told by Verdena Parker
December 5, 2010
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- me:tsah-xosing-xw
- really
- niwho:n
- good
- ch'ixonehł'e:n
- to look upon
- 'a:'unt'e:
- he was
- haya:ł
- [and]
- hay
- that
- k'ehłtsa:n
- young lady
- tin
- a lot
- ch'ixwe'ilyo'
- she always liked him
- haya:ł
- [but]
- do: ch'ixolyo'
- he didn't like her
- haya:ł
- [and then]
*Another word, possibly {ch'in} 'they say', or a false start precedes this word.
- ning'isde'tł'-te:
- they're going to have a dance
- ch'idiwilye'-te:
- they're going to have the deerskin dance
- ma:n
- for that reason
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- they told her
- ła:n
- a lot
- de:di
- of it
- nunt'oh
- stir
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- tehk'ime:tł'
- she threw it into the water
- q'ut
- [now]
- hayahujit
- [and]
- ta'na:n
- water
- me'
- in it
- sixa:n
- it has
- tse:
- rocks
- dahsilay
- they are on it
- q'ut
- [now]
- niwingwho'n
- they are ready
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ya'wilay
- she picked them up
- tehch'iwime:tł'
- she threw them in
- ch'ixone:ł'e'n
- she looked at him
- hayi
- [him]
- wha:ne:
- just
- ch'ixone:ł'e'n
- she looked at him
- do: mina:na'wiliwh
- she forgot*
- hay na:'ust'oh-te:-ne'in
- she's supposed to be stirring
*literally, 'she didin't remember'
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- dungwho'owh
- somebody
- ch'iqa:l
- was walking by
- 'a'de:ne'
- and they said
- wa:k'inilit
- it's burnt through
- me:w
- underneath of it
- ch'e:wilin
- it's running out
- sa'xa:wh
- acorn soup
- wa:k'inilit
- it's burnt through
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- hayi mich'in'-ding
- for that reason
- ya'xo:ngwhe'
- they named him
- xoch'in'-ding
- because of him
- wa:k'ilit
- it burns through
- na:xowehsye'
- his name became