Pear Film
told by Verdena Parker
February 24, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- diywho'owh
- something
- ky'a:tilchweh-ts'iw
- it is making a noise, crying
- nondiyo:s-e:
- the picture is appearing
- diywho'owh
- something
- sixa:n-e:
- it's sitting there in a container
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears*
- ya:'ułchwe:-ye:
- it looks like they are picking
literally, 'upside-down - they hang'
- tin
- really
- nikya:w
- big
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ya:'ułchwe:-ye:
- they are picking
- dahts'isye:n
- he's standing up there
- łiqay
- white
- me'
- [in it]
- haya:ł
- [and]
- q'osta:n
- hat
- łiqay
- white
- na:'ułch'a:t
- he's wearing it
- na:lts'it-e:
- it fell
- na:na'widyay-e:
- he got down
- xoje:'-din
- on the front side of him
- nahłtsis
- it hangs
- me'
- [in it]
- no'liwh
- where he's putting it
- haya:ł
- [and]
- k'iwitł'o:n
- woven
- hayah
- there
- me'
- [in it]
- na'dehłwa:tł'-e:
- he emptied it out
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- me'
- in it
- sa'a:n-e:
- there is
- q'ut
- already
- haya:ł
- and then
- xoq'os-kin
- around his neck
- no:na:lye:ts'
- he has it tied
- hayi 'a't'e:n-e:
- the guy that's doing it
- ch'iłchwe:
- picking them
- tsung
- apron
- łiqay
- white
- me:na:'ułtsa:n
- he's wearing it
- mije:'-din
- on the front
- me'
- on it
- wilchwe:n
- it has
- hay yehch'iliwh-ding
- a pouch
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a:diq'os-kin
- around his own neck
- ch'e:na'niłkyo:s
- he took it out from
- hijit
- and then
- wa:nun'diwinchwit-e:
- he wiped it off
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- the pear
- na:na:'isow
- he shined it
- hayahujit
- then
- 'a:diq'os-kin
- around his neck
- na:'islo'y-e:
- he tied it back around
- haya:ł
- and then
- tina:wh
- to go
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- k'e:na'usdiy
- he went back up it
- hayahujit
- and
- k'iye:
- again
- na:'ułchwe:-ye:
- he's picking
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- wildahł-wilchwe:n
- something made to run along
- nahx
- two
- yiwiłtul-e:
- he's kicking it along
- kile:xich
- boy
- hayi
- him
- q'in'
- also
- q'osta:n
- hat
- dahna:sita:n
- it is on
- haya:ł
- [and] now
- de:di
- here
- xundin
- really close
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- right there
- no:nła:t-e:
- he stopped
- hayi
- that
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- hayahujit
- and then
- no:yning'a:n-e:
- he put it down
- hayah
- right there
- haya:ł
- and then
- no:ningxits'-e:
- it fell over
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ningyay-e:
- he came to it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- yaywing'a:n-e:
- he picked it up
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:yixone:ł'e'n-e:
- he looked at him
- dahna'way
- person who is up
- haya:ł
- and then
- ya:ywingxa:n-e:
- he picked it up
- 'aht'ing
- all of it
- k'iwitł'o:n
- woven
- me'
- in it
- hayahujit
- [and then]
- ya:na:ywing'a:n-e:
- he picked it back up
- hayahujit
- and then
- 'a:dije:'-din
- in front of him
- dahyiwingxa:n-e:
- he set it down on it
- hay k'iwitł'o:n
- the woven basket
- me'
- in it
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ła:n
- lots of it
- xe'e:na:nła:t-e:
- he left
- xa:t'i
- still
- ch'iłchwe:-ye:
- he's picking
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- hayah
- there
- mił
- with him
- na:ldida:l-e:
- it's going along
- mije:'-din
- [in front of him]
- dahsixa:n
- it's sitting
- ła:n
- a lot of
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- me'
- in it
- sa'a:n
- is sitting
- mitsehstł'on'
- her braids
- ne:s
- are long
- haya:ł
- and then
- me:da'ay
- her hair
- łiwhin-e:
- it is black
- haya:ł
- and then
- mił
- [with him]
- na:ldida:l
- it is coming [along]
- hayah
- [there]
- xowa:ywinła:t-e:
- she came up close to him
- haya:ł
- and then
- xowayndiwinta:n
- she took it off him
- mich'in'-din
- because of that
- tse:
- rock
- me'winła:di
- he ran into
- na:dehsme:tł'-e:
- it spilled
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'-ne'in
- the pears
- ninch'ing'-xw
- on the ground
- no:k'iningyo:wh
- they fell all over
- xoh
- in vain
- na:'ułchwo:k-e:
- he's brushing off
- 'a:dits'ine'
- his own leg
- haya:ł
- and then
- ła:n
- [a lot]
- ch'iqa:l-e:
- they were walking along
- ya'xonehł'e:n-e:
- they were looking at him
- ya:na:ya'wila:y-e:
- they picked them up
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- the pears
- hayahujit
- and then
- na:ya:'uschwo:k-e:
- they are rubbing it off
- hay
- that which
- chwin
- dirty
- sile'n
- it became
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'aht'in
- all of it
- me'
- in it
- no:na:ya'nilay-e:
- they put them back
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- the pears
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- q'ina'
- also
- na:ne:l-e:
- he's playing
- diywho'owh
- something
- k'ijiwolch
- a ball
- wun-nahłtsis
- it's hanging on
- na:yiłq'a:s-e:
- he's throwing it around
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- tse:
- rock
- nikya:w
- big
- ya:na'wing'a:n
- he picked it up
- xe'e:na'wiłq'a:s-e:
- he threw it
- hayahujit
- and then
- ch'itindil-e:
- I see them walking along
- haya:ł
- and then
- na'wiłdima:sil-e:
- he's rolling it along
- hayah
- [there]
- diywho'owh
- something
- ya:'ułtsa:n-e:
- I see them find
- q'osta:n
- a hat
- silwa:tł'-e:
- laying there
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'ixo:ya:diwiłye:wh-e:
- they whistled at him
- xoq'osta:n'
- his hat
- silwa:tł'
- it is laying there
- hayahujit
- and then
- xoch'in'
- to him
- na'tehsta:n-e:
- he took it back
- haya:ł
- and then
- na'wida:l-e:
- he's walking back
- xoch'in'
- to him
- haya:ł
- and then
- xoch'in'
- to him
- ch'ixe:ne:wh-e:
- he talked
- hayahujit
- and then
- q'osta:n
- hat
- dahna'winta:n-e:
- he put it back on
- haya:ł
- then
- hay xowa:'ilay-e:
- he gave it to him
- dunłungwho'
- several of them
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- hayahujit
- and then
- na'tehsdiyay-e:
- he started going back
- na'wida:l-e:
- he's walking along
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- those
- xowun-na:ya'ndiyay-e:
- he came back to them
- xona: ya'dehłts'e:
- that are waiting for him
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayi
- that
- xowa:ya'te:lay-e:
- he handed them to them
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- the pears
- 'aht'in
- all
- ła'a
- one
- xowa:d'a:n
- they got it
- hayahujit
- and then
- na:ya'tehsde:tł'-e:
- they started to go along
- na:ya'widil-e:
- they're going along
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay diywho'owh
- that thing
- k'ijiwolch
- ball
- wun-nahłtsis
- attached to it
- hayi
- that
- mił
- with it
- na:na'ne:l-e:
- he's playing
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:na'widya:-tehł
- he's about to get down
- hay
- that
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ch'iłchwe:
- who was picking
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- na:'undiyay-e:
- he is back down
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- the pears
- [na'te:te:'e'n-e:]
- [he looked at them]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ch'inehł'e'n-e:
- he looked at it
- ch'o:na:łtuq'-e:
- I'm seeing him counting it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ya:yky'a:n-e:
- I see them eating
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'owh k'ijiwolch mił nahłtsis
- paddle ball
- q'ina'
- also
- mił
- with it
- na:ya:ne:l-e:
- they're playing
- łiwung
- one person
- na:ya:widil-e:
- they're walking
- do: hayi-xw ya:yo:ne:
- they're not paying any attention
- do: xoch'in' ya:yixine:wh
- they never spoke to him
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł' ch'iłchwe:
- the pear-picker