Creation of Animals
told by Verdena Parker
March 8, 2009
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold
- ch'ixolchwe:-dung'
- in the time of stories
- 'ulye
- it was called
- hayi
- that
- ch'ischwe'n
- he created
- naha
- for us
- na:'ischwe'n
- he made it
- de:-nohq'it
- above us
- ts'isday
- he lives
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywhe'eh
- nothing
- k'ikine'
- trees and bushes
- q'ut
- [just]
- tin
- really
- niwingwho'n
- it looks good
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'iningyay
- he came
- ch'ixoniłte:n
- he brought him
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- nin
- you
- do'n
- [it is]
- yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n
- Across-the-Sea-Old-Man
- miningxa't'e:n'
- the boss
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- k'iłixun
- a deer
- ch'inya
- came walking out
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- him
- q'ina'
- also
- xots'e:q'it
- his umbilical cord
- dahk'int'a:ts'
- he cut
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'aht'ing
- all of them
- ch'e:ya'windil-il
- they kept coming out
- tse:-q'i-ya:ng'ay-tah
- even Squirrel
- ch'inyay
- came out
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'aht'ing
- all of them
- xots'e:q'it
- their umbilical cord
- dahk'int'a:ts'
- he cut it off
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:q'itah-k'iłixun
- jackrabbit
- xoya:n
- wild
- sile'n
- they became
- haya:ł
- [and]
- yayxinehwh-ne'in
- they used to talk
- nehe ya:xindiye:whe'-q'i
- just like we talk
- jiweh
- [I'm scared]
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- do:-xoling
- not
- che:'iwha:wh
- I'm going out
- yehna'wildidow
- he ducked back in
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- k'iye
- again
- 'a:na:xołch'ide:ne'
- he told him again
- digyung
- here
- ch'e:ninyahwh
- come on out
- haya:ł
- and then
- daw
- no
- do: ch'e'ningya
- he didn't come out
- ch'ite:ng'e'n
- he looked
- xoning'
- his face
- na:'usqe:t-e:
- he stuck it out there
- yehna'wildido:w-e:
- he ducked back in
- xoxa:
- after him
- na'k'isle'
- he reached in
- ch'e'xonilo:s
- he pulled him out
- hayahujit
- [then]
- ch'e'k'iniłtik
- he squeezed it
- xonin'
- his face
- diwime'n
- it got sharp
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xona:'
- his eyes
- do: 'o:na:wehs'e'n
- [can't be seen]
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay xoky'a:ng'ay-ne'in
- his arms used-to-be
- ch'ite:te:qits'
- he twisted them round and round
- xola'
- his hands
- te:le'n-e:
- became
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xots'e:q'it
- his umbilical cord
- dahk'int'a:ts'
- he cut it
- hayahujit
- and then
- yehna'xołwa:tł'
- he slammed him back in
- hay xa:ky'a'un-ding
- where the hole is
- na:k'idmo:t'
- mole
- yiniw
- under the ground
- wha:ne
- only
- xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he old him
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- nahsde:tł'
- they went around
- haya:ł
- and then
- xontehł-taw
- Coyote
- xochwo: na:y
- and his grandmother
- ch'ide:'ilts'e'
- they lived there
- haya:ł
- [and]
- 'aht'ing
- all of them
- 'iłch'ing'
- to one another
- ya'xine:wh
- they spoke
- sile'n
- [it became]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- minim'-mił-łe:diliw-tah
- Mountain Lion also
- 'aht'ing
- all
- xontah
- house
- no:ya'te:lay
- they built
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ła:n
- a lot of them
- nahsya'
- [they went around]
- diywho'
- [something]
- hay ch'ixolchwe
- Indian stories
- sile'n
- they became
- hay mich'in'-ding
- for that reason
- haya:ł
- [and]
- xowa:yungxiwidlik
- they have a story about them
- me:lah
- some of them
- ya'de'ine'
- they always say
- na:ya'k'e'e'aw
- they always sing
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xontehł-taw 'e:ng'
- as for Coyote
- q'ut
- [now]
- na'uya'
- he goes around
- 'a'uniw
- he always does
- hay yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n
- Across-the-Sea-Old-Man
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he told them
- wun-na:ya'dił-te:
- they're going to be doing
- haya:ł
- and so then
- łe:we:na:wh
- they lived
- na'diwehs'e'n
- he watched after
- miningxa't'e:n'
- boss
- ts'isle'n
- he was
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'ixolchwe
- stories
- me:lah
- some of it
- do: 'o:na:te:sehłts'it
- I don't remember
- hay xontehł-taw
- Coyote
- xowungxowidlik
- stories about him
- hay
- that
- haya:ł
- [and]
- hay yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n
- the Creator's helper
- q'ina'
- also
- mine:jixomił
- [after a while]
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- haya:ł
- [and then]
Verdena says {xoliwh} originally but corrects this to {xole:n} during transcription session.
- na:way
- walking around
- ya:mimije'e:din'
- their young children
- ya:xote:le'
- they started having
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ma'ut
- a mate
- ya:xote:le'
- they have
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywhe'eh
- any
- tsumehstł'o:n
- woman
- do: ch'iłtsa:n
- he coudn't find
- diywhe'eh
- none
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- 'aht'ing
- [all]
- k'iwinya'a:n
- humans
- te:ya
- it's going by
- 'a:xowiłchwing'
- you can smell it
- de:de:
- [he realized]
- yidahch'in
- [from the north]
- ch'itindil
- [they are coming]
- k'iwinya'a:n
- [people]
- ła:n
- [a lot]
- qa:l
- [are going along]
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- te:sohloy'-te
- you will make room
- hay k'iwinya'a:n
- the humans
- nahsde:tł'-te
- they're going to be around here
- misGe'gits
- small
- na:dil-e
- they will be running around
- diq'a:n
- in the woods
- ła:n
- lots of it
- k'ike'
- tails
- ch'ischwe'n
- he made
- hay-yo:w yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n
- the Creator's helper
- hayahujit
- [then]
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- digyung
- right here
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'aht'in
- all of you
- ła'ay-ding
- in one place
- de:wohłts'e'-te
- you're going to stay there for the night
- ta:kiwh
- sweathouse
- me'
- in it
- haya:ł
- and then
- xutł'e'-dung'
- in the morning
- xutł'e'-dung'-ding
- early in the morning
- ch'e:nohsit-te
- you will wake up
- hay
- that
- te:sohloy'-te
- you're going to move out of the way
- hay k'iwinya'a:n
- humans
- widil
- coming
- ya:wung
- away from them
- xutł'e'-dung'-ding
- early in the morning
- ch'e:ya'te:sit
- they started waking up consecutively
- xontehł-taw
- Coyote
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- ch'inehł'e'n
- he looked them over
- o:
- oh!
- ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- 'ułchwo:n
- it's so pretty
- dungwho'owh xoke'
- somebody's tail
- dahsita:n
- it is sitting up there
- de:de:
- he realizes
- k'ił-na:dil
- Wolf
- xoke'
- his tail
- ch'e'ninya:-wint'e
- he went outside
- dime:n
- sharp (sticks)
- ch'ischwe'n
- he made
- 'a:dina:'
- his own eyelids
- me:w
- under
- no'k'ite:qot
- he placed them
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'inehste:n
- he went to bed
- xona:'
- his eyelids
- me:w
- under
- ya:k'isqot
- [they poke]
- xutł'e'-e:-mił
- in the middle of the night
- xowh
- we guess
- xo'ji xok'iwingwa'n
- he was sound asleep
- xona:'
- his eyes
- wayk'ite:qot
- they (the sticks) went through
- xona:'sits'-ne'in
- his eyelids
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xokiwun
- he was asleep
- diywho'owh
- some kind
- yehk'ine:ndin'-xola:n
- he saw a light was coming in
- de:de:
- oh!
- xahsyay
- it (sun) came up
- yehk'ine:nde'n
- a light was coming in
- ch'ite:te:'e'n
- he started to look around
- dungwhe'eh
- nobody
- ła'ay
- one
- wha:ne
- only
- k'ike'
- tail
- dahna:silwa'tł'
- it's laying there
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- ya'winta:n
- he picked it up
- xoke'
- his tail
- sile'n
- it became
- hay mich'in-ding
- for that reason
- ch'ina:n'
- [it is said]
- xontehl-taw
- Coyote
- xoke'
- his tail
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that time
- ch'itindil
- they're coming along
- q'ut
- okay
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay mich'in'-ding
- that's the reason why
- na:yaydil
- we're moving around
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n
- the Creator's helper
- q'ina'
- also
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a:nahdiyah-te
- it is going to become
- na:niwingwhon'-te
- it will change for the best
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xo:'-'a:ya'te:diyah-ne'in
- those that died
- 'aht'ing
- all
- ch'e:na'insit-te
- they're going to wake up
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- that (= Creator's helper)
- hay
- him
- xona:
- for him
- ya:dehsdilts'e
- we are waiting
The original recording has {na:na:ła'-xw-'unt'eh}, corrected by Mrs. Parker to just {na:na:ła'-xw} during transcription session