Verdena's Life Story, Part 1
told by Verdena Parker
November 12, 2006
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold
- dahungwho'-dung' do:n'
- a long time ago
- mitsiłting'ne:s
- soldiers
- ya:ma:
- for them
- hospital
- ch'idinch'a:t me'-łe:na:wh-ding
- hospital*
*lit., "place that sick people live in"
- nahding
- two
- me:nundiy
- (years) passed
- hay whunchwing
- my mother
- ya'dehłts'e:-ne'in-ding
- where they used to live
- haya:ł
- and
- haya:ł
- and
- ta:q'in
- three of them
- ya'dehłts'e:-ne'in
- they used to live
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- niwhong-xw q'ut
- in a good way
- ya:de'idilts'e'
- we lived
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- do:-xolin
- it can't be
- ch'in
- they said
- ts'isday
- she lives
- hay whunchwing
- my mother
- ch'ina:n'
- because
- yixowa:tiliwh*
- welfare check
- hay
- the
- do:k'iwile:
- old woman
- haya:ł
- and then
*lit., "what they give to her"
- na:lte'
- work
- ch'itehsyay
- she went
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:'uste'
- she worked
- haya:ł
- and then
- we:da'
- I stayed
- ch'iwhinehłyiw
- she raised me
- haya:ł
- and then
- xoma:lyo'
- her friends
- ła:n
- a lot
- k'isdiyun
- elderly people
- hayah-dung'
- at that time
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- them
- na:y
- with
- 'aht'ing
- all
- ya'ne'indil
- they came over
- ya'de'ilwa:wh
- they had conversations
- whił-ya'whe'ilik
- they told me about things
- simiwhGiy'-din-din-dung'
- when I was really little
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- after a while
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said:
- ch'ohłts'it
- she knows
- de: na:mitł'a'-ding
- from this time on
- xoł-ya:xowidilik-te:
- we're going to tell her
- xoł-dinił'a'
- she knows
- yahsdilchwin'-te:
- we will make
- k'iwinya'n-ya:n-q'i
- Indian [way]
- xiniwidye:wh
- language
- wha:ne:
- only
- xo'ji
- well
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- 'a:k'iwilaw
- papers
- ya'whitehłte:n
- they took me
- 'a:ya'k'ilaw
- they filled out papers
- hayahujit
- and then
- ting
- [very]
- xwe:ya:ne:sgit
- I was afraid of them
- hay
- that
- yima:n'dil-q'i
- English
- wha:ne:
- only
- ya'xine:wh
- they speak
- hay k'ił-dinił'a' ya:'ułchwe:
- the people that are teaching
- haya:ł
- and then
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'
- something
- ya'who:de'iłxit
- they always ask me
- haya:ł
- and then
- do: xiniwhye:wh
- I never say nothing
- 'ayne'iwhse'n
- I always think
- xo:'-ye:
- wrong thing
- 'a:diniwhdine'n
- I might say
- ch'iwho:de'iłxit
- she always asks me
- ya:ky'ohliwh
- raise your hand
- ch'ide'ine'
- she says
- do: ya:k'iwhliwh
- I never raised my hand
- do: me:diwhdin
- I didn't want
- ya:k'iwhliwh
- I put my hand up
- 'ayne'iwhsing'
- I always think
- haya:ł
- and then
- do:-tah
- maybe
- do:-xoling
- not
- miq'eh
- follow it
- xo'ji
- [really]
- 'a:diwhne:
- I say
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- after a while
- minłung-miwah-na:ła'
- eleven
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- xwe:da:ng' 'a:nt'e:
- what's wrong with you*
- nimit'
- your belly
- gya'
- [look]
- nikya:w
- it is big
*lit., 'what is it - you are'
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a'de'ine'
- she always says
- ła:n
- a lot
- diywho'
- something
- niwhong-xw
- good way
- ch'ita:n
- she eats
- xomit'
- her belly
- xohsle'
- it has become
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ya'who:ditehłxit
- they ask me
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they say
- niłilyo'o'
- your boyfriend
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- k'iye:
- again
- ch'iwho:diwiłxit
- they ask me
- dungwho'owh
- someone
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- they say to me
- xo'osday
- man
- do:
- not
- chwin-no:'olehł
- he bothers you
- haya:ł
- and then
- ts'eh
- it's like
- do: 'o:yłts'it
- I don't know
- hay diydi-wung xowh
- for what reason
- 'a:ya:whił-ch'ine:
- they say to me
- xo'osday
- man
- diydi-wung
- for what reason
- chwi-yiwho:lehł-tehł-xola:n
- he's going to bother me
- haya:ł
- and so
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- ch'e:whsit
- I woke up
- diwe:ch'a:d-e:
- I hurt
- xola:n
- I realized
- do: yiłdiniwił'a'
- [it] couldn't do it
*lit., 'that way - it happened'
**lit., 'a short time - it became - after'
***lit., 'how - apparently - I was'
- haya:ł
- and then
- yehch'iwinyay
- she came in
- 'a'de:ne'
- she said
- yina:sindiqe'-te:
- get up
- 'a:k'iwilaw-yinehł'in'
- school
- hay whunchwing
- my mother
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- she told her
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- yehch'iwinyay
- she came in
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a'de:n'
- she said
- xwe:da:n'
- what is it
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- she told her
- dahungwho'-dun'-ding
- a long time ago
- 'unohoł-de:ne'
- I told you (pl.)
- k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe: 'e:ng'
- as for the doctor
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- xono'k'int'a'ts'-te:
- they're going to cut her open
- haya:ł
- and then
- daw
- no
- dohne:
- you (pl.) say
- haya:ł
- and then
- daw
- no
- ch'ide'ine'
- she always said
- do:-xoling
- it's not going to happen
- xono'k'it'us
- they cut her open
- ya'xosohłwe'n
- they might kill her
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay diwe:ch'ah
- I got sick
- hujit
- after
- haya:ł
- then
- me:ya'wing'e:tł'-ding
- sitting room*
- me'
- in it
- k'iste:n
- bed
- wha:
- for me
- no:ya'ning'a:n
- they put it
- hayahujit
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ne:se:te:n
- I lay down
*lit, 'where they sit'
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- miq'it-dahwing'a'
- the sun was getting lower
- yitsin'i-wing'a'-ji
- a little later in the afternoon
- na:na:sehłxoy'
- I vomited
- tse:ling
- blood.
- no:k'iniyo:wh
- it came pouring out
- me:tsah-xosing-xw
- large amount
- tse:lin
- blood
- wha:ne:
- all*
*Translated as 'all' here as in 'only blood' or 'nothing but blood'.
- haya:ł
- and then
- ts'eh
- I feel it
- ting
- [really]
- diwhch'ah
- I'm sick
- ła'ay-xw
- [all at once]
- na:na:sehłxoy'
- I vomited
- na:na:sehłxoy'
- I vomited
- dahxodiwing'a:n
- they ran over
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- they told him
- ła'ay-xw
- all at once
- xolisch
- hurry up
- meya:de:didin
- we want
- ch'itina:wh
- she goes
- k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe:
- doctor
- mich'ing'
- to it
- no:nła:t
- he pulled up
- haya:ł
- and then
- ya'whiłte:n
- he picked me up
- hay whik'isdiya:n'-xowilchwin-ne'in
- my stepfather used-to-be*
*Verdena later says that it was actually the boss, Raymond Spaulding, who picked her up.
- miłto:y
- can
- no:ya'nta:n
- they put it down
- k'iye:
- again
- na:na:sehłxoy'-de'
- if I throw up
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:ne'
- they said to me
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah-dung'
- at that time
- ting
- really
- 'ist'iK'its
- it was narrow
- ting
- [really]
- ła:n
- a lot
- na:na:lqot'
- it had turns
- [hayi]
- [that]
- xolisch
- fast
- wilda:l
- it's moving
- ningwhun-ding
- it's obvious
- yiwidin
- [until]
- dahwilahł-ding
- in Eureka
- no:nła:t-e:
- it stopped there
*lit., 'like a place where people are sick'
- xoxa:
- to him
- ya'xe:ne:wh
- they called
- hay k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe:
- the doctor
- ch'iningyay
- he came
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- do:-xoling
- no [it can't be]
- do:-xoling
- no [it can't be]
- na'tidye:wh
- she breathes
- wha:ne:
- only
- mina:nahsdiwa'tł'-tehł
- it will go around
- xolung
- [it seems]
- xo:'-'a:'udyaw-e:-te:
- will be dead
- haya:ł
- so then
- xolisch
- fast
- ya'whitehłte:n
- they took me
- hayahujit
- and then
- ch'iwingwa:s 'e:ng'
- they shaved
*lit., 'not - my hair - it was plentiful'
- yehya'whiłte:n
- they took me in
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- ky'ołtuq'
- count
- dahwe:te'
- I lay
- hayah
- there
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'owh
- something
- whinchiwh
- my nose
- mitis
- over it
- no:ya'ning'a:n
- they put it
- haya:ł
- and then
- ky'o:yłtuq'
- I started counting
- ła'
- one
- nahx
- two
- ta:q'i
- three
- de:ne'
- I said
- hayi
- that
- wha:ne:
- [only]
- minawhliwh
- I remember
- whikiwingwa'n
- I went to sleep
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'e:na:whsit
- I woke back up
- tin
- really
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'ungya'
- all of a sudden
- 'a:na:wht'e'-ts'eh
- I felt
- do: na:diwhch'ah-ts'eh
- I don't feel sick
- yehch'iwinyay
- she came in
- hay k'iwut-ya'xolya:n-q'i-'unt'e:
- the nurse*
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a'de:ne'
- she said
- xwe:di
- how
- 'a:nt'e:
- you are
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:xoł-de:ne'
- I told her
- niwhong-xw
- good way
- 'a:na:niwe:se:t'e'-ts'iw
- I feel
- do: na:diwhch'ah-ts'eh
- I don't feel no pain
*lit., 'the person that takes care of you'
- do: me:diwhding
- I don't want
- whino'k'it'us
- surgery*
- haya:ł
- and then
- whiwung
- at me
- xwa:nło'
- she laughed
*lit., 'they cut into me'
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- she said to me
- nino'k'int'a:ts'
- [they cut into you]
- 'aht'in
- all of it
- mindixe'
- it's finished
- 'aht'in
- all
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'a:niwehst'e'
- it looks
- haya:ł
- and then
- de:de:n'
- from now on
- łah-xw
- just
- hayi
- that
- haya:ł
- and then
- ne:se'n
- I thought
- ła'ay-xw
- [all at once]
- ts'eh
- I realize
- diwhts'ing
- I'm stiff
- de:-de:
- I come to realize
- na:whiwiloy'
- I'm wrapped up
- whiky'a:ng'ay
- my arms
- na:mis-xw
- around and around
- whina:di
- around me
- na:wiloy'
- it is wrapped
- na:wiloy'
- it is wrapped
*lit., 'this way - I wriggle'
- haya:ł
- and then
- xo:'
- hayi
- that
- me'dichwit
- to move
- do: yił-dinił'ay
- you can't do it
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya:whił-ch'ide:n'
- they told me
- na:na:siłxoy'-de'
- if you throw up
- mina:
- for it
- daw
- no
- tin
- really
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'a:wht'e:
- I feel
- de:ne'
- I said
- do:-xolin
- [it's impossible]
- na:nawhxoy
- I throw up
- xe'e:na'winta:n-e:
- they took it away
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- siwhte:n
- I was lying
- na:yisxa:n-e:
- days
- hayah
- there
- do: me:dichwit
- without moving
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'
- something
- do: wha:ya'k'iłkit
- they never feed me
- yehwint'ik'
- an IV*
- whiky'a:ng'ay-q'eh
- to my arm
- wha:ne:
- only
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'ahdiyaw
- it was
- yisxa:n
- days
- whiky'a:ng'ay
- my arm
- yehwint'ik'
- it was plugged in
*lit., 'what's stuck in'
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- de:da:ng'
- now
- k'iwinyun'-te:
- you get to eat
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'owh
- some kind
- mito'
- juice
- yehya'wingxung
- they brought it in (in a container)
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay diywho'owh
- something
- ditung'-wilchwe:n
- it is thickened
- jello
- jello
- 'ulye:
- you call it*
- q'ina'
- also
- haya:ł
- and then
*lit., 'it is called'
- hayi
- that
- wha:
- for me
- no:ya'ningxung
- they put down
- haya:ł
- and then
- tea
- tea
- q'ina'
- also
- de:di-ch'in
- this right here
- ta:ndinun'-te:
- you're going to drink
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- k'e:yung'
- I ate
- hay
- [what]
- wha:
- for me
- yehya'wingxa:n
- they brought in
- haya:ł
- and then
- ts'eh
- [I felt]
- ting
- [really]
- chwing-me:do:whle:
- I'm hungry
- haya:ł
- and then
- ts'eh
- [I felt]
- ta'na:n
- water
- me:diwhchwing
- I wanted
- 'a:de:ne'
- I said
- me:diwhchwe:n
- I want
*that is, 'instead of' (tea)
- daw
- no
- ya'de:ne'
- they said
- do:-xoling tundina:n
- you can't drink
- tea
- tea
- wha:ne:
- only
- do:-ła:n-dzi
- a little bit
- ta:ndinun'-te:
- you will drink
- 'a:niwe:se:t'e'
- I became
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- yehya'winde'tł'
- they came in
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
- de:da'n
- right now
- niky'a:na:yundit'a'ts'-te:
- we're going to cut it off you
- hayi
- that
- me:tsah-xowinse'n
- it was bad
- ya'te:t'a:ts'
- they started cutting it
- łah
- one
- q'is
- side
- yitsin'
- down
- hayahujit
- and then
- whiwun
- off of me
- na:ya'diwiłt'ow
- they peeled it
- hayi
- that which
- me:lta'n
- it was stuck
- k'ima:w
- medicine
- na:ya'ischwe'n
- they put it on*
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- 'a:na:yundil'e:n
- we're doing to you
- na:te:sindiya:-te:-ma:n
- because you're going to leave
*lit., 'they did it'
- de:di
- this
- nahding
- two
- yisxa:n
- days
- na:mitł'a'-ding
- after
- yina:sindiqe'-te:
- you're going to get up
- ya:we:sing'a'-te:
- you're going to sit up
- which'e:k'e'-ne'in
- my guts
- ts'eh
- [I felt]
- ch'indila:-te:
- they were going to pop out
- ye: siling'
- it seemed like
- hayi
- that
- yina:ya'whiste:n
- they pulled me up to a sitting position
- dahya:we:se:'a'
- I sat up there
- k'iste:n
- bed
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- yina:sindiqe'-de'
- you're going to get up
- ninch'in'
- on the floor
- haya:ł
- and then
- ting
- a lot
- ye: do:-na:lte'-nehwhung
- it doesn't appear to be hard
- ya'whitehłte:n
- they started helping me along
- whits'ine'-ne'in
- my legs used-to-be
- ts'eh
- [I felt]
- do: ya:dta:tł'
- it couldn't step
- dahungwho'owh
- a lot
- ya:
- it's like
- 'ułda:s
- very heavy
- sile'n
- it's like
- hay whits'ine'
- my legs
- hayahujit
- and then
- de:-xw no:na:ya'whiniłte:n
- they turned me around
- na:tehsdiyay
- I started walking back
- do: ya:yta'tł'
- I can't pick up my feet
- michwut
- beside
- na:ya'whiniłditing
- they brought me back
- hijit* dahna:ya'whiłte:n
- they put me back up there
- na:ne:se:te:n
- I laid back down
*transcription uncertain
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- k'iye:
- again
- yisxung'
- the next day
- 'a:na:ya'whilaw
- they did that to me again
- hay na:yisxa:n
- the very next day
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- na:te:sindiya:-te:
- you're going to go home
- whixa:
- after me
- ya'ningde:tł'
- they came
- k'iste:n
- bed
- ya'uschwe'n
- they made
- nahł'its
- car
- me:neq'
- in the back
- me'
- in there
- dahna:ne:se:te:n
- I lay down on it
- nawhdiyay-e:
- I returned
- na:ya'whiłdite:n
- they brought me back
- hayahujit
- and then
- yehna:ya'whiłte:n
- they brought me back in
- no:na:ya'whiniłte:n
- they put me back
- yina'widqe:l
- [she] gets up
- ch'iwiying'ił-ne'
- [she] stands up occasionally
- do:-xoling 'e:n'
- [it can't be]
- ch'itina:wh
- [she walks]
- haya:ł
- and then
- q'ut ts'isdiya:n
- she was old
- haya:ł
- and
- miday'
- outside
- me'-ch'e'na:wh
- outhouse
- yo:w
- [over there]
- na:miwina:
- around
- ch'e'ina:wh-e:
- she'd go outside
- ch'ite'ina:wh-e:
- [I saw] she always walks along
- haya:ł
- and then
- yina:'iwhdiqe'
- I get up
- ya:'iwh'a'
- I sit up
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- te'iwha:wh
- I start walking along
- k'iste:n
- bed
- na:mitł'a'-ding
- clear around
- 'ułtsah
- that far
- na:te'iwhda:wh
- I walk back
- hijit
- then
- na:ne'iwhtiwh
- I lay back down
- mine:jixomił
- every now and then
- yehch'e'ina:wh
- she'd come in
- hay whunchwing
- my mother
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:whił-ch'ide'ine'
- she always tells me
- digyung
- here
- haya:ł
- and then
- xo'ji
- really
- whe:na'ke'iłxut'
- she'd tuck me in
- xe'e:na'uda:wh-e:
- she leaves
- haya:ł
- and then
- yina:'iwhdiqe'
- I get up
- k'iye:
- again
- te'iwha:wh
- I start walking
- do: ch'o:yahłts'it
- they don't know
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe:-ch'in'
- to the doctor
- na:te:sindiya:-te:
- you're going to go back
- haya:ł
- and then
- yisxun-de'
- tomorrow
- na:yuntehsdiltin-te:
- we're going to take you back
- haya:ł
- and then
- mide'-xole:n
- [cow]
- mits'o:'
- milk
- wha:ne:
- only
- ta:whdinun'
- I drank
- k'iwe:whe'
- eggs
- k'iwilme:ch
- boiled
- haya:ł
- and then
- k'iwidq'ay
- ground up
- k'e'iwhung'
- I ate
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay
- [that?]
- 'a'de:ne'
- they said
- na:yuntehsdiltin-te:
- we will take you back
- k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe:-ch'ing'
- to the doctor
- na:ya'whitehłte:n
- they took me back
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- diydi
- whatever
- me'de:nde'n
- she wants
- k'iwinyun'-te:
- she can eat
- xwa:ky'ohłkit-ne'
- you feed her
- diywho'
- something like
- na:wit'ow
- mashed
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- de:
- this
- na:mitł'a'-ding
- after
- hayi
- that
- na:te:sindiya:-de'
- when you go back
- 'a:k'iwilaw-yinehł'in
- (to) school
- ting
- [really]
- na:dil'in'-ne'
- watch out.
- dungwho'
- someone
- do:
- not
- nimit'
- your belly
- na'nohłkisi-heh-ne'
- let them hit you
- whinist'e'-me:q'
- inside my belly
- te:wit'a:ts'-hit
- it has been cut that way
- hayahujit
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- na:yda'
- I stayed
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'ine'ina:wh
- he always comes
- 'a:k'iwilaw-ch'inehł'in-din-mił
- from the school
- hay whił-dinił'a'-ch'iłchwe:-ne'in
- the person who was teaching me
- 'a:k'iwilaw
- papers
- ch'ine'iliwh
- he always brings
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:whił-ch'ide'ine'
- he always tells me
- de:
- this
- 'a:'iwhleh
- I do it
- haya:ł
- and then
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- after a time passed
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- ch'e:na'te:de'tł'-te:
- they will go out
- 'a:k'iwilaw-ya'nehł'e:n
- students
- haya:ł*
- and then
- ch'iningyay
- he came
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
*Verdena says {haya:ł ch'in} here, but during the transcription session she says she should not have included {ch'in} because it suggests that she only heard that he came (perhaps from another person), when in fact she was there when it happened.
- łah
- one
- je:s
- day
- wha:ne:
- only
- nondiya'n
- it was left
- 'a:k'iwilaw-ne:l'e'n
- school
- tin
- really
- me:ya:de:didin
- we all want
- ningya:wh
- you to come
- 'a:k'iwilaw-ch'inehł'in-ding
- to school
- haya:ł
- and then
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- hay
- that
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- yina:sdiqe'
- I got up
- te:se:yay
- I went there
- yehwe:yay
- I got on*
*lit., 'I went in'
- haya:ł
- and then
- mije'e:din
- kids
- hay
- [who]
- whe:
- [me]
- łe:n'
- together
- school ya:diliw
- we go to school
- 'a:k'iwilaw ya:ne:dil'e:n
- we studied*
- dahłe:na:wh
- they're sitting up (on their seats)
- haya:ł
- and then
- xwa:ya:nło'
- they laughed
- whiwung
- at me
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
*lit, 'we looked at books'
- xwe:di-ma:n
- why
- ningyay
- (did) you come
- de:sxa:n
- today
- łah
- one
- wha:ne:
- only
- ch'e:na'te:de:tł'
- [they] leave
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:de:n'
- I said
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:ne'
- he told me
- hay
- the
- 'a:k'iwilaw-ya:ne:dil'in-din
- school*
- miningxa't'e:n'
- principal
- ch'ino:ya'-ne'
- let her come
*lit., 'place where we look at books'
- haya:ł
- and then
- ting
- [really]
- wung
- [at it]
- xwa:ya:nło'
- they laughed
- haya:ł
- and then
- yehwe:ya:
- I went in
- hay 'a:k'iwilaw-ya:ne:dil'in-ding
- our classroom*
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- k'iye:
- again
- whiwun
- at me
- ło'-xowinsing'
- they started laughing
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
*lit., 'the place where we look at books'
- do:
- not
- minłung
- even
- 'a:k'iwilaw ch'inehł'e'n
- she went to school*
- sa'a:y-ey
- for a long time
- haya:ł
- and then
- de:sxa:n
- today
- hijit
- only
- ch'iningyay
- she came
*lit, 'she looked at books'
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay miningxa't'e:n'
- the principal
- 'a'de:n'
- [he] said
- do: chwing-xo:dle:l-heh
- don't bother her
- ch'iningyay
- she came
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:k'iwilaw ch'inehł'in'-te:
- she will go to school*
- haya:ł
- and then
- xowa:yundilkyo:s-te:
- we're going to give her (papers)
- 'aht'ing
- all
*lit. 'she will look at papers'
- xowh
- whether or not
- 'o:ya:widilts'it-te:
- we will find out
- haya:ł
- and then
- ło'-xowinsing'
- they started laughing
- haya:ł
- and then
*lit. 'that - over it - they went'
- me:lah
- some of them
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- [they] said
- do:-xoling wa'na:wh
- she's not going to go through
- k'iye:
- again
- do: ch'inehł'in-ne'in
- she wasn't looking*
- do: ch'ohłts'it
- she doesn't know it
- diywhe'eh
- anything
*She wasn't looking at papers, that is, 'she wasn't studying'.
- me:lah
- some of them
- niwhong-xw
- nice [way]
- which'in'
- to me
- yayxe:ne:wh
- they talked
- hay
- those
- mije'e:din
- kids
- łe:n'
- together
- 'a:k'iwlaw ya:ne:dil'e:n
- we studied*
- me:lah
- some of them
- yayxinehwh-ne'in
- they talked
- k'iwinya'a:n-q'
- Indian [way]
- haya:ł
- and
- hayi
- those
- ya:de'idilwa:wh
- we would talk (to each other)
*lit., 'we looked at papers'
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'e:na'te:de'tł'-te:-mił
- when they're going to leave
- da'a'k'ilah
- he took out
- naha:
- for us
- 'a:k'iwilaw
- paper
- nohwa'te:la:
- he started handing them out to us
- 'aht'ing
- all (of us)
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
- ya:whił-ch'ide:n'
- they said [to me]
- haya:ł
- and then
- dungwho'owh
- someone
- ch'iłkit
- they grabbed it
- whiwung
- away from me
- xe'e'wiłtsa:s-e:
- they yanked it away
- haya:ł
- and then
- me:lah
- some of them
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:n'
- [he/she told them]
- wa'ningya:-xola:n
- it looks like she passed
- haya:ł
- and then
- ting
- [really]
- ło'-xowinsing'
- they started laughing
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
- k'iye:
- again
- na:ya:ne:wdilin'-de'
- when we come back [to school]
- na:tł'a'
- backwards
- no:na'xoniłte:n-e:-te:
- they will move her
- diywho'
- things
- do: ch'ohłts'it
- she doesn't know
- hay
- that
- nehe:
- we
- diywho'
- [things]
- 'o:ya:dilts'it-q'i
- we know
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- k'iye:
- again
- na:tehłdida:wh
- it started again
- 'a:k'iwlaw-ne:l'e'n
- school
- k'iye:
- again
- nawhdiya:
- I come back
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
- hayi
- those
- na:k'idil
- who were walking around
- ch'in
- [they say]
- na:tł'a'
- back
- no:na'xoniłtin-te:
- they're going to move her
- diywho'
- [something]
- do: ch'ohłts'it
- she doesn't know
- ch'in
- [they say]
- jahda:
- too much
- na:lte'
- work
- xwa:
- for her
- 'a:ya'ulah
- [the teacher] did
- haya:ł
- and then
- miq'it
- on it
- 'a:ya:k'idilaw
- we wrote
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- nahding
- two times
- no:nt'ik'
- weeks
- 'a:ya'de:n'
- they said
- 'a'de:n'
- he said
- hay nohdinił'a'-ch'iłchwe:
- the teacher*
*lit., 'the one who makes us learn'
- de:da:n'
- as for right now
- yehya'winde'tł'-te:
- they're going to come in
- xixe:xi
- boys
- nahnin
- two of them
- whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:
- for you
- ya'tehs'un-te:
- they're going to take it
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- haya:ł
- and then
- de:di
- (as for) this
- 'a:k'iwilaw
- paper
- tiliwh-ne'
- you take it
*lit., 'in it - you sit up'
**lit. 'following it - you must go'
- yehya:nde'tł'
- they came in
- xixe:xi
- boys
- nahnin
- two
- hayahujit
- and then
- ya:yaywing'ung
- they picked it up
- hay
- the
- miq'it-ts'isday
- desk*
- miq'it
- on it
- diywho'
- stuff
- me'
- in it
- yehna'liwh
- [someone] puts in
*lit., 'on it - one sits' (also meaning 'chair')
- hayahujit
- so then
- xoq'eh ya:te:se:ya:
- I followed them*
*lit., 'after them - I went'
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- yehwe:yay
- I walked in
- 'a:k'iwilaw
- papers
- xowa:ne:la:
- I gave them to him
- hayah
- there
- 'a:k'iwilaw ne:ył'e'n
- I went to school*
*lit., 'I looked at books'
- haya:ł
- and
- hayo:w
- those
- me:lah
- some of them
- 'a:ya'n
- they're saying
- do:-xoling wa'na:wh
- she's not going to pass
- haya:ł
- and then
- xwe:na:yundilxe'-te:
- we're going to catch up with her
- haya:ł
- and then
- wa:ne:yay-e:-xolung
- I realized I had passed
- do: ło'-na:xosing
- they didn't laugh
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- hayah
- [there]
- te:se:yay
- I went along
- minłung-ding-miwah-na:ła' 'ułtsah
- eleventh grade*
*lit., 'eleven - that far'
- 'a:k'iwilaw ne:ył'e'n
- [I went to school]
- haya:ł
- and then
*lit., 'I looked at books'
- k'iłkit
- policeman
- 'a:'unt'e:
- he was
- Bill Quimby
- Bill Quimby
- xolye:
- was his name*
- hayi
- him
- xwa:
- for him
*lit., 'he is named, called'
- hay
- that
- do: na:'usdilin'-te:
- he's not going to be
- nahdiminłung-ding
- twenty (years)
- me:nundiy
- came back around
- k'iłkit
- policeman
- haya:ł
- and then
- ła:n
- lots
- ch'iningyay
- they came
- 'aht'ing
- all
- yate:se:de:tł'
- we went
- ning'isde:tł'
- they started dancing
- diywho'
- [some]
- milimil
- instruments
- diwilwa:wh
- they were playing
- diywho'
- [some]
- k'iwiyul
- food
- dahungwho'owh 'unłun
- a whole lot
- diywho'
- something
- dahya'te:xa:n
- they set it up there (in bowls)
- xe'e'te:de:tł'
- they were going by
- ch'iniwint'ik'i
- they were in a line
- ya'k'iwinya'n
- they ate
- diywho'
- stuff
- 'a:da:
- for themselves
- no:k'iłeh
- they started plopping
- xowinse'n
- [it appeared]
- me'
- in it
- ya:k'iwidiyun'
- we all ate
- hayahujit
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- ning'isde:tł'
- they start dancing
- ting 'a:k'idyaw
- they were getting active*
*lit., 'really - they did it'
- tin
- really
- ts'eh
- I was all enthused
- ya:xone:ył'ing'
- I was watching them
- haya:ł
- and then
- ting
- [really]
- we:syo'
- I liked it
- haya:ł
- and then
- de:-de:
- I come to realize
- hay whunchwing-ne'in 'e:ng'
- my mother used-to-be
- hay whita'-wilchwe:n
- my stepfather
- na:y
- with (her)
- diywho'
- something
- ta:ya'dina:n
- they were drinking
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- yehna:ya:'undił
- they come back in
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'e:na:ya'undil-e:
- they go back out
- ya:'iwh'a'
- I always keep sitting there
- miday'
- outside
- ch'e:na:ndahwh-ne'
- go back out
- haya:ł
- and then
- de:de'n
- as for these (people)
- ch'ina:n'
- she's observing
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'in
- [she said]
- digyun
- here
- me'
- in
- do: me:diwhdin
- I don't want
- sinday
- you stay
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'in
- [she said]
- nahł'its
- car
- me'
- in it
- k'e:w na:sinda:n'
- you hide
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ya:we:se:'a'
- I sat down
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- after a while
- mił na:whiwiłwe'
- I started getting sleepy
- whikiwingwun'-te:
- I drift into sleep off and on
- ye: sile'n
- it seemed like
- 'ungya'
- all of a sudden
- na'te:tse:
- somebody opened it
- hay
- the
- no:na:witse:
- door
- na'te:tse:
- somebody opened it
- yehch'iwilto'n sile'n
- he sort of jumped in there
- mene:q'
- in the back
- de:-de:
- I come to realize
- do: yehna:k'iwidqits'
- it isn't locked
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay whiq'os-kin'-ding
- at my throat
- xok'ya:ng'ay
- his arm
- no'ninta:n-mił
- he put it across
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:ne'
- he told me
- do: ch'in xo:' 'a:diwine'-heh
- don't say nothing, he said
- ch'in
- [he said]
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- na'whislo:si
- he raped me*
*lit., 'he dragged me around'
- diywho'
- [something]
- whits'e:k'iwilt'o'-ne'in
- my underwear used-to-be
- ch'idiwiłtsa:s
- he ripped it off
- ch'iwhiwiłwe' sile'n
- he's kind of like roughing me up
*lit., 'something - every way there was - he did it - when'
- ch'in
- [he said]
- xose:sehłwin-te:
- I will kill her
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'in
- [he said]
- q'ina'
- too
- ya:xosehłkis-te:
- I'm going to hit him all over
- ch'in
- he said
- 'a:'diwe:n'-de'
- if you say
- xwe:ne:sgit
- I was afraid of him
- haya:ł
- and so
- xo:' do: 'a:diwhne'
- I never say anything
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'e:na:ningde:tł'
- they came out
- hay whunchwing-ne'in
- that used-to-be my mother
- do: me:diwhdin
- I didn't want
- dungwho'
- anybody
- xo:' ye:
- bad things
- 'a:ya'xoł'e:n
- doing to them
- de:
- I guess
- na'tehsdiy
- he went back
- k'iłch'ixa:na:wh-ch'in'
- to the war*
- na'way
- he was going
*lit., '(where) they fight each other - to'
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- na'ndiy
- he came back
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- whixa:na'te:ng'e'n sile'n
- he was looking for me
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- ch'in
- [he said]
- dungwho'
- somebody (else)
- ch'in
- [he said]
- do:-xoling
- (you're) not going to
- xwa'ut
- [his] wife
- 'iliw
- [you] become
- dungwho'
- nobody
- ch'in
- [he said]
- do:-xoling
- not
- me'de:din
- [he is] going to want you
- me:nundiyay-e:
- [passed]
- t'ehxich'e:
- girls
- nahx
- two
- sile'n
- [it became]
*lit., 'with them - I stayed'
- nahding
- two times
- ch'iwhiwiłwe'
- he beat me up
- łah
- one time
- ya'whiłte:n
- he picked me up
- miq'it-ts'isday nikya:w
- couch*
*'big chair', lit., 'on it - you sit - big'
- hayi
- [that]
- mitis
- over it
- k'e'whiłtsa:s
- he slammed me down
- whikyun-k'isya:t
- I had a miscarriage
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'e:na:ya'niłte:n
- they brought it back out
- me'-ya'dincha:t ya'dehłts'e:-ding
- hospital*
*lit., 'in it - they are sick - they stay - place'
- tin
- really
- ch'ingkya:w
- he was big
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- [that one]
- yehch'ixołte:n
- he brought [me] in
- 'a:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- [he told him]
- xo:'-ye:
- in a bad way
Verdena says {yehch'ixołte:n} 'he brought him/her in', but later corrects herself to {yehch'iwhiłte:n} 'he brought me in'.
- mije'e:din
- baby
- se:siłwe:n-e:
- you have killed it
- mitis
- over
- no:nundilah-xolun-ne'ing
- [it seemed to have passed]
- hay
- [that]
- mije'e:din
- [baby]
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- ts'isehłwe:n
- he killed
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'iwhe'iłwe'
- he always beats on me
- 'a:whił-ch'ide'ine'
- he always says [to me]
- 'a:na:whił-ch'ide'ine'
- he would always tell me
- yunisehsdilwin-de'
- when we kill you
- yineh
- into the ground
- yuniwidiltin-te:
- we're going to put you
- 'a:whił-ch'ide'ine'
- he'd always say [to me]
- ch'iwho'iwhe'
- he always calls me
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- me:nundiyay
- it went around
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- and then
- yo:w-xw yida:ch'in
- from downriver
- t'ehxich'e:
- girls
- ła:n
- a lot
- ningyay
- came
- hayi
- those
- ting
- really
- ya:yixowehsyo'
- they liked him
- hayi
- them
- xoł
- with him
- na:yahsde:tł'
- they went around
- haya:ł
- and then
- whiky'a:na'undiy
- he went away from me
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- 'e:ng'
- as for me
- niwhong-xw na:na:se:ya'
- I started going around in good company*
- haya:ł
- and then
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'a'whił'e:n
- he does for me
*lit, 'good way - I started going around'
**lit., 'with him - I went around'