya:ł
- and then
- dungwho'
- nobody
- do: ch'o:nahłts'it
- they don't know
- ya:ne:de:tł'
- we have come
- na:tini-xw
- (to) Hoopa